Motives of Raskolnikov’s crime in the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”

We will consider the classic of Russian literature at the heart of the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky. Motives of Raskolnikov’s crime, his views on modernity and the main life path of a killer hero.

Dostoevsky, his novel and modern reader

The novel "Crime and Punishment" is included in the school curriculum and for many years now makes us think about the problem of crime. What leads a criminal? What effect does the environment have on a person prone to crime? Is there a struggle within a person with himself? You can find the answer to many of all these questions in the work that Dostoevsky created,

Motives of crime Raskolnikov

Raskolnikov is a hero who has gone all the way of internal torment. But the novel would have been devoid of any meaning if it contained only what was happening in the inflamed brain of the killer. The value of this unique literary masterpiece is that a person always interacts with other people.

What pushed Raskolnikov to a crime

The heroes of the novel are revealed by Dostoevsky with understanding and depth. Raskolnikov’s motives for crime do not lie on the surface, as it seems from the first reading. Only a careful and thoughtful study of the content of the novel will give a complete picture of the quest for the protagonist. Not a stupid, educated young man forced to eke out a miserable existence. But it contains a grain of kindness and humanity. He sees that people who are much worse than him are rich. They live in luxury.

Is it possible to change everything? Why is the whole society divided into those who have all the rights. These people do not observe the principles of morality enshrined in human society. They are forced to serve those who are much higher than their spiritual and moral.

What is the main reason for the crime of Raskolnikov

What is the main reason for the crime of Raskolnikov

Murder is a crime, a terrible crime against people and God. It is necessary to study the work in detail and figure out what are the motives of the crime of Raskolnikov. The murder is committed by a seemingly completely harmless person. He is not rich, without claims to anything in this life. He is very burdened by the life injustice of the oppression of some people by others. God created everyone in his image, why is there such a separation in society?


Raskolnikov's theme is present on every page of the work. It cannot be otherwise. This is the main hero, who experiences painful experiences, he sees iconic dreams. Dostoevsky specifically cites these dreams in the novel to emphasize the highest degree of torment that does not leave Raskolnikov even in brief moments of oblivion in the arms of Morpheus.

What did he see before the murder? Rodion dreamed of a boy in front of whom an emaciated horse was being beaten. The animal is dying. Raskolnikov protests, is indignant. But this is a silent spiritual protest. The writer shows his reader that the hero is not hopeless, there is a place in his soul for sympathy and compassion.

the main motive for the crime of Raskolnikov

The motives for Raskolnikov’s crime are gradually becoming clear. The whole life of humiliated and insulted people passes before the eyes of a young man. All of them are doomed to slow death. Unhappy Sonya Marmeladova, Rodion's family - they are very similar in their despair. Sonya sells herself so that her brother and sisters have a piece of bread. Raskolnikov’s sister is going to sacrifice her life by marrying an unloved person. She does not think about herself, the family is poor. And what is the main character doing in this situation?

A horse that was killed to death provokes a terrible plan that originated in an inflamed consciousness. The theory of selectivity explains the motives of Raskolnikov’s crime, since he ranks himself among these “chosen ones”. He is trying to prove that this is actually so. Prove first of all to yourself. Rodion’s intentions are good: he wants to help the family, he doesn’t want his sister Dunya to repeat the fate of Sonya Marmeladova sooner or later .

Raskolnikov's theme

Motives of crime Raskolnikov cleared up, but did the killing bring him the desired satisfaction? The old woman-percussionist, according to the hero, is a miserable creature, stripping everyone like a sticky one. How can such a woman live in the world. The logic of the criminal is understandable. But what prevented Lizaveta Raskolnikov? What was she guilty of before the murderer, did she oppress him, lend money? But what completely justified would be the main motive for Raskolnikov’s crime: to restore justice and help his relatives.

Only Dostoevsky makes an important warning to readers of the novel. One crime will entail others. Man has already crossed the line of what is permitted, he does not have the right take the life of another.

Did Raskolnikov lose his human appearance

Having committed an inhuman act, outwardly Raskolnikov did not turn into an greedy beast. However, all surrounding reality is changing for the killer. But there is still a light of hope for salvation. Suffering, torment, invoking the hero’s conscience make him become a lonely outcast. Inwardly Rodion is broken. The necessary words in order to restore peace of mind and instill goodness in the soul of the criminal, Dostoevsky instructs the representative of the law to pronounce the investigator Porfiry Petrovich. He gives advice to Raskolnikov so that he becomes something noticeable, like the sun, high and kind, giving light and warmth to other people.

Dostoevsky schismatics

What is the main reason for the crime of Raskolnikov? In the fact that the hero came to the thought of real life with good and love.

Does Raskolnikov have a choice

Dostoevsky reveals the story of a crime committed by the hero of the novel. It shows the entire readership that a person who has committed an illegal act cannot live with impunity. At the same time, the writer touches on some features of the spiritual life of society, its moral and moral problems. Whether Rodion Raskolnikov has a choice in the current situation or not is difficult to say for sure. But it would be right not to kill, not to deprive people of the life granted by God.

The path of Raskolnikov

The novel Crime and Punishment is a philosophical and deeply realistic work. Everything described in the content looks believable. Raskolnikov embarked on the path of crime. It's his choice. He believed that in this way he would be able to help not only himself, but also his family. The hero is tormented, tormented, but not all readers will sympathize with him. One of God's commandments says: "Do not kill!" And it could not be otherwise, because life is given to man only once.

What is the outcome of the killer's path

Raskolnikov’s path to murder is extremely difficult. The reader sees his thoughts, his inner world and experiences, in full view. Each of his actions accompanies a return to himself. Doubts, questions, the ability to convincingly prove that he is on the right track. Raskolnikov does not want blood, but is completely calmly next to the women he killed, trying to hide from the witnesses of his crime. But then he justifies himself, saying that the old woman is old.

The theory of "superman" has never helped the heroes of literary works to become better.


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