Sights of Sergiev Posad: description, history and photo

In Russia there are a large number of beautiful cities. Among them is Sergiev Posad, the sights of which are described in the article. From the beautiful monuments of architecture, temples and museums, you can read the history of this amazingly attractive place from a book. Sights of Sergiev Posad are of interest to tourists not only from Russia, but also from other countries.

Sights of Sergiev Posad

A bit of history: curious facts

If you want to get acquainted with the historical past of our homeland, then you should definitely come to Sergiev Posad, the sights of which include more than two hundred architectural monuments. There are a lot of interesting myths about this city. Here are the most interesting of them:

  • In the XIV century, a manโ€™s monastery was created here, but long before it there was a wooden church and several cells.
  • Such famous personalities as writers Ivan Turgenev, Nikolai Gogol, actor Mikhail Schepkin, philanthropist Savva Mamontov and many others came here. At different times, Sergey Aksakov, Valentin Serov, Ilya Repin lived here.
  • Its name - Sergiev Posad - the city received by order of Catherine II.
  • The icon painter Andrei Rublev worked on the painting of many churches here.
  • At the beginning of the 19th century, the Theological Academy was transferred to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
  • Among the first inhabitants of the city were artisans, peasants, pilgrims who came here from various places in Russia.
Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra

Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra

We begin our acquaintance with the most famous landmark of the city near Moscow. This is the Holy Trinity Lavra. Itโ€™s worth to come to Sergiev Posad at least in order to get acquainted with this place. Tourists not only from Russia, but also from other cities of the world seek to visit a unique architectural complex. Here is one of the largest male monasteries in Russia. The history of the Holy Trinity Lavra can serve as a plot for dozens of thick novels. The monastery was completely burned by the Tatar-Mongols and besieged by Polish-Lithuanian troops. Here, before an important battle, Dmitry Donskoy was blessed and Ivan the Terrible was baptized, and royal people made a pilgrimage here.

The complex of structures includes not only a monastery, but also temples, courtyards, towers, etc. This is a real museum, which is located in the open air. Before entering the territory, guests are greeted by a monument to Sergius of Radonezh, who is the founder of the monastery. A special solemnity to the interior is given by a large number of wall paintings. The whole complex is surrounded by a stone wall, on top of which once guns were installed to protect against external enemies.

Toy Museum in Sergiev Posad

The most interesting museums

Many residents of the city with great pleasure on weekends and holidays visit the sights of Sergiev Posad (what to see, we will tell a little later). The museum is the place where people come to get acquainted with interesting and curious facts, thereby enriching their inner world. Why else do visitors come here? In the museums of Sergiev Posad, you can get acquainted with the history of the region, watch performances, and even take part in master classes. We offer you a glimpse into:

  • Toy Museum. It will be interesting to come here not only for children, but also for adults. Here is a unique collection of author's dolls, toy exhibits from around the world and much more. Under the guidance of experienced professionals, the museum hosts various classes in which you can make a doll or other toy. There is also a shop selling a large number of souvenirs. It will be very nice to bring home a beautiful doll or a painted nesting doll, and possibly a board game, from a trip to Sergiev Posad.
  • The house-museum "Once upon a time". Another place that deserves close attention. Museum of peasant life was founded by local artist Viktor Bagrov. Visitors with great pleasure look at old irons, samovars, kitchen utensils and other items.
  • "Horse yard". It is located on the banks of the White Pond. This museum complex is one of the oldest architectural monuments of the city. Here are rare exhibits that were found during archaeological excavations.

Folk crafts

From the history of the city it is known for certain that people here at all times loved to engage in various crafts. The museum, which will be discussed now, is dedicated to folk crafts. It contains a large number of exhibits made of wood. There are very small objects, as well as huge ones. Both that and others cause invariable interest of visitors. Near it is the Toy Museum, which is very convenient for tourists: it is possible to visit two interesting places at once.

Exhibition Hall "Bells of Rus"

Exhibition Hall "Bells of Rus"

In the world there are a variety of collections - soft toys, porcelain figurines, stamps, painted trays and many others. On Friendship Street, 14 A in the city of Sergiev Posad is a museum in which you can see a large number of bells. They are made of stone, wood and other materials. Here you can try on the role of a ringer, go through special procedures to improve the body with bell ringing and try tea with various sweets. Museum workers are happy to talk about the history of the creation of bells, as well as the effect of bell sounds on the human body. Positive emotions, unforgettable impressions and a charge of vivacity are guaranteed to everyone who comes here.

The nature of Sergiev Posad

Sergiev Posad: attractions

What to see in the winter in this beautiful city? We will try to answer this question. In winter, the sights of Sergiev Posad look especially elegant and solemn. Multi-colored lights of New Year's garlands and falling snow gives them even more charm. If you came to Sergiev Posad in the winter, then be sure to pay attention to the local parks:

  • "Skitsky ponds." Various festivals and city holidays are held here.
  • Kelar Pond. It is located at the very walls of the Holy Trinity Lavra. It offers stunning views of the temples and monasteries of the city.
Ponds of Sergiev Posad

Interesting places: description

Sights of Sergiev Posad attract the attention of tourists from all over the world. We have already told you about some of them. What other interesting places will be interesting for visitors in Sergiev Posad? Sights (photos of some of them are presented in the article) include not only architectural monuments, but also temples, museums, cultural institutions, night clubs, restaurants and bars. We invite you to get acquainted with some more places that guests of the city like to visit:

  • Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. One of the beautiful temples of the city is located near the center. Its bright blue walls can be seen from afar.
  • Chapel Pyatnitsky well. Locals and tourists come here to collect spring water, which is considered healing.
  • Shopping center "Shopping arcade". Here you can buy food, clothing, shoes, as well as other items needed in the household. There are four floors in the shopping center, if you get tired of walking, you can relax and eat delicious food in the Yolki Palki restaurant.
  • Karaoke club Sinatra. A cozy atmosphere and high quality service distinguishes one of the most favorite vacation spots of citizens. Even if your vocal data leaves much to be desired, here you can become a real star. Professional equipment provides impeccable sound.
Sergiev Posad

Tourists reviews

Sights of Sergiev Posad evoke bright and elevated feelings among tourists. There are so many of them in the city that it will take more than one day to get to know the most interesting places. Many guests of the city note that they donโ€™t feel like rushing anywhere. The rush and bustle that is characteristic of large cities in Sergiev Posad is simply inappropriate. It is worth coming here for a few days or weeks to enjoy the beauty and charm of this ancient Russian city, as well as get acquainted with various crafts. Sights of Sergiev Posad will leave unforgettable memories that will warm you for a long time.


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