How to get rights after deprivation: the procedure, the necessary documentation, the rules for filling, the conditions for filing, the timing of the review and the procedure for obtaining

Deprivation of rights is considered a severe punishment for many car owners. The procedure is carried out in violation of really significant points of the SDA. A citizen may lose his certificate for a different period of time. In any case, after the end of the term, it is important to figure out how to obtain rights after deprivation. The procedure is considered quite simple, but you will have to re-confirm your knowledge of traffic rules, and also, if the validity of the rights is coming to an end, it is advisable to undergo a medical examination. A medical certificate is required without fail if a citizen was stripped of his rights as a result of driving while drunk.

For what reasons can I lose a document?

Deprivation of rights is considered a rather severe punishment, imposed for serious violations of traffic rules. The most common causes include:

  • Driving a car is intoxicated, and it can be narcotic or alcoholic. The term of deprivation of rights reaches 1.5 years.
  • Transfer of the right to drive a drunken citizen.
  • The driverā€™s refusal to undergo a medical examination to determine if he is sober or not.
  • Traffic on the oncoming lane, and for such actions you can lose your rights for six months.
  • The use of a vehicle that is not equipped with registration marks for movement leads to the deprivation of the certificate for a period of 1 to 12 months.
  • Speeding at 60 km / h leads to the fact that the rights are taken from the driver for a period of 4 to 6 months.
  • The creation of an emergency on the road, which led to the appearance of victims, is the basis for the deprivation of rights for a period of 1 to 2 years.
how to get a driverā€™s license after deprivation

The number of reasons why drivers can lose their license is constantly increasing. In some situations, traffic inspectors directly decide to levy a fine or forfeiture, as each case is individual.

What actions are performed by the traffic inspector?

The deprivation procedure is carried out in a special sequence of actions. If the traffic inspector reveals a serious violation on the part of the driver, then they will take the following actions:

  • a protocol is drawn up;
  • documentation is sent to court;
  • a date is set for the meeting, where all documents related to this case are studied;
  • a decision is made by the judge regarding the driver and the deprivation of his license.

The procedure of deprivation of rights is carried out exclusively by the judge, therefore, the traffic police do not have such powers.

How long can a driver lose his license?

The term is appointed solely by the judge, for which all the circumstances of a particular case are evaluated.

You can return the rights only after the full expiration of the specified period. The procedure is carried out on the basis of a court decision.

After the meeting, on the basis of which the citizen loses his certificate, it is necessary to transfer the rights to the traffic police department, whose employee drew up the protocol. The process is carried out within 10 days after the decision by the court. If this process is not completed, then the term of deprivation is suspended until the moment the document is handed over to the traffic inspector.

where to get rights after deprivation

Where to get rights after deprivation?

Drivers need to know where their documents are stored. Therefore, before you obtain a driverā€™s license after deprivation, you should decide where the license is located. It is stored in the traffic police department, whose employee drew up the protocol.

Often this unit is located in another city. Therefore, to obtain a document you will have to come to this city or create a request, on the basis of which a certificate is sent to the necessary traffic police department.

When can I come for a document?

Many people do not come to court for various reasons, so they have a question how to know when to get rights after deprivation. You can get this information in different ways:

  • study of the court ruling, which indicates the exact period of time for which the car owner loses his certificate;
  • appeal to the traffic police for information;
  • studying information from your personal account on the website of the State Service.

It is recommended that you start preparing for obtaining rights in advance in order to pass the theory and undergo a medical examination by the appointed date.

how to get rights after deprivation for a booze

How to get a certificate?

What do you need to get rights after deprivation? To implement this process, sequential steps are performed. They are as follows:

  • The date when the court made a decision is determined.
  • 10 days are added to it, designed to appeal the decision.
  • Based on the information received, the date on which the decision entered into force will be revealed.
  • The period for which the car owner was deprived of the license is added.
  • The received date is presented on the day when it will be possible to obtain rights after deprivation.
  • You can send for a document the day after that date.
  • Preparation should begin in advance so that by the appointed date all documents are fully prepared.
  • To do this, it is necessary to confirm that a person is well versed in traffic rules, therefore a theoretical exam is passed in the traffic police.
  • All fines of the traffic police accumulated before the transfer of rights to the traffic police are paid.
  • If the certificate expires, you will additionally have to undergo a medical examination.
  • Documentation is being prepared, which confirms that a citizen can indeed take his ID.

