Electric desktop jigsaw on wood: models, characteristics. Spare parts for jigsaws

For lovers of working with wood, a great many tools have been developed today, but one of the indispensable ones is a jigsaw, which can be desktop or manual. The desktop jigsaw is an electric tool used for longitudinal, transverse and figured cutting of wood. The main advantages of this equipment are:

  • the ability to perform any curly cutting;
  • indispensability when working with wood;
  • universality.

Before choosing such an aggregate, you need to think about how much load will be exerted on it. If you want to solve problems in domestic conditions, then you should prefer a tool that will be able to process wood no more than 70 mm thick. In this case, the device will have a small set of functions, and its power will not exceed 350 watts. The total working time with such a tool will be 20 hours per month.

A professional desktop jigsaw will be distinguished by more impressive characteristics, among them wood thickness up to 135 mm, as well as a set of additional functions and unlimited time of continuous operation. In this case, the power can reach 750 watts, and the size and weight will be larger compared to the tools of the above class.

However, when choosing, you must also pay attention to the manufacturing company, which should have a good reputation in the market. Before making a purchase, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of some models, as well as find out what the cost of spare parts for them is.

The most popular models of electric desktop jigsaws: Dremel Moto Saw

desktop jigsaw

If you need a desktop jigsaw, then you can pay attention to the stationary model mentioned above. It will cost you 7,500 rubles. This equipment is intended for processing parts not only from wood, but also from plastic. With it, you can cut a quality 18-mm sheet.

The device can work in stationary and manual mode. The surface of the support sole has a graduated scale, which ensures maximum accuracy of operations. The device is easy to transport, as well as low weight.

Specifications of the Dremel Moto Saw Model

table saw

The desktop jigsaw described above is powered by a voltage of 220 V. The power of the equipment is 70 W, while the number of revolutions at idle is 2250 per minute. The equipment weighs quite a bit, the mass is 1.1 kg. The file length is 100 mm.

The operator will be able to quickly change nozzles using a special lever. The equipment is quite simple in operation, there is a handle on the device, which makes operation quite convenient. Vibration is 9.3 m / sยฒ. The equipment provides the possibility of a figured cut and is ready to serve for a long time, if you operate it according to the instructions. Sound pressure is 77.5 dB.

The cost of spare parts

Bosch jigsaw

The benchtop jigsaw described above during operation may require the purchase of consumables, including wood and metal saws. For example, a 100-mm file for 7 teeth for a stationary jigsaw will cost 470 rubles., A metal file for 10 teeth has the same price, its length is 100 mm.

Characteristics of the electric ZUBR ZSL-250 fret saw

jigsaw parts

This desktop jigsaw will cost 15,900 rubles. It is used for sawing wood and plastic and allows you to perform the functions of polishing, grinding and drilling. To do this, the kit includes a flexible shaft with an additional desktop and a cartridge.

The manufacturer provided for a cooling system that eliminates overheating of the instrument. In order to make cuts at an angle, the desktop can be tilted. Such stationary desktop jigsaws have good power, which is 250 watts.

As for the width of the workpiece, it is equal to 406 mm. The idle speed is 1600 per minute. The thickness of the file is 0.3 mm, and the angle of the table can vary from 0 to 45 ยฐ C. This equipment weighs 21.5 kg, so for it you will need a special table. The maximum thickness of the workpiece can be equal to 50 mm. The length of the file is 133 mm, while its width is equivalent to 2.6 mm.

Characteristics of the Bosch PST 900 PEL jigsaw

table sawing

The aforementioned Bosch jigsaw costs only 5600 rubles. and is a household class electrical equipment. Its power is 620 watts. You can use this device for longitudinal cuts and cuts in:

  • metal;
  • wood;
  • plastics
  • rubber;
  • ceramic tile.

In order to ensure accurate cut, the device is equipped with a control system for the cut line. Thanks to this, the operator will be able to guide the tool quite accurately along the marked line. The instrument has a backlight, but there is no adjustment of the angle of the sole. This also applies to molten soles, as well as the presence of a soft start. However, to simplify transportation, the manufacturer supplemented the equipment with a case.

This Bosch jigsaw weighs only 2.1 kg; if necessary, it can be connected to a vacuum cleaner, and use a protective screen during operation. An additional advantage is the ability to quickly replace the file and adjust the speed. This mini electric desktop jigsaw provides high precision cuts, which is guaranteed by the rotation of the adjusting wheel.

The tool is quite durable, because the sole is made of stainless steel. You can replace the files quite quickly and independently, without resorting to using an additional tool.

Supplies cost

table jigsaw mount

Spare parts for jigsaw you will need during the operation of the tool. Consumables are considered to be sawdust, their average cost is 400 rubles. This price will have to pay for T101AO files in the amount of 5 pieces. Their length will be 56 mm.

If this parameter is increased to 74 mm, then for 5 T101B files you will have to pay 385 rubles. Spare parts for jigsaws are presented today in a wide range. For example, a saw holder can be purchased for 300 rubles, while the stem frame - for 250 rubles. Guide jigsaw, which is also called a roller, will cost the consumer 200 rubles. If you need fastening a table jigsaw file, then you must remember that it is fixed additionally by two M3 screws on the rod and a single M4 screw.

Features of working with a jigsaw

mini jigsaw electric desktop

Sawing with a desktop jigsaw is more comfortable than using a manual counterpart. You can even make such a tool yourself using a sewing machine. The cutting line will turn out to be coarser than that of the manual counterpart, however, this tool has no equal in cutting speed.

It is worth remembering one drawback of such equipment, which is expressed in the maximum cut depth, which in some cases is 40 mm. Therefore, when choosing a desktop device, you should pay attention to the presence of a file speed regulator. If you learn, then cutting with frequent movement will be quite difficult.


Before using the jigsaw, you need to apply a drawing to the plywood, and then sand the surface to a smooth base. After completing this mechanical work, you can begin to work. If the figure assumes the presence of elements with straight edges, then you can save energy by placing the workpieces close to each other, in this case, instead of two cuts, you will need to perform only one.

As soon as the drawing is applied, holes should be made in which the jigsaw file is placed. Holes can be made with a manual scoop or an electric drill. You need to do them by placing them in the middle of the fragment that you plan to cut.

Specialist recommendations

The prepared blank must be laid on the jig saw stand, passing the saw through one of the pre-made holes. If a straight part is needed, then work must begin from the edge of the workpiece. The speed of the work will depend on how thin the lace should be.

If the work is quite complicated, then even a seasoned master can take several weeks to do it. Once all the details have been sawn, you can begin to process them, for this the surface should be sanded with sandpaper, achieving absolute smoothness.


Before choosing a specific model of electric desktop jigsaw, you need to pay special attention to the number of strokes per minute. Not only the speed of work, but also its quality will depend on this parameter. Usually this indicator varies from 500 to 3100, however, on sale you can also find models in which the frequency of moves per minute reaches 3500 units.

An additional useful feature is double electrical insulation, which is indispensable for working in damp areas. In order to provide a jigsaw with the ability to work with different sizes of files, you should select a tool with universal mount. It is important to pay attention to the presence of a support roller, which should have an impressive diameter.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7243/

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