Solid fuel boiler with water circuit. Solid fuel boilers: characteristics, price

A modern solid fuel boiler of long burning with a water circuit provides the house with heat by burning wood, coal, peat briquettes and other species. Many of these products are made of metal, such as steel or cast iron. Solid fuel boilers are the most popular and economical to operate, so they are widely used for heating suburban and country houses.

Alternative heating

Single- circuit and double-circuit solid fuel boilers are considered the most reliable and simple method of heating in regions where gasification is completely absent or it is only planned to be carried out. In addition, such a system is very cheap. At the request of the customer, any solid fuel boiler with a water circuit can be equipped with a burner, after which the device will be able to run on natural gas. There are models of these units, which can work on electricity due to the availability of special equipment.

solid fuel boiler with water circuit

Types of boilers depending on the material

Solid fuel boilers with a water circuit made of cast iron, capable of serving at least 20-25 years, are considered the most durable. Such units are easy to operate and undemanding in care. They work on any fuel, are relatively inexpensive and easy to repair.

Steel boilers are no less in demand. Most often they are used for heating large areas of 200 square meters. m

Currently, models have appeared in the production of which two materials are combined: cast iron and steel. This allowed to significantly expand the capabilities of these units.

solid fuel boilers with a water circuit

The advantages of solid fuel models

A solid fuel boiler with a water circuit, like any similar unit, has certain advantages, which allow it to be distinguished from other devices. We list the main ones:

  • This system is an alternative type of heating for rooms where it is not possible to conduct gas or use electrical appliances.
  • Almost all models are equipped with automation, which ensures reliability and safety.
  • Long term of faultless operation (on average 20 years).
  • Solid fuel boilers (the price of which is quite reasonable in comparison with other types) can be equipped with a burner, which will allow the use of gas for the heating system.
  • During operation of the unit, the fuel burns out completely, providing maximum efficiency.
  • The environmental friendliness and profitability of this type of heating makes it quite popular.

solid fuel boilers Price

A few words about the shortcomings

Solid fuel has some features specific to it. For example, in such units supply of fuel directly to the furnace itself is rather difficult. Boilers for heating a house with one tab can continuously work no more than 8-10 hours. This means that after loading the fuel, for example, in the evening, by morning it completely burns out, and the system begins to cool gradually. The speed of this process directly depends on the quality of the insulation of the room. Such minor inconveniences are easily resolved. To do this, it is enough to purchase a compact electric boiler, which is installed together with solid fuel as a support.

solid fuel boiler long burning with a water circuit

Solid fuel boilers

As mentioned above, solid fuel boilers can be single-circuit or double-circuit. The latest models, in addition to the main purpose (housing heating), are also able to heat water for domestic needs. The structure of such devices is usually of the same type. Each solid fuel boiler with a water circuit is equipped with a special chimney. It is represented by a pipe located in the heat exchanger. It performs the functions of heating water and removing gas after combustion. There are two cylindrical tanks inside the boiler: one is responsible for the supply of hot water, the other for the operation of the heating system. The circulation of heat and water is due to the staple-shaped pipes.

A feature of dual-circuit devices is the ability to run on different fuels. That is why many manufacturers order special gas burners for such units. This package is displayed on the cost of the goods, which are also affected by technical specifications. For example, simple solid fuel boilers - the price is from 25 thousand rubles, equipped with gas burners - from 35 thousand rubles, similar with 4 sections - about 50 thousand rubles.

Installation requirements

The installation of a solid fuel boiler must be in accordance with certain rules. For these works, it is recommended to use the services of skilled workers. They will not only carry out installation in accordance with established standards, but will also give a guarantee. However, this does not mean that you need to fully trust the specialists. Therefore, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the installation features that you need to know when installing a solid fuel boiler with a water circuit.

  1. The place where this unit is planned to be installed should not be made of combustible materials. Of particular note is gender. It is not recommended to install the boiler on a wooden floor. If it is impossible to radically solve this issue, then it is necessary to build a high-quality non-combustible stand.
  2. When installing the boiler, it is necessary to maintain a certain distance - 20-25 cm from all surfaces.
  3. The pipe connection should be as tight as possible, as this can lead to damage to the device and other unpleasant consequences.
  4. The distance of the outlet channel, which is located between the boiler and the chimney, is not recommended to be made more than 1 meter.
  5. If necessary, you can connect a boiler - the correct installation will not damage the operation of the heating system and will ensure a stable domestic hot water.

boilers for home heating

Boiler with electric heater

Solid fuel boilers with a water circuit, which are equipped with an electric heater, can automatically be configured to turn on. As a rule, this is necessary in cases where the temperature of the coolant drops below a predetermined level, for example, 35 ° C. This means that the unit turns on and starts to work, and the main solid fuel boiler remains inactive.


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