DIY gifts to your husband - surprise your beloved all year round!

The approaching festive and memorable dates often pose a rather difficult question for a woman about what to present to her beloved husband for a holiday. You can, of course, go the way familiar to many families and wander around the shops in search of gifts that have long bothered everyone: ties, socks, and shaving kits. But you really want to present something unforgettable. Why not make an original gift for your husband with your own hands? You need to choose a surprise individually, taking into account the preferences and tastes of the spouse. It is best to know in advance what the husband wants and what he dreams about. His best friends or casual questions may help.

DIY gifts to her husband
Having a casual conversation, you can learn a lot of interesting things about your beloved spouse. Interesting and original gifts with your own hands to your husband will be a pleasant surprise on any occasion. In this article we will look at some original, but at the same time very popular ideas for crafts.

Present from memorable photos

This is quite an interesting gift to her husband with her own hands. The photo is selected in such a way as to evoke the spouse's warmest and most joyful memories. Selected the most beautiful pictures from the photo album must be printed in a photo salon on fabric. From the resulting material, you can sew a pillow, a wrap in a car or a blanket on a sofa. It will be nice to decorate her husbandโ€™s office with memorable photos, but pillows and wraps will be inappropriate. For the office, pictures glued to the cubes from the designer are most suitable.

an original gift to your husband with your own hands

Surprise Basket

This idea came to us from cosmetics designers. It consists in collecting several small thematic presentations in one basket. Such gifts with their own hands to the husband will show the wife's interest in the spouse's hobbies. The main task will be to select exactly those presents that a loving husband wants. An inveterate fisherman will be delighted with a basket in which he will find gear for his beloved business. It can be a spinner, a brand new telescopic fishing rod, boxes with hooks, floats, etc. A fishing book will also be a good addition. You can attach pictures of fish, beautiful ponds or photographs of your husband with a big catch, if any, to the basket.

do husband a gift do it yourself

Football lovers can give a basket in the shape of a ball. A very original shirt will be on which there is a photo of an idol, or a scarf of flowers of your favorite team. A miracle basket can be filled with pictures on the subject of football, a can of beer, which my husband had long dreamed of, or a packet of chips.

A basket with a brand-new drive of computer games of your favorite genre and other necessary things for your PC will delight the lover to spend leisure time in front of the monitor.

Goodies cooked with soul

Well-prepared favorite dishes - wonderful gifts with their own hands to her husband at the table for any occasion, because men are very picky in food and love to eat. To make the dish a gift, it must be beautifully decorated and served. You can decorate the festive table with scrambled eggs or pancakes fried in special forms. Hearts cut from fruits and vegetables can be placed on plates, and the cake can be decorated with congratulatory words.

DIY gift to husband

Surprise joke

In addition to serious presents, you can also give a cool gift to your husband, made with your own hands. He will definitely be unpredictable and give a great mood. A comic certificate of temporary release from household duties for the whole day will certainly please the adored spouse, and also allow him to spend the day exactly as he always wanted.

do-it-yourself unusual gift to husband

Homemade greeting card

An exclusive gift made in a single copy for the most beloved husband in the world is the most valuable and memorable congratulation. Like any other present, a card requires accuracy, imagination and a bit of skill. Small gift hearts, laid out in the pockets of her husbandโ€™s clothes, will give warmth to her dear wife and will charge her with an excellent mood for the whole day. You can print miniature family photos and stick them on beautiful colored cardboard. This gift is a good fit for the wedding day. Congratulations are best signed with gel pens for a more colorful and vibrant text design. Before filling out the postcard, it is worth practicing on a draft so as not to spoil a wonderful gift.

Surprise in the car

A car for a spouse is very expensive. All men simply adore their big real toys. A car accessory will surely please her husband. Making a gift with your own hands is very simple, you just need a little imagination. You can sew a travel-themed pillow or make small souvenirs on the rear-view mirror, assemble a beautiful bead pendant, embroider small cubes with aromatic filler from herbs or with cotton wool soaked in oils.

Relationship History Photobook

No matter how unpredictable the relationship of the couple over the long years spent together, there will always be such moments of life that it would be nice to remember together in a quiet romantic atmosphere.

You can start the story from the very first joint photo or from the picture in the place where the first acquaintance took place. Next, arrange the photo before the wedding, perhaps among them there are comic shots in which common friends or jointly visited places are captured. Next is the wedding day, honeymoon, photos of the first-born, other children, the history of leisure activities. You can also include memorable gifts and souvenirs photographed in advance in the story. Such a serious surprise will become a support for marriage, awaken relationships, and strengthen mutual understanding. The gift will please not only a married couple, but their children, who in the future will want to know the love story of their parents. Who will not be happy to have a personal book containing dear to the heart memories?

Romantic offering

You can express your boundless love on the wedding anniversary day or on Valentine's Day through presentations. In addition, on these holidays gifts with their own hands will be appropriate to her husband. Do not forget that on some wedding dates you need to make presentations from a certain material. So, the fifth anniversary of life together is otherwise called a wooden wedding. Wood is an unusually hard and strong natural material that is famous for its warmth. Thus, spouses who have lived for five years in a marriage are already a strong family with a reliable support based on mutual understanding and warmth. Therefore, an original gift to her husband with his own hands for a wooden wedding should be made of wood. It can be absolutely any thing, for example, wooden dishes beautifully painted with special paints, wooden amulets for good luck, a piece of furniture.

do-it-yourself cool gift to husband

In addition to the main gift, you can also make some nice little thing, maybe not the most necessary in the house, but it was given with all your heart, like other gifts with your own hands to your husband. There are a lot of ideas for such a presentation, for example, you can knit a sweater, socks or gloves, embroider a name scarf. A beautifully designed photo frame, a disk with memorable musical compositions, etc. will do.

The main thing is to remember that the present should be made and presented with all my heart with love, and not be a banal formality. Only such an unusual gift to her husband made with her own hands will be appreciated.


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