Which is better - a ceramic block or aerated concrete: comparison, properties and characteristics

Own house should be durable, beautiful and comfortable, so as not to freeze in winter and not to steam in summer. The fulfillment of these conditions depends not only on the observance of the technology of the work, but also on the correct choice of wall material.


Traditional materials for building walls are wood, clay bricks and gas silicate blocks. The modern construction industry offers developers new options to speed up the construction period, while maintaining the bearing capacity and thermal insulation qualities of the exterior walls of residential buildings.

sizes of ceramic blocks for construction

We are talking about porous ceramic blocks or aerated concrete, and not everyone knows what is best to buy. To make the right choice, you should familiarize yourself with their properties, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages.

Aerated concrete block. Production Methods and Performance

To understand the advantages and disadvantages of aerated concrete, you need to find out what it is.

Aerated concrete blocks

For its production, binders and silica components, water and aluminum powder are used. As binders used:

  • lime;
  • cement;
  • ash;
  • slags;
  • a mixture of the listed binders.

Silica filler select quartz sand, ash and other industrial waste suitable for recycling. A simplified manufacturing process is as follows: astringent and siliceous components are mixed with water to a certain consistency, aluminum powder is added and the mixture is poured into molds.

Aluminum powder reacts with an astringent component to produce hydrogen. In the process of gas generation, hydrogen bubbles in large quantities fill the material, from which it acquires excellent operational properties: lightness, low thermal conductivity and environmental cleanliness.

Production nuances

Aerated concrete is produced by autoclave and hydration methods. Already by the name it is clear that in order to obtain the final product in the first case, the formed blocks are subjected to high pressure and temperature treatment in special devices - autoclaves. At the same time, the product itself acquires increased strength, differs in the correct geometric dimensions, and the processing process is significantly accelerated.

construction of houses from aerated concrete

The hydration, or natural method of hardening, has a long duration. In some cases, an increase in temperature of up to 100 degrees is used to accelerate it. By strength, such aerated concrete is inferior to autoclaved.


When purchasing aerated concrete, the properties and characteristics of the material must be taken into account. In terms of strength and density, the material can be:

  • heat insulating;
  • structurally insulating;
  • structural.

The least dense is insulating aerated concrete. It can not be used for masonry exterior walls and partitions. But it has the lowest thermal conductivity and has proven itself as a heater. Its density is 300-400 kg / m 3 .

The density of structural heat-insulating concrete varies from 500 to 800 kg / m 3 . It is most popular among builders, having a sufficiently low thermal conductivity and at the same time high load-bearing capacity. This allows you to use it for the construction of external walls and not spend additional funds on their insulation.

Section aerated concrete

Structural aerated concrete is characterized by the highest density, from 900 to 1200 kg / m 3 , which makes it an excellent wall material. However, due to its increased density, it has less porosity and, accordingly, high thermal conductivity. When erecting structural elements from structural aerated concrete, additional insulation or an increase in the thickness of the outer walls is required.

Dimensional accuracy

The difference in manufacturing methods affects the accuracy of the geometric dimensions of aerated concrete blocks. According to this parameter, products from this material are divided into three categories:

  1. The first category includes blocks whose deviations from the given sizes do not exceed 1.5 mm.
  2. In the second category, deviations of not more than 2 mm and broken angles are allowed.
  3. In the third category, the damage to the corners can reach 10 mm, with a permissible deviation of the external dimensions of not more than 4 mm.

Blocks of the first and second categories are laid on special glue. Products classified in the third category are placed only on the solution. In this case, cold bridges are formed in larger numbers than when laying blocks of the first two categories.

aerated concrete house estimates

Savings in the cost of materials will lead to a deterioration in the thermal insulation ability of the external walls or to additional costs for their insulation. Therefore, out of blocks of this category, it is recommended to erect farm buildings: garages, workshops, sheds.

The advantages of aerated concrete

Like any building material, aerated concrete has its pros and cons. Comparing them, you can get a balance that allows the developer to make his choice.

The unconditional advantages of aerated concrete include:

  1. Light weight. The load on the foundation from aerated concrete walls is much lower than from brick or walls made of ceramic products.
  2. One aerated concrete block when replacing it in a wall will replace two ceramic ones. This will allow you to finish the construction of elements in a shorter time.
  3. The precise geometry of the autoclaved blocks contributes to better masonry. No time is spent aligning them during the construction process.
  4. The environmental indicator is slightly inferior to the tree. It can be said that after wooden walls aerated concrete is the most environmentally friendly.
  5. The fire resistance is not inferior to brick and ceramic blocks.
  6. The material is easily processed, takes any form, with virtually no waste.
  7. Frost resistance is quite high, reaches 100 cycles of freezing and thawing.
  8. Vapor permeability. Aerated concrete absorbs moisture well and also gives it well in a dry room, which helps maintain a comfortable microclimate.
  9. The strength of aerated concrete is sufficient for the construction of two-story buildings.
  10. The material can be made with your own hands in the presence of source materials, some equipment and familiarization with the relevant instructions. In this case, hydration hardening material with a reduced density and unsuitable for multi-story buildings will be obtained.
  11. Excellent thermal conductivity. The costs of insulation and heating are reduced.
  12. The price of aerated concrete can be considered low (from 2900 to 3100 rubles / m3), if we compare it with the cost of bricks and ceramic blocks.
  13. There are enough manufacturers to choose the right material at the right price. For example, aerated concrete blocks 600x300x200 cm are popular.

In total, the material under consideration has at least 13 advantages.

