Large-fruited tomato varieties: cultivation and care

Large-fruited tomato varieties are particularly pleasing in their juiciness and heroic size. In order to get large, amazingly tasty fruits, you need to tune in to success and choose tomatoes of suitable varieties. Large-fruited tomatoes are ideal for salads, soups, and some other dishes. Their assortment is diverse: tall variety, large, small, sweet, spicy, undersized tomato, large-fruited, they also differ in color and shape. Invariably, only one thing is the taste, which is much richer than the taste of ordinary varieties.

Large-fruited tomato varieties are presented with a wide range of nutrients for people who choose not only tasty, but also healthy food. So pink varieties of tomatoes contain the necessary amount of carotenoid pigment (lycopene), which is able to prevent the development of tumors. Also, in large-fruited tomatoes, there is an increased content of dry matter, beta-carotene (is provitamin A), sugar, due to which tomatoes can be used in the preparation of dessert dishes.

In order to grow large-fruited varieties of tomatoes, you need to observe some conditions. The first thing to do is determine which variety you want to grow. For example, the variety "Bull's heart" is especially popular among summer residents, tomatoes of this variety have a wonderful taste, they are equally tasty to eat fresh or to use in cooking various dishes. Another variety of large-fruited tomatoes - "Pudovik" ("Sevruga"), has very large fruits that resemble the heart in shape and have a pronounced raspberry red color. The taste of this variety is rich and slightly sweet. There are more than a hundred different varieties of large-fruited tomatoes, in which it is important not to get lost.

Further, in order to grow large-fruited tomatoes, you should not rely on early sowing, it is better to sow seeds in early April, when there will be more sun, such seedlings will be stronger and yield much higher. If you want to plant such a bush in a greenhouse, make sure that the distance between adjacent bushes is not less than 70 - 85 centimeters. For the best quality of the fruit, the bush should be grown in one stem, so that nothing would interfere with it. The first inflorescence must be removed. It is necessary to feed the earth under the bush with fertilizers that contain potassium, phosphorus, etc. Top dressing should not be intense, if “underfeeding” or “overfeeding”, then the crop may turn out to be flawed. Large-fruited varieties of tomatoes do not need to be watered and fed often. Make sure that the earth is not moist all the time, with moist and moist soil, ripening tomatoes are affected by various fungal diseases that can harm the entire seedlings. Ripe tomatoes crack in greenhouses more often than if they are in the open air, which can be very frustrating for those who grow tomatoes for sale. This happens because in hot weather during the day the plants do not have enough moisture in the greenhouse, the roots of the plant do not have time to raise the right amount. At night in the greenhouse, the plant eagerly absorbs moisture, the fruits, supersaturated with water, stretch, which forms cracks in the skin of a tomato. The best way to avoid cracking tomatoes in hot weather is to often water them or install drip irrigation.

If you get lost in a rich assortment of seeds of large-fruited tomatoes, it is easiest to make inquiries with experienced gardeners or buy seeds in special stores where you will be consulted and offered the best options for tomato seeds from well-known and popular producers. High-quality varieties of seeds are guaranteed to give an abundant and generous harvest. Seeds should be resistant to various diseases and be famous for good germination.


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