Tariff grid of military personnel. Military posts. Salaries of the monetary content of military personnel

In most cases, the military serve in those posts that are provided for by the staffing of the unit, military departments and organizations. There are times when a military officer is seconded to serve in a state organization. In this situation, the post will not be military, but civilian.

A military may only be employed in one military position. Each such post has a corresponding military rank. Consider the tariff schedule of military personnel in the article.

Note that it is the president of the country who approves the unified register of army posts that can be replaced by senior officers.

tariff schedule of military personnel

The registers of all other posts in the military sphere are approved by the heads of those bodies of the federal executive power that involve military service. The approval procedure is determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Such registers indicate military posts that may be replaced by female military personnel or civilians. Competitive substitution is also possible.

Job designations

Only a presidential decree can regulate appointments to those positions that are provided for by the staffing table for senior officers. The head of the federal executive authority has the right to appoint military personnel with the ranks of captain of the first rank and colonel to the following posts:

  • regiment commander, brigade, and other equal units;
  • the deputy of the posts listed in the first paragraph;
  • assistant commander, head of department and branch of service, chief of district and navy;
  • deputy chief of staff, personnel department of the military corps and an equal unit;
  • military commissar;
    private military service
  • Head of Research in the military field;
  • deans of faculties, heads of departments and their deputies in military schools (military universities and academies);
  • Heads and deputies of laboratory research departments in military medical institutions (hospitals, sanatoriums);
  • Head of the military department at higher educational institutions.

The tariff schedule of military personnel is approved by the president.

Terms of appointment

The military has the right to appoint and dismiss military personnel subordinate to them. There are some conditions for appointment to a military post:

  1. Positions in respect of which replacement by sergeants, ensigns, soldiers, sailors, officers and midshipmen is provided are appointed from the corresponding military personnel. If this is not possible, then lower-level military personnel may be appointed, if this is provided for by the head of the federal executive authority. By the way, if you are interested in how much the senior warrant officer receives, we will find out further.
  2. A special roster of posts exists for the appointment of female military personnel.
  3. Staffing in military higher educational institutions and research centers is based on a competition.
  4. The term for appointment to military posts is strictly regulated by the Federal Law on Military Service.
  5. If the health status of a serviceman does not correspond to the military specialty chosen by him, he will be assigned to another position according to the conclusion of the military medical commission. If a soldier does not agree with the new appointment, he may terminate his service by dismissal.
    military salaries
  6. If a soldier is refused access to information constituting a state secret, he is offered a position where such access is not required. If you disagree with the new appointment, as in the previous case, a soldier can go through the procedure of dismissal from military service.
  7. A situation in which one family member is directly subordinate to another when performing military service is unacceptable.
  8. Appointment to a position shall be in accordance with an order on personnel by a person authorized to do so.

We will find out what else the tariff schedule of military personnel implies.

Top army post

A military post is considered to be the highest, for which the military rank is provided for by the staffing list higher than in the previous post. If the military ranks are equal according to the staffing table, then the serviceman is entitled to an increase in salary depending on the position he occupies. The salaries of the monetary content of the military will be considered further.

They are appointed to the highest army posts in the following cases:

salary of military personnel in Russia

  1. For those who serve under the contract, their consent is required, for all others - in the order of career growth.
  2. On a competitive basis, and this applies to those who serve under the contract.

In some cases, the appointment to the highest military post is based on the results of the certification committee of the military unit, where the soldier is serving. This happens when a soldier showed outstanding professional skills or organizational skills during military service or was previously appointed to a lower position not corresponding to the army rank.

Equal military post

A position is called equal for which the staffing table provides for a military rank equivalent to the previous position with the corresponding monthly salary (for example, senior warrant officer). The appointment to an equivalent position occurs for the following reasons:

  • when official need arises;
  • at various regular organizational activities;
  • if service in a new position is more appropriate;
  • at the personal request of a contract soldier due to family circumstances;
  • due to a deterioration in health or injury incompatible with the position;
  • on a competitive basis (for contract employees).

