Stop and parking (SDA). Stopping and parking vehicles

One of the most important topics of traffic rules is stopping and parking. SDA disclose it in maximum detail. Well, this topic is very important, especially for future drivers, therefore it is worth discussing it.

stop and parking

Rule number one

Itā€™s worth starting right away with generally accepted provisions. And the first thing to tell is where stopping and parking are allowed. Traffic regulations say: the vehicle can be stopped or parked on the right side of the road, and exclusively on the side of the road. If it is not, then it is allowed to put the vehicle at the edge of the roadway.

And what about the left side? Can't you stop there at all? It is possible, but only in those cities / villages / towns where there is only one lane for different directions. And if there are no tram tracks in the center. It is still permissible to stop on the left if one-way traffic is organized on the road . It is forbidden to do this only to trucks of type (which weigh more than 3,500 kilograms). Unless for short-term loading or unloading.

Nuances and exceptions

So, one provision has been described above regarding such topics as stopping and parking. Traffic rules contain some explanations concerning this rule. So, it was said that the truck can stop on the left side of the road, but only in order to load the car or vice versa, unload it. This is possible, but only if the place is indicated by a special sign. It is called ā€œBeginning of a settlementā€. The sign looks like a tablet with a white background, on which, for example, ā€œKrasnodarā€, ā€œRostov-on-Donā€, ā€œIzhevskā€, etc. are written in black letters. But even then, stopping is not always allowed. On the left, you can only pause if the road is two-lane and the traffic there, respectively, is 2-way. You still cannot do this if the middle of the road is divided by one solid. In general, this must be taken into account and be careful.

stop and parking in settlements

Rule number two

The following provision regarding topics such as stopping and parking (SDA) states that the vehicle can only be parked in one row and that it should be parallel to the edge of the roadway. There may be exceptions. And these are situations when the driver is in that place, the configuration of which allows you to put the car somehow differently. By the way, if a person wants to park a motorcycle, moped or bicycle, then you can do it in two rows. This is explained, of course, by the distinctive dimensions.

It is still possible to park the car on the very edge of the sidewalk, which borders directly on the roadway. However, it is permissible for drivers of cars and 2-wheel vehicles. And in that place a special sign should be installed (numbered as 6.4 and necessarily ā€œreinforcedā€ by a plate 8.6.2 or another similar one). On the plates and it is shown exactly how in this particular place you can put the vehicle without violating the rule.

It is also worth noting the attention of one nuance that is covered by such a topic as parking and stopping. Traffic regulations say that if the roadway is separated from the sidewalk by a lawn, then it is strictly forbidden to put a vehicle there. There have been such cases, because now it is already negotiated. You cannot park a car on such a sidewalk.

stop and parking is prohibited


There is another point that is important to mention. Rest - for this purpose, parking and a stop are also often provided. SDA say that there are certain sites for this. This is true. If a person is tired, and feels that he needs to stretch a little, or if he needs a long rest at all, then you need to quickly find a sign that allows this. Usually it looks like a sign that shows a Christmas tree and a bench next to it.

If there are no such signs along the way and are not foreseen, then you just need to go outside the road and stop - this is also possible. The main principle is that the vehicle does not interfere with other road users.


As you could already understand, stopping and parking vehicles is not allowed everywhere. It can not be done on tram tracks, as well as near them. Since in this way it will turn out to interfere with the trams.

At railway crossings and 50 meters from them, this is also prohibited, since it is life threatening. Flyovers, tunnels, viaducts and bridges - these are also places that are not subject to parking and short-term parking. Also, this cannot be done in a place where the road is too narrow. There must be at least three free meters between the car and the edge of the roadway.

stopping and parking vehicles

Intersections, bus stops and crossings

Pedestrian crossings are also not intended for stops. You can park, but no closer than 5 meters from it. Also, if there are any dangerous turns or convex fractures near the planned stopping place, then you canā€™t park the car there either. The intersection of carriageways is also not intended for this. Like bus stops. There must be at least 15 meters from the parking place to it. Otherwise, the car will prevent buses and trolley buses from reaching the stop. And, finally, the vehicle can not be placed where it simply blocks some important road sign or, worse, traffic. All this threatens with rather big fines. So it is better to know what traffic rules are prescribed. The rules of stopping and parking is the most important topic.

Punishment for parking where you do not need

Now you need to talk in more detail about where you can not park. Stopping and parking of vehicles is regulated tightly. And if during the first one the driver is next to the vehicle, then in the second case, as a rule, he is absent. And, leaving the car parked not where it should be, you can return when you notice that the car is no longer there. He was not stolen - he just took the tow truck. Although now it is simply impossible to not be aware that this could happen. Since now, in addition to the signs "parking" is prohibited, under it they put the sign "Tow truck is working." It is impossible to confuse the image with anything else. Since it flaunts a tow truck taking the machine.