All the above requirements are given in Art. 32.6 Administrative Code, therefore they are binding. Without these actions, it is impossible to obtain rights after deprivation.

how to get early rights after deprivation

Rules for passing the theoretical exam

Before gaining rights after deprivation, you must confirm your knowledge of traffic rules. To do this, you will have to take the appropriate exam. Only the theoretical part is for rent. Here's what you need to know about this:

  • The process can be carried out after half the time limit set by the court.
  • To obtain the right immediately after the end of the term of deprivation, you must pass the exam a month before the appointed date, because if the driver can not cope with the test the first time, he can repeat the process only after 7 days.
  • The examination procedure can be carried out in any unit of the traffic police in which the necessary equipment is installed.
  • You can get advice from any employee of the institution.
  • For the purpose of testing, an application is transmitted to the traffic police department, and it can be brought in person or filed electronically.
  • Will have to answer 20 questions.
  • Citizen gets random questions.
  • The verification process is automated, so there is no chance of error.

Before you get the right after deprivation for a booze, you must pass this exam. There are no restrictions on the number of retakes, so you can try it many times. In this case, you do not have to pay a fee, since the creation of a new driverā€™s license is not performed.

If a citizen was deprived of his rights not because of traffic violations, but because of his health, then after treatment and rehabilitation he will only have to undergo a physical examination. In such a situation, it is not necessary to confirm once again the knowledge of traffic rules.

What documents are required to pass the exam?

For an exam to be assigned, the driver must have the following documents with him:

  • passport;
  • a medical certificate if the citizen was deprived of his rights for a drink or if the document expires at the time of receipt of the document;
  • if it is required to carry out a replacement of the certificate at the same time, since its validity expires, a state duty is additionally paid;
  • copy of the court decision.

The theoretical exam is the same as when you first received a driverā€™s license.

what you need to get rights after deprivation

Medical Board

How to get rights after deprivation for a booze? In this case, it is mandatory to undergo a physical examination. Doctors must confirm that the citizen has no alcohol or drug addiction.

Be sure to get a medical examination to the following citizens:

  • persons deprived of their rights for driving while intoxicated;
  • Citizens who, without good reason, refused to undergo an examination after presenting the relevant requirement by the traffic police;
  • drivers who drink alcohol or take drugs immediately after a traffic accident;
  • citizens deprived of their rights under Art. 264 of the Criminal Code.

Doctors need to make sure that the state of health of the car owner is optimal so that you can easily drive a car.

receive rights after deprivation

Rules for obtaining a document

Once all the preparatory steps are completed, you should decide on which department of the traffic police to get rights after deprivation. It is necessary to contact the authorized bodies where the document was submitted.

To obtain rights, the following documents are prepared:

  • passport of a citizen;
  • correctly written statement;
  • a medical certificate obtained before applying for an identity card;
  • payment papers, proving that the citizen has paid off all debts owed to the traffic police;
  • Examination card, outstanding upon successful passing of the theoretical exam.

Only on the basis of these documents a hand certificate is issued. If at least one stage is not passed, then the citizen will receive a refusal to issue a driverā€™s license. Is it possible to obtain rights after deprivation a few days after the deadline? It is allowed to carry out all necessary actions after the term appointed by the court expires. For such a delay, no penalties are imposed.

Rights handed over to the traffic police department are stored only for three years, after which they are destroyed. Therefore, if a citizen does not apply for a certificate during this period, then he will have to deal with the restoration of rights.

What to do if the rights are in the traffic police unit of another region?

Often V / V citizens are deprived by the court of another city. In this case, the document is handed over to the traffic police department of this region. To obtain a driverā€™s license after the expiration of the term of deprivation, you can choose one of the options:

  • a visit to the traffic police department where the document is stored, after which it is picked up personally by the citizen;
  • applying one month before the deadline to the local traffic police office with an application containing a request for a request for a driverā€™s license in this city;
  • an application is sent to the traffic police department, where the certificate is located, so that the document is forwarded to the unit at the citizen's place of residence.

A request to the traffic police departments can be made in paper form or sent in electronic form. When using the paper version, it is allowed not only to personally take it to the organization, but also send it by mail.

how to know when to receive rights after deprivation

How to get early rights after deprivation?

In fact, by law it is not possible to obtain a driverā€™s license before the deadline set by the judge.

Citizens often try to apply in advance, but are always faced with a refusal. Many people claim that the certificate can be obtained ahead of time after the deprivation of rights, if you give a bribe. But if such a violation is recorded, then the car owner can be prosecuted on the basis of Art. 291 and Art. 327 of the Criminal Code.


Deprivation of rights is considered a severe punishment for each driver. It is prescribed for serious traffic violations. Only the court determines for how long a citizen will be deprived of his driverā€™s license.

You can pick up the document only after the end of this period. To do this, you will have to pass a theoretical exam, and often you have to go through a medical examination.


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