Amaranth - the flower of the future

Do you know about a plant like amaranth? Did you hear something? Do you know that it is simply incredibly useful for the human body?

Amaranth - the flower of the future

So, even the ancient Incas and Aztecs cultivated this plant along with corn and stevia. Amaranth seeds served as the main food of the Indians. Recognizing the healing power of the flower, they called it nothing more than "golden seeds sent by God." But the conquistadors, having conquered South America, imposed a strict ban on the cultivation of such a plant as amaranth. The flower eventually went into oblivion. And all due to the fact that the figures of the pagan gods of the Aztecs and Incas were fashioned from dough made from amaranth flour. But after millennia, amaranth flowers (photo you see below) are again gaining their positions in agriculture.

amaranth flower

Plant description

Amaranth is an ornamental plant with bright purple flowers hanging like tongues of flame. Tall plant: reaches a meter in height, and sometimes more. The name "amaranth" is translated as "unfading flower".

Amaranth - flower doctor

Why did this plant become popular again? This is because its seeds and leaves contain many vitamins and minerals: stearic, palmitic, linoleic, arachidonic, oleic acid. I would like to once again note linoleic acid, in this plant it contains up to 50%. This acid is not synthesized in the body, therefore it must be supplied with food. Oil seeds are 2% vitamin E in a particularly active form. But the most valuable thing is that amaranth contains squalene from 5 to 15%. This truly magical substance is abundant in shark liver. And amaranth has no equal in the content of squalene. Squalene is used as an antitumor agent, as well as an immunostimulant. In cosmetology, amaranth oil is used to prevent wrinkles. Squalene is part of luxury anti-aging cosmetics. But not only seeds are valuable in this plant: leaves and stems have no less benefit. If you have a headache or are on the verge of a nervous breakdown, drink tea brewed from amaranth leaves. It is also useful to take such an infusion for diabetes and for the prevention of cancer.

amaranth flowers photo

Amaranth - a flower of beauty and youth

On the basis of the oil and leaves of this plant, you can prepare various lotions, creams, masks at home. Wipe your face twice a day with the infusion of the leaves of this flower. And you will almost immediately notice that there are much less wrinkles. Amaranth leaves and stems are also very tasty, but you already know that they are also useful. Try to make a tonic salad, you will surely like it. To do this, mix amaranth leaves, flowers and nasturtium leaves, add fresh green peas and lettuce. Season with lemon juice and vegetable oil. Bon Appetit!

amaranth Price

Amaranth: price

The price of seeds of this plant depends on the variety and packaging. So, a hundred-gram package will cost from 30 to 100 rubles. Amaranth oil is quite expensive, the price of 20 ml will be about 500 rubles. But believe me, the benefits of the purchased product will more than pay off the costs.


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