Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. History and Modernity

Among the many universities, the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation stands out not only because of its history, but also because of the high level of professionalism of its teachers and the demand for graduates. This educational institution has a long and glorious history, which is worthy of separate mention. Since 1983, the Academy is located in Moscow on Vernadsky Avenue, 100.

Reasons for creating an educational institution

For the first time this educational institution, the successor of which is the existing Academy, appeared in 1832, and subsequently it repeatedly changed the name and structure of education.

By the mid-thirties of the twentieth century, the country's leadership faced an urgent need for urgent training of the existing officer corps.

In this regard, the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation gained special weight, because on its basis officers not only undergo initial training, but also retrain and upgrade their qualifications in accordance with the available situation.

However, not only military officers undergo training at the General Staff Academy, but also civilian federal officials. This is necessary so that civilian specialists related to defense and military planning can carry out their duties at a higher level, understanding the specifics of the site.

cadets on construction

Education during World War II

The Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has a unique period in its history, when it had a huge impact on the fate of the country - this is the period from 1941 to 1945. It was in these troubled times that the level of training of officers was crucial in the face of limited resources.

In order to understand the importance of the academy for the front, it is enough to recall the number of graduates who led the armies, fronts, corps, divisions and headed the headquarters. In total, these positions were 470 of its graduates.

However, martial law required a special attitude to the educational process, so during the hostilities it was decided to switch to accelerated training courses for officers on a nine-month program.

classes at the Academy of the General Staff

Current state of affairs

Today, the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia is the country's leading military educational institution, in which not only highly qualified officers are trained, but also the most important scientific research in the field of defense is conducted.

The main specialization of the Academy today is the training of commanders and other power units, as well as theorists in the field of warfare and the organization of defense. A separate unit oversees the training of foreign specialists who have arrived in Russia.

An important function of the academy is the retraining of the military, discharged to the reserve, so that they can find application for their skills in civil life. For this, special educational programs lasting from one to six months have been created at the educational institution.

students of the military academy


The General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation pays great attention to education and retraining. The Academy has three faculties:

  • national security and defense;
  • retraining of officers;
  • special faculty.

There are twelve departments at the faculties, and in addition to educational activities, scientific departments have been created. The theoretical research is being carried out by the Research Institute of Military History, the Institute for National Defense Management, the Center for Military Strategic Studies, and the Laboratory for the Educational Process.

In addition, the Academy has five of its own dissertation councils, which carry out the examination of scientific works in the areas of philosophy, history, economics, politics and military science. The academy also has its own historical museum, a virtual tour of which can be made on the official website of the institution.

In 1990, a training center was created at the academy, the main task of which was the search for new forms and methods of educational activity. In the mid-nineties, the army desperately needed new approaches to organizing not only the educational process, but also in restructuring the very structure of the armed forces.

An integral part of the academic structure is sports facilities, educational buildings, a shooting range and a center for studying the Russian language, which is mandatory even for foreign students. The Pride of the Academy is the Scientific Library, which stores more than two hundred thousand volumes of specialized and very rare literature on the academic disciplines taught at the university.

Science at the Academy

Scientific activity is considered one of the main in an educational institution. For her, the leadership created all the necessary conditions and material support. The Academy develops textbooks and teaching aids, publishes monographs, dissertations, and works on military theory. With the participation of military scientists, conferences and round tables are organized.

Theory is the cornerstone in the modern world, not only for the technical and humanitarian sciences, but also for military operations. That is why the academy experts pay great attention to the development of theoretical foundations for warfare, and develop tactical and strategic approaches to the educational process.

foreign graduates of the academy

University teachers are actively engaged in expert activities, as their competence is very in demand. Specialists provide economic and technical opinions on various projects of high importance.

Educational activities

At all faculties and specialties, education is carried out only in full-time, however, the duration of training can vary significantly. The educational levels at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are represented by magistracy, adjunct studies, doctoral studies and additional professional education. At the same time, the term of study at the Faculty of National Security and Defense of the State is two years, and in doctoral studies and adjunct studies - three years.

The shortest educational programs are presented at a special faculty that trains foreign specialists as part of military and technical cooperation programs. Foreign specialists are trained on a paid, preferential or free basis, depending on the bilateral agreements reached. The Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is considered one of the most respected and prestigious centers specializing in the training of military specialists for foreign states.


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