Rabies in a dog: how to determine the symptoms, causes and characteristics of treatment

One of the most dangerous diseases is rabies. The point is not only that this disease is deadly if a person becomes infected with it from an animal, but also that an infected animal is quite capable of causing injuries incompatible with life if it attacks.

Almost all warm-blooded creatures are susceptible to this disease, however, infected dogs pose the greatest danger to humans, since it is these animals in large numbers that live next to people and constantly come into contact with them.

rabies in a dog how to determine

Infection pathways

Before you figure out how to determine rabies in a dog, it is important to understand how infection with this terrible disease occurs. All warm-blooded animals, including humans, are infected with rabies in the same way - through biological fluids (for example, saliva or blood). The most common way is to bite a sick animal or get saliva on a scratch. In this case, the virus from the saliva of the carrier of the disease enters the bloodstream at the site of the bite.

In addition, a dog can eat, for example, a sick mouse - and also become infected. In the presence of imperceptible skin lesions, it is enough for an infected animal to simply lick this place to transmit the virus.

how to determine rabies in a dog

Dog rabies

It is very important to know what signs of rabies have in dogs: the behavior of the animal changes, it becomes strange and inadequate, it begins to profuse salivation. However, such symptoms are characteristic of the acute stage of the disease, while an infected animal becomes dangerous much earlier.

Like any other disease, the disease has an incubation period, after which several more stages of rabies in dogs pass. The first symptoms can often not be noticed at the initial stage of the development of the disease.

determine if the dog has rabies

Incubation period

The incubation period is especially dangerous because it has no clearly visible symptoms. The dog behaves appropriately, there are no disturbances in sleep and appetite, habitual activity remains. Meanwhile, the virus - the causative agent of the disease (it is called a rhabdovirus) has already begun its movement to the brain of the dog. As soon as he reaches his goal, the disease will manifest. This stage usually lasts from 14 to 60 days.

Prodromal stage

During this period, one can determine for the first time whether a dog has rabies. The animal begins to be capricious, his mood often and suddenly changes - for no apparent reason, it goes from aggression to apathy, from apathy to playful friendliness. Then hallucinations appear. A dog can suddenly attack an enemy that does not exist, bark for no reason, or start digging the ground where it is not there. In the same period, intolerance of bright light - both solar and artificial - may begin to manifest itself. This stage is short, usually lasts no longer than a few days (more often limited to a few hours).

how to determine rabies in a dog after a bite

Frantic stage

This is the most dangerous stage. It is during this period that rabies in a dog is especially pronounced. How to determine its symptoms? The dog disappears a sense of fear, and hallucinations in the literal sense of the word drive him crazy. The animal can no longer swallow saliva, so it flows abundantly down the face. The dog hoarsely barks or howls longly.

At this stage, she will no longer recognize well-known people, including the owner. An animal on a leash will try to break free, if it succeeds, it will run away without taking the road and attack everything it encounters. Suddenly, an attack of apathy can occur - the dog at the same time loses all interest in the world around it, there is no reaction to commands, the animal does not drink or eat.

how to determine if a dog is sick with rabies


This is the final period, which invariably ends in the death of the animal. The maximum duration is 96 hours. During this period, paralysis progresses, which gradually falls from the head of the animal lower and lower. During this period, the dog is in a depressed state, gradually loses mobility and dies.

You should know how to determine if a dog is sick with rabies. It is best to do this in the initial stages - the first or second, when the animal is relatively safe for the owner, because it still remembers it and has not yet lost its mind and sense of fear. Later, the dog is equally dangerous for everyone, for the owner it is even more dangerous than for strangers. This is due to the fact that it is often difficult for the owner to perceive a well-known animal, practically a friend and family member, as a threat to life.

How to detect rabies in a dog after a bite

If the animal is not vaccinated, the chance of infection from the wild is very high. This can either happen on contact or be the result of a bite. It is necessary to carefully monitor the pet, knowing how to determine rabies. In a dog, it can begin with subtle symptoms, which is why mindfulness is so important. The duration of the very first stage is 2-10 days. These days, the animal will look chandy, which is accompanied by certain symptoms. If one or more of them is found, it is necessary to examine the pet in search of wounds or scratches. If such an injury is detected, consult a doctor immediately. Symptoms of the first stage:

  • muscle pain;
  • nervousness;
  • chills;
  • temperature rise;
  • loss of appetite;
  • fear of light;
  • vomiting or diarrhea;
  • cough;
  • loss of ability to swallow.

It is very important not to miss any of the symptoms in order to have time to turn to specialists in time.

rabies in dogs the first symptoms

Rabies prophylaxis

Of great importance is not only knowledge of what rabies is in a dog, how to define it. It is also important to know about ways to prevent it.

There is only one way to prevent rabies in the dog - vaccination. Such a vaccine can be delivered in almost any veterinary clinic. At the time of vaccination, the animal must be absolutely healthy. An appropriate entry will be made in the vaccination passport indicating:

  • type of vaccine;
  • its duration;
  • vaccination dates.

About two weeks before the scheduled vaccination, the animal needs to be dewormed. The development of persistent immunity in the body of an animal takes three weeks from the moment of vaccination.

As with any vaccination, rabies vaccination may cause side effects that should not scare or surprise the owner of the animal. These include:

  • Allergy. May occur within the first fifteen minutes. At this time, the animal should be in the clinic. If signs of allergy appear, the veterinarian must give an injection of an antihistamine.
  • Increased salivation and swelling.
  • Upset stool.
  • Unusual behavior.
  • Fever.
  • Lumps at the injection site.

If the animal was already infected at the time of vaccination, the vaccination will accelerate the manifestation of the disease and the death of the dog. Vaccination does not give one hundred percent protection against the disease. There is a chance of infection in the first three weeks after vaccination - during the development of immunity. But even after the end of this period, there is a possibility, although very small, that the animal can become infected.

The frequency of vaccinations may vary. If the dog is decorative or guard - it will be enough to repeat the vaccination every two years. For hunting dogs, annual vaccinations are required.

It’s not enough for the owners to know what a dog’s rabies is, how to determine it. To be sure of the safety of your pet, you should minimize its contact with homeless and stray animals.

dog rabies signs of behavior


As stated above, rabies is a deadly disease that can be prevented but cannot be cured. Attempts to treat an infected animal are strictly prohibited, as they put a huge risk in the first place on the staff of a veterinary hospital.

If a dog is diagnosed with rabies, it will be euthanized. Thus, the animal will be free from suffering, and those around it will be protected from the risk of infection.

One of the worst pet diseases is rabies in a dog. How to determine its beginning, as well as to prevent infection, every owner should know.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7241/

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