Scottish Highland: breed description

A cat is an ideal pet for a city apartment. Seeing a photo of the Scottish Highland Straight, many are tempted to buy such a thoroughbred beauty for themselves. A tender cat with a round muzzle and large eyes is able to immediately win the heart of the future owner. How to choose a thoroughbred pet and then how to care for it? Learn from this article.

Historical reference

The Highland Straight breed originated in Scotland. In the 18th century, farmers living in mountainous areas discovered these beautiful animals. Scottish Highland Straight had an unusual appearance, which they conquered cat lovers.

In 1961, breeders introduced the world to furry beauties at an exhibition. Thanks to many years of selection work, cats have acquired a beautiful fur coat that does not need unnecessarily laborious care. But despite the success, the breed was officially recognized only in 1970.

For some time, Highland Straights were bred with British and Persian cats. Breeders did this to add new blood and get more varied colors. Crossbreeding with Highland Straights is now prohibited. Longhair Scottish cats are rare enough, which gives reason for pride in their owners.

Scottish cat


Scottish straight Highland Straight looks strong and muscular. According to the breed standard, the body of the animal must have soft, rounded shapes. But cats should not be fat and clumsy. The movements of Scottish cats are light and well coordinated.

The head of the animal is rounded, without rough features. The muzzle looks neat, despite the pronounced cheeks. The neck is short, the chin is clearly defined. Ears are always upright; they are small and neat in size. The eyes are large, expressive and very beautiful.

Paws are proportional to the body, look strong and muscular. The tail of the animal is medium length, fluffy and mobile. The coat is fluffy, soft, pleasant to the touch. Cats weigh from 3 to 6.5 kg and have a height of 28 to 30 cm. Representatives of the stronger sex are somewhat larger than females. Cats weigh from 3 to 9 kg and have a height of 30 to 33 cm.


Cats of the breed Scottish Longhair Highland Straight have a calm and friendly disposition. Animals are peaceful and easily get used to people. But, despite the positive attitude towards any person, cats immediately choose their owner and are very loyal to him. Highland Straight show learning ability.

In childhood, the kids of this breed are very playful. They will be happy to run after a bow or hunt for household slippers. Having grown up, Scottish cats become calmer, but from time to time they also do not mind fooling around. Highland Straights love to eat, and then sleep on the master's bed.

The Scottish cat will never beg for food, it is not worthy of an animal of high origin. Instead, he will calmly wait until he is called into the kitchen. Animals of the Scottish breed are quite touchy, so he will remember poking his nose somewhere or screaming for life and will cease to trust this member of the family. Aristocratic cats do not like to sit in their arms for a long time, they value personal space and independence.

Scottish Highland Straight


Scottish Highland cats are quite hardy. These animals boast excellent health. Typically, cats do not have problems. But in some cases, Scots begin to fail joints with age. Sometimes animals of this breed have problems with the spine. Breeders attribute this to the fact that some owners allow their pets to be lazy. This is especially dangerous if the animal is systematically overfed.

If the Scots are properly looked after and balanced to feed, they will delight their owners for 15-20 years. Veterinarians recommend that cats be treated regularly for helminths and, if necessary, for fleas. Even if the animal does not go outside, it must be vaccinated against infections. You need to visit the clinic at least 1 time per year, the choice of food for a thoroughbred cat should also be entrusted to a veterinarian.

Highland Straight


2 weeks before the procedure, the Scottish Highland Cat must be given a cure for helminths. Before vaccination, the doctor will examine the animal, measure its temperature. If the cat does not feel well and looks unhealthy, then vaccination should be postponed until a later date.

It is necessary to vaccinate even those Scots who are sitting at home and do not go outside. Veterinarians warn that owners can bring the virus home on their shoes or clothes. Unvaccinated pets in such cases are very seriously ill and even die.

Scottish cats are vaccinated against major feline infections: rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, rabies and calcivirosis. The first vaccination is given to babies at 2-2.5 months, the second and rabies - after 3-4 weeks. After this, vaccination is carried out once a year.

Highland Straight Kitten

Relationship with children

Scottish Highland cats are very friendly to everyone around them. This quality of character can play a trick on them in the case of children. If the child is too persistent in playing with the cat, then he can hurt the pet. Scots very rarely bite and scratch, so they can not always defend their personal space.