All this is fraught with consequences for the motorist. Firstly, you have to go after your car, which is clearly not included in his plans, pay a fine for his oversight, spend by no means extra time and not extra money. Therefore, it is better to be careful and spend ten minutes to find a ā€œlegalā€ parking place, and not to solve problems later.

Where you can not park

So, in continuation of the aforementioned topic, it is worth telling where traffic rules are still prohibited. The stopping and parking rules read as follows: it is forbidden for a long period of time (which is considered 5 or more minutes for cars) to park the car outside the village on the carriageway, which is indicated by the sign ā€œMain Roadā€ (yellow rhombus in a white frame, 2.1). And closer than fifty meters from the rail.

To make it clearer, you need to clarify - parking is the intentional stopping of the movement of his car by the driver. If he decided to park for five minutes - this is a stop. Parking takes longer. True, if the stop related to the landing of people (or their disembarkation) or, perhaps, loading / unloading of things dragged on, then there is nothing to worry about. Even if it lasts more than five minutes, you do not need to stop it - you need to finish it.

And, of course, you cannot park where it is, in principle, not allowed. This will now be discussed in more detail.

vehicle stopping and parking are prohibited


So, above was mentioned a little about the signs of parking and stops. SDA contain another important topic, and this is the markup. There are such special ā€œlinesā€ that prohibit the parking of private cars. Well, itā€™s worth sorting this out and turning to traffic rules again.

Stopping and parking is prohibited on those road sections that are marked with a yellow ā€œzigzagā€ marking. In these places, only taxis with included taximeter and route facilities can be parked.

It is also impossible to cross the solid one for parking - otherwise a fine of 500 rubles. Often, a duplicate road sign is applied to a parking space. Letā€™s say the ā€œPlace for the disabledā€ sign. If a person ignores any rules and leaves his vehicle where it is not supposed to, he will receive a fine of 5,000 rubles.

Markup 1.4 (a straight yellow line) is a ā€œsignalā€ that prevents anyone from stopping at all. Intermittent, of the same color, does not allow parking vehicles. That is, parking there is prohibited. If a person violates, then he faces a fine of one and a half thousand rubles.

In general, as you can see, stopping and parking vehicles are prohibited by many markings and rules. Therefore, it is worth learning where what is possible and where is not. It doesnā€™t hurt.

stop and parking prohibited

Special situations

It happens that a person sitting behind the wheel, has to urgently stop the vehicle. He was forced by circumstances. But if this happened, then he is obliged to take all measures as soon as possible in order to remove the car from the place where stopping and parking are prohibited. The action of the sign, if installed there, is not canceled by an emergency - you need to understand this. But anything happens, so in order not to confuse other motorists, a person should immediately turn on the alarm and put a ā€œtriangleā€ (ie, an emergency stop sign). In residential areas this must be done at a distance of 15 meters. Outside the city must be put in at least 30 meters.

What to do is prohibited

Talking about such a topic as stopping and parking vehicles (SDA), it is worth noting with attention that which cannot be done. Rule 12.7 states that even when parked, you cannot open the doors of cars if this in any way interferes with other people involved in road traffic. And moreover, this concerns not only the driver. Passengers must comply with this requirement. Otherwise, all responsibility will fall on the shoulders of the one who is driving. Therefore, before leaving the car, the passenger must notify the driver about this. And only after permission to leave. This is especially true for taxi drivers and minibuses. Or rather for people who are in their salons. How many cases have the driver not yet stopped, but just slowed down (due to the fact that a traffic jam has occurred, you need to let another motorist in, etc.), and the passenger is already trying to get out of the car. A fine is also imposed for this, moreover, on the one who is driving. Not without reason, after all, minibuses refuse tearfully begging people to "slow down here." Stopping and parking in settlements is allowed in specific places, so people donā€™t need to get angry and screaming - you just need to read the rules and be glad that the driver is neat and watchful.

vehicle stop and parking

Parking Rules

The last regulation (12.8) states that the driver has no right to leave the car without taking appropriate safety measures. That is, if expressed differently, he must ensure complete immobility of the car. Put on the handbrake, muffle, pick up the keys and lock the doors. This is advised to do, even if the parking is short. Firstly, doing so is in the driverā€™s interests (since in our modern age it is not difficult to steal someone elseā€™s car), and secondly, you can get a fine if you suddenly forget to put the parking brake on. The car will roll back and accidentally crash into a car that has got in its way.

In general, as you can see, there are many rules, but it is easy to remember all of them if you make some efforts for this. And you need to know them. Firstly, when passing the theoretical exam in the traffic police, this will come in handy, and secondly, in practice it will definitely help.


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