The meaning of the saying "Slow and steady - you will continue"

All people know that for good reason there are various sayings and proverbs. After all, they were invented for a reason, this is a kind of wisdom of the ages, in which people have invested a great deal of meaning. It is simply unreasonable not to listen to them, because our ancestors have successfully used them for many centuries in a row. In this article, we’ll talk about the well-known proverb “Slow down, you will continue”: what does it mean, what is its meaning.

the quieter you go, the further you'll get


We are used to such a simple, concise proverb. But it was originally slightly longer. And only thanks to this it is possible to understand its meaning and what the ancestors wanted to convey to us in these simple words. As for the full version of it, it sounds as follows: "Slowly you go - you will continue from the very place where you are going."

The first meaning: ancient

quieter you go on you will matter

Knowing the full text of the saying, there is no doubt that a person will correctly understand its meaning. By the way, this phrase was in place many years ago, when there were practically no cars, but it is relevant now, in the age of total motorization. Most people used to ride horses. If they were going on a long journey, the horse was never allowed to hop, all moved exclusively by the usual step. Indeed, so the horse will quickly get tired and she will have to rest a lot. Moving slower, you might think that the final goal is very far, but it will come much faster if you do not drive a poor animal.

The second meaning: transport

With regard to modernity, the proverb “Slower you go - you will continue” acquires a slightly different, but still close significance. Cars do not require rest, like horses, but how can one not recall the dashing people on the roads and often their sad end? A lot of accidents and emergencies will definitely not allow the motorist to quickly reach the specified goal. And if you're just lucky a few times, then the payback is still overtaken by a lover of fast driving. And if this is not an accident, then the arrest by the traffic patrol officers. And this, again, will take a lot of time, and also nerves.

proverb quieter you will go further

Meaning Three: Training

“Going quietly - you will continue” - this phrase can often be heard by schoolchildren from their teachers. What does she mean in this case? Here the teacher just wants to say that the better and more the student thinks about the task, not rushing headlong into its quick solution, if only to get rid of the lesson, the better the result will be. There is no need to rush to the control in algebra or the dictation in language, because you can make many mistakes and get an unsatisfactory mark for it. And who needs it?

The fourth value: working

The same saying can be applied to adults. So, it is relevant in any workplace, a person will work with his hands or head. According to the proverb “Slower you go, you will continue”, the meaning here is that the more scrupulous and accurate the person does his job, avoiding mistakes, the faster he will cope with it and get a well-deserved rest. This is especially true today, when a worker is often paid not according to the time spent at the workplace, but depending on the output, i.e., the amount of work done.

quieter going further will make sense

Meaning Three: Business

The proverb “Slow down - you will continue” is also relevant for people who want to earn a lot of money. In such a case, the main thing is not to rush, count everything down to the smallest details, study all the details of various transactions and trading operations. And although people often take into account another proverb - “Who does not risk, then does not drink champagne”, acting on this principle, you can easily burn out or, as they say, “get” a lot of money. Only by collecting your capital little by little, adding money to money honestly, you can earn great wealth. Although, in truth, today, alas, few people do this.

Fourth Value: Gaming

The saying “Slow down, you will continue” is very relevant for people who like to play. But not in computer games, but in casinos or making various bets at bookmakers. So, you do not need to fall into courage by winning a certain amount of money and immediately try to put it into the same thing. Luck is changeable in nature, and if you are lucky, you do not need to think that it will always be so. Only strict calculation, the ability to keep oneself in check, as they say, is what this saying means for gamers.

The fifth value: for shopaholics

the proverb

What else does the saying “Slow and steady, you will continue”? It would be nice to know its meaning to those people who thoughtlessly spend money on what they liked at first glance. You can imagine the situation: a girl is walking in a shopping center, a beautiful dress fell into her eyes, she immediately buys it. And after a couple of boutiques - the same, only better colors. Well, if you can return the purchase, but if not? If the girl was in no hurry to buy the thing she liked without thinking, such a situation would simply not have happened.

General conclusions

By the same principle, one can interpret this proverb for a very, very long time. And you can apply it to all situations, professions and moments that you can only imagine. However, if we make a general conclusion, based on the foregoing, I would like to note that the main meaning of this wisdom of the centuries, which was used by our ancestors, is never to rush headlong and do everything slowly, but as they say, confidently. Judiciousness, a pure mind and maximum effort are all that is needed in order to succeed in any business. In this option - to reach the finish line to which you are striving.


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