How to train a dog on a tray?

Keeping a dog in a city apartment is always associated with some inconvenience. And not in the last place among them - the toilet of the dog. Recently, however, more and more dog owners have been solving this problem, accustoming their pets to cope with their “affairs” at home, in a special dog tray. This will seem a little strange to some, very comfortable to some, and for the first time someone hears about this and asks the question - how to accustom an adult dog to the tray?

Accustoming to the tray has a lot of advantages. Firstly, there is no need to get up in the early winter morning, dress yourself and put on your pet just to go out for “five minutes”. Secondly, you can safely leave the dog accustomed to the tray alone at home for the whole day, and immediately there is no need to rush home after a working day to walk the pet as soon as possible. The solution to this important problem will make it possible to make a friend even to those people who previously could not afford this because of the inconvenient work schedule. And thirdly, not in every yard, especially in large megacities, there is a special place where you can easily walk your dog - all vacant places have long been occupied by motorists for parking for their "iron horses".

How to train a dog on a tray? First of all, you need to purchase the toilet itself at the pet store. When choosing it, be guided by the size of the dog (if you have a puppy, focus on the size of an already adult dog). Too small a tray will not work, dogs don’t like to cope with “cramped” conditions. Also, the tray should be without high sides, and its lattice should stand firmly and evenly, as if it is free to “hang out”, this can scare away the pet. Attention! The cat tray is not suitable for these purposes in all respects! Although sometimes it happens that the owners manage to accustom the dog to the use of a cat tray, but this is more the exception than the rule.

There are two types of trays - for diapers (with a latch) and for use without it (with a grill). If you are not at home for a long time, or someone from the family is allergic, then choose the diaper option, as it absorbs very well not only liquid, but also the smell, preventing it from spreading around the room. The option with a grate (rubber or plastic) is more economical, since it does not require regular purchase of absorbent bedding. Urine will drain under the grate into special grooves and the dog's paws will always be dry. If you have a male, then you should choose a toilet with a column, as nature will take its toll, and the boy will need to "lift his paw." And if he does not have such an opportunity in his toilet, he will do it on the walls and corners of the room.

So, with the purchase of the tray decided, perhaps even already purchased it, it remains to teach the dog how to use it. It’s not so difficult, the main thing is to know how. You can accustom a dog to a tray at almost any age, you just need to be patient and not force events. For an adult dog, it will take at least two weeks to train, and it will take at least a month to fully consolidate this skill.

It is easiest to start accustoming a dog to a tray by using special diapers for the toilet. They are sold in pet stores, most of them additionally contain special attractive impregnation. So how to train a dog for a diaper? First of all, you should remove from the rooms all moisture-absorbing coatings - carpets, rugs and rugs, as dogs often take a fancy to them as a toilet. The diaper should be laid in the place where the tray will later stand. The choice of this place should be approached responsibly. It is important that this place was not “in the aisle”, so that no one would disturb the dog during its “affairs”. Make sure that she always has access to the room where the tray is. If it is a bathroom or toilet, then the door should always be kept ajar.

To facilitate the task of teaching a dog to the toilet, you can purchase a special attracting spray from a pet store, for example, “Dog Trainer”, “My Place? Yes!" or any other analogue thereof. These products contain a special smell, which helps the dog understand much faster what the owner wants from it. With this spray, it is necessary to regularly treat the absorbent diaper (and then the tray) for two to three weeks, until the necessary skill is fully fixed in the dog. In addition to the attractive spray, you may need a spray antigadin and a special cleaning agent. Antigadin is a deterrent, its use will allow you to wean the animal to cope with the need in the wrong place, without resorting to violence. Means for cleaning animals are designed to destroy traces of urine, feces and "marks". Unlike conventional floor cleaning products, which do not so much remove the “mark” smell as they temporarily mask it, they dissolve all traces of urine and feces. If the dog managed the "tricks" in the wrong place, then, first of all, it should be cleaned and washed with special equipment, and then sprayed on this place with a spray-antigadine. Repeat treatment should be done regularly, until the dog develops a persistent skill to avoid this place.

To speed up the development of the skill, many breeders recommend protecting the dog with one room for the duration of the training, not allowing her to move freely around the apartment in order to avoid “accidents”. Most importantly, as with any training, do not forget about the active promotion for any correct action - that is, for using the tray. It can be a treat, your favorite toy or your affection. As soon as the dog has done its work in the right place - immediately praise her and let her walk around the apartment - this will also be a great encouragement for her. Gradually allow her to spend more time outside her room, but watch out for where and what she does. In case she went to the toilet where it should be - immediately praise. If you notice that the dog “crouched” in the wrong place, act immediately. Clap your hands loudly to distract her, and then immediately take (or carry on your hands) to the diaper. Do not scold the dog for "heaps" in the wrong place. Especially if you have already discovered it "in fact." In this case, the dog will not understand why you scold her, and your learning process will go much slower.

How to train a dog to a tray after a diaper? After you have purchased the tray, wash it thoroughly to wash away the pungent smell of the new plastic and put it in the chosen place. Lay the diaper that the dog is used to (best of all, already used once) by the top. The dog will quickly understand what is required of it. Since the dog tray has no sides and is practically at the floor level, it will not be difficult for her to climb into it. If you decide to continue to use the tray without a diaper, then do not remove it abruptly. As your pet gets used to the new toilet, gradually reduce the size of the diaper used - first by half, then the same. The dog will see the diaper that she is accustomed to, but now she will not close the lattice of the toilet, and gradually the dog will get used to walking on a clean lattice.

Never scold a dog if she has done things near the tray and not in it. Punishment can reinforce her negative feelings in relation to the toilet as a whole, and then you have to start all over again. If this is repeated regularly, then move the tray so that it does not have room for “maneuver” next to it.

So, now you know how to train a dog on a tray, and as you can see, it is not so difficult. Have a little patience, and you will succeed!


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