What should be the height of the pipe relative to the roof ridge?

It is often said that a house is like a human body. Its components function interconnectedly. Any violation of the norms and requirements when creating a heating system can lead to difficulties in use, as well as the destruction of the roof. To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to determine how the height of the pipe is calculated relative to the roof ridge. So you can easily find the optimal value.

The distance from the ridge to the chimney: what should it be?

pipe height relative to the roof ridge

Any inaccuracies or errors in determining the height of the chimney can turn into serious troubles. Incorrect calculations can lead to traction that is too small. Under such conditions, it is sometimes simply impossible to light a stove. Another significant problem is the appearance of turbulence in the chimney. The result of such phenomena and the reverse movement of the combustion products will be the smoke of the living room.

Correct airflow calculation

How is the height of the chimney relative to the ridge of the roof correctly determined ? When bumping into the outside of a chimney pipe, the wind changes direction. The horizontal flow, bumping into the pipe wall, simply tries to go around it and turns up. Due to such a change in course, a rarefied atmosphere is formed in the wall area, due to which smoke is drawn from the chimney.

Good wind traction is required to create good traction. If force majeure obstacles interfere with the normal movement of air currents, smoke will not discharge correctly. A ridge rib can become such an obstacle. For this reason, it is very important to observe the correct ratio between the distance to the ridge and the size of the pipe.

Height Recommendations

the height of the ventilation pipe relative to the roof ridge

The standards by which the optimum height of the ventilation pipe relative to the roof ridge is selected are defined in building codes and rules 2.04.05-91.

According to these standards:

  1. The length of the chimney must be at least 5 m.
  2. The size of the pipe outlet above the flat roof should be at least 0.5 m.
  3. The pipe must rise at least half a meter above the ridge if the length of the horizontal section between the ridge and the pipe is less than or equal to 1.5 m.
  4. The chimney mouth is flush in height with the ridge or rises slightly above it if the length of the length between the ridge and the pipe horizontally is in the range from 1.5 to 3 m.
  5. The chimney outlet should not lie below the level laid aside from the overhang of the cornice from the ridge at an angle of 10 degrees to the horizontal.

It is believed that the size of the pipes discharged nearby the chimney channel is equal to the height of the heating device itself.

Correct location

chimney height relative to roof ridge

The best option for the location of the chimney when arranging pitched roofs is the approximation of a minimum distance to the ridge.

This is due to the following features:

  1. The location next to the ridge provides the optimal height value from the bottom of the grate to the exit of the chimney.
  2. The roof ridge barrier will not interfere with the effects of air currents on the canal.
  3. This approximation reduces the costs required for the construction of the chimney.

Similarly, you can determine the value of the height of the chimney if the distance between the pipe and the ridge edge is more than 1.5 m, but less than 3 m. There are significantly fewer operations. It is enough to lay a horizontal line from the top of the roof. This determines the minimum height of the outside of the chimney.

Pipe height calculation

For those situations where the length of the segment between the ridge and the channel is more than three meters, the height of the pipe relative to the ridge of the roof is determined in the most complex way. The calculation of the characteristics of the chimney can be carried out both mathematically and graphically.

Graphic and mathematical methods

Often there are situations when a centrally located stove with a chimney crosses the roof structure or is located close to the edge of the main ramp, that is, it is far from the ridge. If the size of the segment from the exit of the chimney is more than 5 m, then it can be installed. It is enough to calculate the height of the chimney in relation to the ridge. To find the minimum value of the height of the pipe located at a distance from the ridge, you can use two methods:

  1. Graphic. Height is calculated using geometric constructions.
  2. Mathematical. The size of the chimney is determined using well-known trigonometry formulas.

The design of the building can be adjusted by moving the axis of the smoke channel horizontally. Simple operations will help determine the optimal pipe location. It is also worth considering that between the shortest part of the chimney and the roof covering there must be a distance of at least half a meter. The mathematical method is based on the use of certain geometric formulas. The scientific method allows you to accurately calculate the minimum value of the height of the chimney.

Design of flue ducts

pipe height above roof ridge
When erecting a building equipped with a stove, fireplace or other heating appliances, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to the development of the design of smoke exhaust paths. The height of the pipe relative to the roof ridge must be determined in accordance with established requirements to ensure a normal outflow of combustion products.

Factors Affecting Pipe Height

What factors can influence the choice of pipe heights? There are several answers to this question. The height of the pipe above the ridge is determined by such characteristics as the angle of the roof, the volume of the roof surface where the chimney is located, the climate in which the building is located, the number of trees and how many structures are near the building. It is such moments that must be taken into account when making calculations.

Optimal size

pipe height from roof ridge

Before embarking on the construction, it is important to most accurately calculate the size of the smoke ducts. When erecting a chimney, qualified specialists are guided by certain requirements. If it is 1.5 m from the ridge, then the height of the pipe above the ridge of the roof of the house should be at least half a meter. Under such conditions, good traction is provided. If the chimney is located at a distance of 3 m from the highest point of the roof, the height may be the same as that of the ridge. If the pipe is located at a distance of more than 3 m from the ridge, the chimney outlet is 10 degrees below the horizontal line.

How to make calculations?

In order to correctly calculate such a characteristic as the height of the pipe relative to the roof ridge, it is first necessary to sketch the roof plan and mark on it how the smoke paths are located. Applying geometric constructions, scale must be multiplied by height. If the structure is located among tall green spaces or buildings, the height of the pipe from the ridge of the roof must be determined correctly to ensure the correct output of combustion products. In this case, air streams will be generated, removing the combustible waste from the system. The correct operation of the heating system depends on the traction in the chimney. After all, it is it that allows you to remove all toxic combustion products from the home.

the height of the pipe above the ridge of the roof of the house
The heating system is directly related to the following characteristics:

  • the height of the pipe above the ridge of the roof of the bath;
  • section size inside;
  • temperature difference inside and outside the pipe;
  • chimney design;
  • humidity;
  • Atmosphere pressure.

To determine whether the chimney is functioning properly, it is not necessary to light the stove. It is enough to light a match and bring it to the fireplace. With good traction, the flame will be drawn in or go out altogether.

Probable problems

Before the onset of cold weather, owners of private homes face many problems in which smoke enters the room.

Such a nuisance can occur for several reasons:

  • ingress of a bird into the pipe;
  • pipe collapse;
  • a large accumulation of soot in the chimney.

To avoid this, before the start of the heating season, you should check the smoke exhaust paths and, if necessary, clean the pipes from soot, and also remove foreign bodies from the channel.


the height of the pipe above the ridge of the roof of the bath

In order to correctly organize the ventilation system in a house with a stove or fireplace, you need to not only perform various calculations, but also monitor its normal functioning. To eliminate the likelihood of precipitation and foreign objects getting into the ventilation ducts , a special cover is usually placed. To ensure that all residents have a comfortable use of the heating system, calculations of the values โ€‹โ€‹of the height of the chimney above the roof level should be performed with maximum accuracy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7259/

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