What does turquoise color in clothes go with? Manicure under a turquoise dress

Whatever you call this shade - turquoise, blue-green or green-blue, peacock eye, sea wave - you can see it everywhere. It is especially popular in the summer season, recalling the freshness of the sea breeze. But often the question arises of what is combined with the turquoise color in clothes. Stylists agree on its universality. Turquoise is one of the few colors that will suit everyone and everyone, it is only important to determine the shade and the range complementing it.

About shades

The turquoise color is obtained by mixing blue and green. This mix gave rise to a very rich range of shades, which are combined into six groups:

  • Pale or light turquoise. It is light, like haze, clean and soft. It looks especially impressive in bright light, in the rays of sunlight. However, stylists advise using it in small quantities.
  • Turquoise blue is the brightest shade of gamma. Lively, dynamic and very expressive. Therefore, it is recommended to use it as an accent. For example, pick up bright turquoise shoes for a more “calm” suit or dress.
  • Bright turquoise. Despite the name, this shade, unlike the previous one, is not so blinding. It is saturated, but it does not cause eye fatigue and irritation.
  • Classic turquoise. Natural turquoise has this color. It has not only blue, but also a yellow subton. Color gives peace and a feeling of coolness. It looks especially impressive on swarthy and tanned skin. By the way, this is already part of the answer to the question of what is combined with the turquoise color in clothes. Shades of brown will complement it, the best way possible.
  • Turquoise Medium (Medium). The hue is saturated and at the same time calm. It is in it that the blue subton is most strongly expressed. Depending on the lighting, he "plays" with different faces. In the bright sun, it tends to blue, and with a lack of light, it resembles the shade of a sea wave.
  • Dark turquoise - a shade concealing in itself the freshness and coolness of the ocean, the deepest in the palette indicated by us. It can be used without restrictions in the preparation of the wardrobe, shows itself extremely well in contrasting combinations.

Next, we will tell you about the most profitable and original combinations of turquoise with other colors. Start with the classic companions for all colors - black and white.

Turquoise and white

turquoise shoes

The classic combination of white and turquoise colors is most often found in summer sets. This duo looks especially profitable on the beach, in the sea resort. White color shades turquoise, makes it more saturated and bright, attracts attention. Stylists are of the opinion that such an ensemble will look most advantageous for women of the winter color type. A white blouse is a great option to wear a turquoise skirt or trousers for the office.

Pay attention to the photo, the images look most spectacular, where there is a balance of white and turquoise colors. However, depending on the shade of the latter, it can act as a bright accent (spectacular beads in ethnic style, patent leather turquoise shoes, etc.).

Turquoise and black

what to wear with a turquoise skirt

At first glance, such a combination may not seem the most successful. In this case, it is important to determine the shade and proportions in the kit so that it does not become too gloomy. Then the turquoise color will dilute the conservatism and severity of black. If desired, you can add a third color - white. This option gives an answer to the question of what is combined with the turquoise color in clothes for office. The best time for such an alliance is the cool season.

Turquoise and beige

What is the turquoise color in clothes

The combination of turquoise and beige flowers is dictated by nature itself. To verify this, just look at the sea waves and the sandy beach. Milky or beige is softer compared to white. Best of all, he manifests himself on the spring color type. In contrast to the cold boiling white, the beige color is warm and it reduces the level of freshness and “coolness” of the turquoise hue.

In the photo above: a white blouse, a turquoise jacket, combined with the sand color of trousers and bags.

Turquoise and red

turquoise blouse

The combination is controversial and provocative, but with the right approach, spectacular. Firstly, equal color proportions should be avoided when “assembling” the image. Stylists recommend making one of the colors dominant, and the second - complementary, or to add white to balance. Secondly, you should be careful with bright and rich variations of red. It is best to give preference to coral and tomato shades.

This combination of colors became popular in the 50s of the last century. Try using it to create retro-inspired looks.

Turquoise and yellow

turquoise combination with other colors

This is one of the most striking and vibrant combinations of turquoise with other colors. Such a kit, of course, will give a positive image and highlight from the crowd. Yellow softens the pronounced coolness of the turquoise hue and complements it with warm colors. Pay attention to the photo, the image carries a charge of energy, cheerfulness.

At the same time, the combination is complicated, since it is not always possible to choose the right shade of yellow. Women with a bright appearance should give preference to rich tones, and fair-haired, on the contrary, pastel, light. In the first case, it can be yellow canary, in the second - pale lemon.

Turquoise and blue

turquoise pants

Colors are kindred in nature. This is the reason for their harmonious combination among themselves. Blue color enhances the effect of "cool" turquoise. The ensembles made in this gamut are bright and fresh. The most spectacular contrast is observed when the turquoise color is complemented by the brightest shade of blue - ultramarine. Such a technique adds to the image of aristocracy, nobility.

Turquoise and brown

If you think black is too gloomy companion for turquoise shades, we recommend paying attention to the noble brown color. It gives an interesting and beautiful contrast to the sea wave. The combination is considered almost classic and is often used in clothing. Turquoise color is associated with freshness and lightness, brown - more conservative and mundane. For example, a set of chocolate-colored trousers, a turquoise blouse can be a great alternative to an office black and white suit.

Turquoise and the color of gold, silver

What is the turquoise color in clothes

Natural turquoise in a gold or silver frame looks harmonious and luxurious. The turquoise color complemented by the sheen of these noble metals is a truly delightful combination worthy of a queen. This option has long been recognized as classic for evening dresses. Moreover, the metal can manifest itself in a variety of ways: a belt or strap, decorative hem of the dress, shoes, accessories or jewelry.


The simplest answer to the question of what the turquoise color in clothes is combined with will be: “With yourself.” Designers and stylists love to make images, playing in shades. Turquoise color is no exception, it is beautiful, both in monochrom and in combinations. It is important to remember only one rule, composing such an image yourself, you can not use warm and cold shades in one set. Clothing should be selected so that the impression of their smooth transition into each other.

what to wear with a turquoise skirt

An example is the simplest ensemble: a dark turquoise dress, a light coat and a paler handbag and shoes.

Manicure under a turquoise dress

Varnishing nails is no longer just a woman’s whim. Skilled craftsmen create stunning works that can become the highlight of the image. It is important to choose the appropriate clothes and makeup for them.

A turquoise dress can be a great base for a casual look. His style is selected, taking into account the features of the figure. Since the color itself is bright and active, it is worth giving preference to the most simple cut model. The manicure for such an outfit should be appropriate: restrained, strict. For example, classic French.

turquoise pants

A manicure for a turquoise dress, designed for evening publication, may be more bold, but elegant. Rhinestones, patterns, metallic luster are allowed. When the dress is intended for a beach holiday, in principle, all boundaries are erased for manicure. He can be bright and cocky.

As for the choice of varnish color, the same combination of colors works as for clothes: shades of beige, brown, yellow, red, gold, silver, blue, black and white.

So, now you know what to wear with a turquoise skirt, blouse or trousers, how to complement a light casual dress or a luxurious evening outfit of a shade of a sea wave and even what manicure to do with them. It can be both classic combinations, and extravagant, daring images. It all depends primarily on the shade of turquoise you choose.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7218/

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