Cons of aerated concrete

But there are drawbacks, and quite serious:

  1. The vapor permeability, which is taken into account in the pluses, is also a minus. At low temperatures, the moisture accumulated in the pores of the blocks freezes and can cause their destruction.
  2. The material is significantly brittle, which must be taken into account when loading and transporting.
  3. At the end of construction, the material shrinks. Its value is relatively small, not more than 0.3 mm per square meter, but taking into account the fragility in the walls during shrinkage, cracks necessarily appear.
  4. After completion of the construction of walls from aerated concrete blocks, a prerequisite is the installation of a reinforced belt. This adds complexity to the whole process and requires the participation of qualified specialists.
  5. To protect the walls from moisture absorption, it is necessary to perform high-quality and correctly completed finishing work.
  6. One of the minuses is the lack of mechanical strength of aerated concrete walls when radiators and heating pipes are attached to them. Without special devices, this can not be done. Walls cannot withstand the weight of appliances. For the same reason, the flooring device is made only of wood and wooden beams. This reduces sound permeability and complicates the decoration of ceilings.

Properties of ceramic blocks

Ceramic blocks also have advantages and disadvantages. It is more correct to call them porous ceramic blocks.

The starting material in their production is clay. When forming stones, clay is mixed with sawdust, which burns out during firing, forming pores. Thanks to the microporous structure, the thermal insulation properties of ceramic blocks significantly exceed ordinary brick and are not much different from aerated concrete.

Ceramic block

Available in various sizes, facial and ordinary, with a smooth and corrugated surface.

Advantages of Ceramics

Not everyone knows which is better - a ceramic block or aerated concrete. Of the positive qualities of the first, the following are noted:

  1. The volume of one block corresponds to 14 ordinary bricks, but much lighter than them, which helps to accelerate the masonry process.
  2. Relatively light weight does not transfer significant loads to the foundation.
  3. The tongue surfaces of the blocks form a ridge / groove joint, which allows them to be positioned in a row with high accuracy and reduces the consumption of the masonry composition, since filling joints is not required.
  4. The material is highly durable. Manufacturers guarantee a minimum of 50 years.
  5. Ceramic blocks are distinguished by increased sound insulation, due to their cellular structure.
  6. It is not inferior to environmental friendliness to aerated concrete, since it is manufactured without the use of toxic and toxic materials.
  7. It has high fire resistance.
  8. Low thermal conductivity. It retains heat well.
  9. The ability to saturate with moisture does not exceed 10 percent.

Disadvantages of ceramic products

Among the minuses in the construction of houses from ceramic blocks, the most important thing is the high cost of products. A house built from such material will cost the owner 15% more than a similar-sized aerated concrete building.

In addition, during the construction of houses made of ceramic blocks, the following are among the minuses:

  1. According to GOST, deviations from dimensions in width and height from +1 to –5 mm are allowed. This adversely affects the quality of the masonry.
  2. Due to its special strength, the material is difficult to process. It is cut only by a grinder with a diamond wheel.
  3. The internal partitions forming the cellular structure of the block are quite fragile, which should be taken into account when transporting and loading and unloading.

Comparative characteristics of aerated concrete and ceramic blocks

To decide on the choice of the best material for construction, you should resort to a comparison of aerated concrete and ceramic blocks, the dimensions for the construction of which are different. Technical and operational characteristics are presented in tabular form:

Name of characteristics

Differences and match characteristics. Choosing the best option.

Construction time

The dimensions of both materials are large enough, which can significantly speed up the process of erecting walls, compared with masonry with ordinary brick. Ceramic block is more difficult to process, this difference is not decisive.

Thermal conductivity

Both materials are distinguished by good performance. But ceramic blocks are denser. Aerated concrete is slightly inferior in this regard.

Strength characteristics

In this parameter, aerated concrete is significantly inferior to ceramic blocks.

Wall Thickness Recommendations

To balance this figure, the walls of ceramic blocks should be 200 mm thicker.

Do the walls need compulsory decoration

Aerated concrete walls definitely require subsequent finishing, both according to technological requirements, and from the point of view of aesthetics. Facing ceramic blocks do not require finishing.

Moisture absorbing ability

Due to its porosity, aerated concrete absorbs significantly more moisture than ceramic blocks. This is a serious minus.

Shrink ability

Most exposed to aerated concrete. Shrinkage contributes to the appearance of cracks in aerated concrete walls, which can not be said about ceramics.

Application differences

Walls and partitions are made of both materials. However, unlike ceramic material, there are no cladding blocks in the line of aerated concrete products.

Cost difference

A one-story house made of ceramic blocks will cost its owner at least 15% more expensive than the cost reflected in the estimate of the house made of aerated concrete. The two- and three-story mansions of their ceramic blocks are far from affordable for everyone. That is, the price of aerated concrete is lower.

Do it yourself

Ceramic blocks are uniquely made only industrially. Aerated concrete, without an autoclave, can be made independently.

Differences in the performance of masonry walls

There are no special differences. Aerated concrete blocks should be reinforced every four rows. After the end of masonry work, the products are necessarily reinforced with a reinforced frame. When erecting walls of ceramic blocks, this is not required.


As can be seen from the table above, it is difficult to answer the question: which material is better - aerated concrete or ceramic block, which one to choose from. Each has its positive and negative sides. The choice is up to the developer.

aerated concrete: properties and characteristics


Those who are more concerned with the strength and moisture resistance of the future home can opt for ceramic blocks. Those who consider this material too expensive for themselves will choose aerated concrete. Additionally, when asking what is better - a ceramic block or aerated concrete, it is recommended to consult with a specialist.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7201/

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