It should be noted that the salary of servicemen in Russia today is quite decent.

Lower army post

The lowest position is considered to be for which the staffing table provides for a title lower than that held in a previous position or a lower salary. Assignment to a lower military post occurs in the following cases:

unit commander

  • when it is not possible to appoint a serviceman to a higher or equivalent position during regular organizational activities;
  • due to family circumstances;
  • due to the state of health of military servicemen;
  • on personal appeal (for the military, serving under the contract);
  • when a disciplinary sanction is applied to a soldier.

How much does ordinary conscript service earn, we will examine further.

How to return the position?

A soldier who has been demoted due to disciplinary action may regain his highest position only after the annulment of the sentence.
If a soldier is under arrest, it is not possible to obtain a higher position. As a rule, the limitation of military service as a result of a crime leads to transfer to another part. This decision is made by the court that examined the case. The tariff schedule of contract servicemen is somewhat different.

Monetary allowance of the military

Being military in our country is certainly prestigious. This nuance was especially noticeable with an increase in salaries for the military, which happened a couple of years ago. The profession is gaining increasing respect for citizens and the state as a whole. More and more people come to military affairs and their number is growing steadily.

Senior Warrant Officer

So that this process does not slow down and even more so does not stop, the state needs decent social and material support for the military sphere. The military serving under the contract do not receive wages, but the so-called monetary allowance. Obtaining the latter is regulated by federal law.

What does it consist of?

Cash allowance consists of three parts:

  1. Fixed military salary, depending on the position and military rank.
  2. A bonus received each month as a reward for quality service. It is about 25 percent of the fixed salary.
  3. Salary allowances for services to the fatherland and for service in dangerous conditions. They can make up to 40 percent of the basic salary.

Salaries are currently determined by law adopted in 2011. So, the minimum salaries were established for citizens who had not previously served in the army and amounted to 17 thousand rubles for privates and 20 thousand rubles for previously trained (sergeants). With an increase in the title, the salary also increases, the maximum of which is 50 thousand rubles. Many say that the commander of the unit pretty well receives.

How is the tariff schedule compiled?

The military tariff schedule is compiled on the basis of the following factors: length of service, annual financial assistance, allowance for service in “hot spots”, as well as for harsh climate-related conditions (when it comes to service in the Far North).

Calculation of monetary allowance is made using a special calculator. Moreover, the calculator is in the public domain. Anyone can calculate their future monetary allowance, it is enough just to know the salary for the military post of a military serviceman (the table is presented).

military salary

Index of military allowance

The state indexes military monetary allowances annually. At least it should have been. However, due to the economic crisis in the country in 2016, indexation was not carried out. Funds for the military are allocated exclusively from the state budget and cannot be increased at the expense of the regions.

For 2017, the indexation of military salaries was forecast , at least at the level of official inflation. However, these intentions were not realized and the salaries of the military were not indexed. One can only hope that in the future the annual indexation will be resumed. The President has repeatedly spoken about the state’s interest in a strong and powerful army, in a qualified military personnel. Therefore, most likely the military contentment will continue to grow, as well as the possibility of obtaining higher qualifications.

Social benefits

However, military contentment is not limited only to money. They also provide social benefits that are closed to other categories of citizens. The state provides the military with food, clothing and housing. The retirement age of military personnel is significantly lower than that of all others. There are other benefits:

  • military mortgages offered to families of employees at very low interest rates;
  • gratis treatment in military medical institutions;
  • compensation for railway travel during the holidays;
  • contract employees receive life insurance for the entire period of service. Compensation in the event of an accident will be received by the family.

Thus, the military profession is not only prestigious, but also stable, which is important today in our country. So, we have examined in detail the tariff schedule of the military personnel. We wish you success in the military field!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7217/

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