What is better to cover the roof of a house or cottage?

Not only the comfort of living of people, but also the durability of building structures depends on the quality of roofing . But financial issues solve all issues, so the better it is to cover the roof, everyone decides on their own.

the better to cover the roof of the house
In the modern market of building roofing materials, picking up something really worthwhile and rational is very difficult. A large number of manufacturers and a wide product line are confusing for many. And here the problem is not so much in the assortment as in the knowledge of the customer himself, who must solve the problems of selecting roofing materials. When buying them, you need to take into account durability, resistance to external weather conditions, quality and price category. You can buy roofing material or slate, professional sheet or metal. There are many options, and they differ significantly in price. For advice and advice on how to better cover the roof of the house, it is better to contact specialists.

Now we’ll take a closer look at the question of how best to cover the roof of a house.

how to cover the roof of a wooden house,
The cheapest option is a slate made from cement and various additives. Its only advantage is the price. Disadvantages: a large windage of a poorly fixed sheet, the limited angle of the slope of the roof. Yes, and the aesthetic side fails: the look of slate repels many. In this case, it is much more interesting to use a metal tile or corrugated board. Such materials are durable, not subject to corrosion, resistant to sudden changes in temperature.

"How to cover the roof of a wooden house?" - you ask. During its construction, there are also several criteria for choosing a roofing. In most cases, walls and floors in such houses are made of timber. The frame is light, the foundation is weak, so the roof must be selected accordingly. A feature of a wooden house is also its ability to “breathe”. What is better to cover the roof of the house made of wood? Of course, a material that is suitable only for these structures: tiles or corrugated board. Only they do not give additional loads to the foundation, for them it is not necessary to build massive load-bearing primary and intermediate roof base beams. Yes, and such a roof looks just perfect on a wood background.

what material to cover the roof of the house
In fact, there is no definite answer to the most important question “what material to cover the roof of the house”. There are many synthetic materials on the market (roofing material, euroroofing material) or natural (slate, ondulin, tile). It is clear that the final result strongly depends on the quality of production. Any material has its positive and negative sides, only you need to figure out exactly what is better to cover the roof of the house in your particular case. It is clear that it is better to use environmentally friendly materials that do not contain harmful impurities. But they can be attributed only to slate or tile. All others include chemical additives, organic polymers, or heat shrinks. Every material, except ruberoid and ondulin, is fireproof, not subject to deformation and resistant to winds.

When the question arises of what is better to cover the roof of the house, you need to really assess your financial capabilities and design features of the house, because the roof is done only once, and a lot will depend on the quality of roofing and the coating used. And such work should be carried out by master roofers who are well versed in the nuances of work and can correctly select the necessary material.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7239/

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