History and attractions of Belev

In the Tula region there are many interesting cities whose history dates back to the Middle Ages. One of them is Belev. There are many attractions here, despite the small size of the city. Among them are monasteries, temples, museums. Description of Belev sights and photos of some of them are presented in the article.

History of the city

For the first time Belev was mentioned in documents of the 12th century, or rather, 1147, that is, about the same time as Moscow. At the end of the 15th century, the city was in the power of the Lithuanian principality. The heyday of the city came to this period. The Belev principality was formed, where, according to some reports, its own coins were even issued.

In 1437, on the territory of modern Belev, whose attractions attract connoisseurs of Russian architecture, a battle took place between the Tatar and Russian troops. The latter were defeated.

In the 16th century, robberies and fires repeatedly occurred here. However, as in all other Russian cities. Another grand battle took place in 1536, near the village of Temryan. The city became part of the Moscow principality, but then it was located on its southern borders.

Belev city

Sights of Belev have a high historical value. Ivan the Terrible has been here more than once. Belev even entered the list of oprichnina cities.

In the 17th century, the city was plumbed. In 1777, he received county status. In the eighties of the 19th century, the famous Moscow businessman Prokhorov launched the production of puff pastille in this city. The factory still stands here. Moreover, it is one of the attractions of Belev.

In 2014, the Eternal Flame was lit in the city in honor of the 69th anniversary of the Great Victory. During the war years there were fierce battles. Killed about 12 thousand people. The status of the city of military prowess is evidenced by a stele installed at the railway station.

Stela Belev

There are many attractions in Belev and Kaluga region. There are hiking trails that span several cities. For example, Kaluga - Belev. Such a journey can be made independently, in your car. And on the way to enjoy the picturesque landscapes of the Russian province, which, unfortunately, are slightly spoiled by old, dilapidated buildings.

The following describes the attractions and beautiful places of Belev.

Transfiguration Monastery

It is known that in the Middle Ages there was a temple on the site of the Belevsky monastery. The local historians could not establish the exact date of the foundation of the monastery itself. It arose approximately in the first half of the 16th century. There is no exact information regarding the one who founded the monastery. Some sources claim that this man was one of the princes of the Solntsev-Zasekins.

So, the monastery was first mentioned in 1557. It was then that Ivan the Terrible visited these places. In the following decades, the monastery suffered from Tatar raids more than once. Nevertheless, by 1616 there were six temples on its territory. True, one of them, St. Nicholas Church, was soon closed.

In 1615 the monastery was burned. Then restored. As a result of regular robberies and fires, by the middle of the 18th century there were only three churches left. These are Preobrazhensky, Forerunner and Alexy of Moscow.

In the Soviet years, the monastery was closed. For almost 20 years he stood in a deplorable state, and then was completely destroyed. Today, restoration work is underway here, but how long they will last is unknown.

Holy Cross Monastery

This monastery is also in the process of restoration. It is located on the high bank of the Oka River, in the eastern part of the city. The monastery was founded in the first half of the 17th century. Under Catherine II, he, like many monasteries in Russia, was abolished. After several decades, local residents tried to restore it, but to no avail.

Belev Monastery

In the nineties of the last century, repair work began on the territory of the monastery. The architectural complex is located in the most picturesque part of the city.

City of Military Valor

The stele was opened in 2016. And in the same year, the Military Echelon memorial appeared here, which can be seen in the photo below.

Military level

Museum of Local History

In order to get acquainted with the history of the city, you should visit the institution located at 114 Marx Street. Exhibitions are regularly held here. True, students of local schools are more likely to visit the museum than tourists.

Miracle of the Russian province

This is the name of the tour, which involves visiting two cities of the Tula region - Odoev and Belev. It lasts 13 hours. Cost - 2500 rubles.

In the 19th century Belev became a real confectionery capital. It produced the best pastille in Russia. The recipe was passed down from generation to generation, while keeping it in the strictest confidence.

Belevskaya pastille

During a tour of Odoev and Belev, tourists visit the architectural monuments of these cities. Among the interesting Belevsky sights is a factory founded by Prokhorov. Sightseers dressed in white clothes and penetrate into the "workshop" for the manufacture of sweets. They become witnesses to the production of pastille at each of its stages: from loading raw materials to baking sweet layers. In conclusion - a master class for those who wish.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7238/

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