Unrivaled, late blight resistant variety. Tomato Goldfish

Small yellow fruits of this variety are good because they are stored for a long time. If you decide to plant Golden Fish tomatoes, then on the New Year's table it may well be a salad with these fresh vegetables from your own garden.

Tomato Goldfish. Description of positive qualities

omat goldfish
The variety is intended for cultivation in greenhouses and open ground. The fruits are small, 80-120 grams. The skin color is orange, the tomatoes themselves are elongated, pear-shaped with juicy watery pulp. On the brush, usually at least 8-10 fruits, which makes the variety fruitful.

The advantages of the variety are that it is early ripe. At the same time, the Golden Fish tomato is genetically resistant to late blight. This wonderful property allows him to give marketable fruits until mid-autumn. The tomatoes themselves are lying, not spoiling, for a long time. This is a great variety that you will enjoy from August to October.

The variety is rich in carotene, which provides a bright yellow color. Fruits taken with a brush perfectly ripen. You can even hang a bush dug in the fall at the root. It’s not scary if the landing site is in a lowland. Cold dew will not harm this variety. The dense skin of the tomato allows it to maintain its ideal shape when canning. The preparation of spicy and savory appetizers, whole canned tomatoes is ideal for this variety. Long-distance transportation is not scary for the Goldfish.


Sometimes you can find complaints from gardeners that they were disappointed with the Golden Fish tomato. Reviews say that the taste of the tomato is not pronounced, they themselves are small. If for salad it is not the most delicious variety, then for canning they are great. The skin of a goldfish does not crack. Neutral flavor combined with spices gives an excellent result.

tomato goldfish reviews

Gardeners complain that the tomato bush grows for a long time, without giving ovaries. Indeed, the first inflorescences appear above the 8th-9th leaf. Leaves often sprout, and the tomato needs careful regular picking.

Growing Tips

Problems with overgrowing foliage and lack of ovaries are known to experienced gardeners. There are several secrets to growing tomatoes with similar tendencies. After the rosette is formed, the tomato must be fed with special fertilizers, dive unnecessary leaves and stepsons, provide conditions for flowering and fruit set:

  • The air in the greenhouse must be dry. You can not water the tomato at all during this period.
  • Create a stream of air in the greenhouse using a window leaf.
  • Do not poison insects in the area: they help pollination.
  • Use an old proven pollination method with a fleecy mitt.
  • Put a bowl of honey or sugar syrup in the greenhouse to attract flies. Tomato Goldfish is pollinated in the traditional way.

Remember that plants tend to be β€œlazy" without giving the desired number of ovaries. With proper agricultural technology, up to 9 kilograms of these useful tomatoes can be harvested from one square meter.

Tomato Goldfish Description
Some summer residents plant tomato Goldfish in tubs and buckets on the sunny side of the house. The scourges can be tied to the trellis and then the tomato will become not only a vegetable, but also a kind of decoration, for a long time delighting you with golden fruits. Despite the fact that seed producers recommend leaving one lash when growing, some summer residents leave strong stepchildren and get a well-deserved large crop from them. If the heat has come early, do not be afraid to plant "fish" in the open ground.

Sowing seeds for seedlings should be one to two weeks earlier than the other varieties. Then you have time to grow the lashes to 2 meters, and the harvest will be even greater. Already in a pot with seedlings, put a stick so that the plant does not break. If possible, periodically shade this variety before planting seedlings so that it does not outgrow. Then already on the 100th day after germination you will receive the first ripe tomatoes. Take off the unripe tomatoes, because they reach perfectly. This will make life easier for the plant and increase the number of fruits on the bush, allowing them to form in the future.

Canning Tips

Although the Golden Fish tomato has a skin not as dense as that of hybrids, it is convenient to preserve it. A pinch of citric acid will help preserve the color of the fruit. A mix of tomato varieties with the same density and different colors will make your snacks beautiful. Unripe Goldfish can also be rolled up, the fruits will turn out with a crunch.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7209/

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