How to survive in the forest: it’s good for everyone to know

If you went to the forest purposefully, for example, on a hike, you must have stocked up with a knife, a compass, food, and warm clothes. But today, let's look at a situation where you just got lost and extreme survival was not part of your plans. So where to start? Try to reach friends and relatives if your mobile phone picks up a signal, as well as shout the traditional “ay” - perhaps there are other people in the forest who will hear you. If all else fails, proceed further.

So, the first thing you need to know about how to survive in the forest, that fear now is far from the best assistant. Stop panicking and remember that nature has already foreseen everything for your survival, the main thing is to know how to rationally and usefully manage everything that you see around.

How to survive in the forest: theoretical basis

Since you cannot be absolutely sure that you will be able to get out of the forest today by evening, you should look for a place to sleep. It is desirable that this was some kind of hill, a clearing in a grove, etc. Also, immediately think about the reserves of water that can be taken in the nearest river or lake. Suitable and rain, collected from leaves and mushrooms, thawed snow. In extreme cases, you can quench your thirst with birch sap.

How to survive in the forest: looking for food

Before you go in search of food, you should pick up brushwood, dry grass, branches and make a fire (both for cooking and for heating). Ideally, this can be done with matches or a lighter, without which even in a familiar forest it is generally better not to meddle.

If attempts to make a fire have failed, you will have to do with raw foods. Look for cedar cones, berries (for example, mountain ash), mushrooms, weed (the same "rabbit cabbage"). To do this, of course, one should have knowledge of the edible and poisonous gifts of forest nature. You can try to catch small fish or frogs (if it’s disgusting, then remember that the French consider them a great delicacy), if there is a pond or swamp nearby. Remember that you will not spend tonight in a restaurant or in your own kitchen, so the most important thing now is to somehow fill your stomach so that you have the strength to find your way home.

How to survive in the forest: finding the way

Here is the time to recall the school course of life safety and some other disciplines. All have forgotten? Then recall that if at noon (did you even take the clock with you?), You stand with your back to the heavenly star, then your shadow will fall directly to the north. At night, you can navigate through the stars - the northern star of the constellation Ursa Major will indicate the northern direction. On branches and moss it is better not to navigate - this is not for everyone and does not always help. You should go only in one direction (north - so north, east - so east), so that later you will not be horrified to realize that you are just walking in a circle. Literally at every step, carefully look around to find traces of civilization (starting from a bottle crushed by the wheel of a car and ending with wrappers from food, etc. facts of human presence).

Surely, your homework grabbed you and organized a search. Try to leave as many noticeable traces as you can so that the rescue teams can determine the direction you are following.

Survival Equipment

Since no one can guarantee you that the next time after a walk through the forest you will safely return from it on time, before each trip, do not be too lazy to equip your hiking backpack with the following things:

1. Matches are wind-resistant, which will help to light a fire, scare away predatory animals, cauterize a bite of a poisonous spider or snake. They will also serve as auxiliary lighting.

2. A knife, without which in any emergency you feel like without hands. If you didn’t capture this item, you can also make it from sharp thin stone, a piece of wood by wrapping a “handle” with a patch of your clothes.

3. A skein of fishing line or rope will help in repairing damaged shoes or clothes, building a temporary shelter, and drying some plants. A bright fishing line or rope will come off in order to leave an identification mark for the search squad.

4. First-aid kit with the most necessary medications for survival: iodine, drugs such as Streptocide (for treating open wounds), Aspirin (for heat), Phthalazole (for indigestion), Activated charcoal (for poisoning )

5. A food bowl in which one edge can be sharpened and used as a cutting tool. In addition, it can dig the earth (like a shovel).


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