If the child is kind to the cat, then the animal will be happy to spend all his free time with him. Often, Scottish Highlands are chosen as the owners of the youngest member of the family. Parents should be mindful of the resentment of aristocratic cats. If a child once offends a Scot, then the trust of the animal will be lost. Therefore, it will be better if the cat will communicate with children under the supervision of parents.

Relationship with other pets

Scottish cats are very generous, they are happy to make friends with both dogs and their brothers. Another pet will be a Scottish Highland Straight a good buddy for fun games. Sometimes the Scots even begin to share their food with a new friend. But most often they behave more restrained.

It is not necessary to think that a friendly cat will immediately accept any animal in his house, he may need time to adapt. In the process of meeting the pets between themselves, you do not need to put pressure on them, this will only aggravate the situation. A few weeks later, Highland Street will accept a new family member and make friends with him.

Scottish Highland Straight


Caring for a Scottish Highland is straightforward. During the molting period, these cats are combed out no less than 2-3 times a week, at other times - 1 time. Scots should be bathed 1 time in 2-3 months. Experts do not recommend saving on shampoo for a fluffy aristocrat, so you will need one that is ideal for pet hair. It is also advisable to purchase air conditioning.

Highland Straights cannot be washed with shampoos for people, as a pet may have an allergy. In some cases, the Scots after such a bath, the owners had to be taken to an appointment with a veterinarian and treated. After washing, the pet needs to be dried and combed.

For eye care in a pet store you need to purchase special hygienic drops. Scots' ears are cleaned once every 2-3 weeks. Some owners also cut their claws on a monthly basis.


A thoroughbred pet most often comes to a new house already accustomed to dry food. At first, the baby must eat what the breeder is used to. If you dramatically change the diet of a Scottish Highland kitten, then it can get sick. If the owners are not satisfied with the food chosen by the breeder, then they must wait until the end of the period of adaptation of the baby to the new house.

Veterinarians recommend feeding Scottish cats premium feed, such as Royal Canin or Hills. They already contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the animal. If the owners plan to feed the pet with natural food, they should make a diet of dietary meat, vegetables and dairy products. Additionally, owners must purchase quality vitamins. You canโ€™t feed the Scot from the table, this will negatively affect his health.

Scottish Straight Cat

Disadvantages of the breed

Future owners are often so conquered by the advantages of the breed that during the choice of a pet they forget about the disadvantages. But before buying a cute baby, it is recommended to study the description of the Scottish Highland Straight and learn about its shortcomings. So, for example, these cats do not like to sit in the arms of the owners. They also cool about hugs, preferring complete freedom.

The Scots are picky about food. Aristocratic cats are very touchy and vindictive. During molting, the petโ€™s hair will be everywhere. During this period, it will need to be combed out thoroughly and bathed periodically. Shampoo for a cat must be high-quality and expensive, otherwise the petโ€™s hair will no longer be so attractive.


Some owners, having just bought a Scottish Highland Street, are already dreaming of becoming breeders. But picking a worthy pair for your pet is not so easy, so it is better for inexperienced owners to listen to the professionals. Not all Scottish cats have breeding value, so some animals are not given admission to breeding.

To find the right pair for your pet, owners are advised to contact the city club. They will help with the selection of the cat, and with the mating, and with the subsequent clearance of the litter. Experienced breeders recommend knitting straight with folds. Usually in a litter received from such parents kittens are born with both hanging and with straight ears.

At the time of mating, animals must be vaccinated and treated against parasites. The meeting of future parents takes place in the house of the cat. If for one of the partners this knitting is the first, then it is desirable that the second already had experience. It is recommended to trim the claws of cats in advance or stick special silicone caps from the pet store on them. Both partners should feel good and be ready for mating.

Sometimes difficulties during mating may occur due to differences in animal sizes. In this case, experienced breeders recommend holding the cat so that it is more convenient for the male to complete the process. If the difficulties with mating are due to the fact that the Scot has ended in heat due to stress, then she can be taken home. Usually, in a calm environment, hunting resumes after a few days, after which the cat can be mated again.

Scottish cat with blue eyes

Owner reviews

Owners love their pets for their calm disposition and unobtrusiveness. These cats will not require too much attention. The Scots are not noisy, they will calmly wait for the owner from work. If the pet is properly fed, it will delight its owner for at least 15-20 years.


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