The cat goes to the toilet with blood: reasons, how to treat?

Animals are sick, like humans. Yesterday, the pet was cheerful and healthy, and today the cat goes to the toilet "for the most part" liquid and with blood. The causes and treatment of such an ailment may not be known to the novice owner. In this case, you need to contact the veterinarian at least by phone. But sometimes the cat’s condition begins to deteriorate, then a visit to the clinic can not be avoided.

Why does blood appear in the stool?

The owner should be alert for any changes in the health status of the pet. If the cat goes to the toilet with blood, then there can be many reasons for this. This symptom is especially dangerous for small kittens. If babies have recently been born, then veterinarians primarily exclude an abnormality in the development of internal organs. When severe pathologies are detected, kittens are euthanized.

cat fluidly goes to the toilet with blood

In adult animals, the cause of blood in the feces can be poisoning with poor-quality products. In cats that walk on the street, mechanical injuries are not excluded, for example, caused by a fall from a height. Blood in the stool is often found in animals suffering from constipation. Oncology in some cases can give this symptom. The appearance of blood in the feces can cause some drugs that veterinarians use to treat cats.

Why does blood appear in urine?

Usually, even before the appearance of formidable symptoms, the animal begins to behave strangely. The owner may notice that the cat began to sit in the tray for a long time. The animal usually meows, is nervous, looks sad. Sometimes a cat may even begin to go to the toilet past the tray, this is another symptom of his illness. Then, when cleaning, the owner notices that the filler is colored with something red. There is no doubt - the cat goes to the toilet with blood.

the cat goes to the toilet with blood for the most part

In veterinary medicine, this condition is called hematuria. Often an ailment is associated with poor animal care. If the owners give the cat low-quality food of economy class, then it can get an urolithiasis. An unbalanced diet causes kidney problems, especially if there is too much protein in it.

Urolithiasis disease

At risk are long-haired cats, castrates, animals with obesity. Some pets have a genetic predisposition to urolithiasis. But all cats that are at risk can maintain health if they are not affected by certain factors:

  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • low fluid intake;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • avitaminosis.
the cat goes to the toilet with blood

Most often, urolithiasis is diagnosed in animals in the fall and spring. The cat goes to the toilet with blood in his urine, his health begins to deteriorate. If urgent treatment is not started, the animal will die with a probability of 80%.

The cat needs to be taken to the clinic for examination and diagnosis. If the disease has gone far, then the doctor will put a catheter in the animal, it will facilitate the passage of urine. A dehydrated cat is recommended to inject saline through a dropper. At the time of treatment, the fluffy patient is put on a veterinary diet: "Royal Canin Urinari" or "Hills c / d".


Malignant neoplasms very often lead to the death of the animal. The cat’s immunity gradually decreases, its organs begin to work incorrectly. Veterinarians have not yet identified the exact causes of malignant neoplasms. But there are factors that increase the likelihood of developing oncology in a cat :

  • inhalation of cigarette smoke;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • decreased immunity;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • constant stress;
  • heredity.
why does the cat go to the toilet with blood

Why does the cat go to the toilet with blood? Oncological disease in the later stages interferes with the work of all organs. Cancer is most often detected in animals over the age of 5 years. Oncology can be treated only in the clinic, it is impossible to help the cat at home. The animal undergoes surgery to remove the tumor, and then chemotherapy is prescribed. In some cases, the cat is exposed.


Veterinary experts recommend treating cats from worms once every 3 months. And this applies to animals that are allowed to walk, and to those who sit at home. It is generally accepted in society that if a cat doesn’t go anywhere, then helminths have nowhere to come from. This is not true. Methods of infecting a cat with helminths:

  • contact with sick animals;
  • intrauterine infection by a cat of its offspring;
  • contact with seeded equipment;
  • eating raw fish.
blood cat goes to the toilet in the urine

Owners can bring larvae and helminth eggs on their shoes to the house. The sick animal gradually loses weight, its hair becomes dull and tangled. He has reduced immunity, a perverse appetite and bloating can be observed. If the cat goes to the toilet in large quantities with blood and mucus, then for treatment veterinarians prescribe anthelmintic drugs.


The disease is often diagnosed in animals, and then gives relapses. If the cat often goes to the toilet with blood, then he may have cystitis. The disease is confused with urolithiasis, therefore, specialist advice is needed. Only a veterinarian can correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

With cystitis, urination becomes more frequent with a cat; he may begin to go to the toilet past the tray, for example, on a sofa or carpet. In the process, the animal meows, behaves uneasily. The cat can exit the tray on bent legs, as it experiences severe pain during urination.

the cat often goes to the toilet with blood

Do not treat the animal with herbs or self-selected drugs, this can harm the pet. Therapy in this case is prescribed only by a veterinarian. After the examination, he may offer to donate blood and urine, and undergo an ultrasound examination. During the treatment of the cat, it is advisable to transfer to special dry food, for example, “Hills Urinari Stress” or “Royal Canin Urinari”.


A cat may have a loose stool due to a viral infection. The disease is extremely contagious and ultimately leads to the death of the animal. Coronavirus is an infection in which the level of white blood cells drops. The disease is most susceptible to kittens aged 2.5 to 4 months. The main source of the spread of the disease are carrier animals. These cats were once ill with a coronavirus, but now they infect others. In addition to carriers, danger is presented by objects that were in contact with them.

The disease has 2 variations: the first causes enteritis, and the second causes viral peritonitis. The causative agents of the disease have a similar structure, one strain is able to mutate in another. If the enteritis of the cat is well tolerated, then infectious peritonitis leads to the death of the animal. Young cats are most susceptible to the virus.

An exact diagnosis will be made only by a veterinarian, but for some symptoms the owner may suspect a coronavirus in his pet:

  • gum redness;
  • loose stools with impurities of blood;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • vascular sprouting in the eyes;
  • bloating;
  • change in animal behavior.
kittens can get sick

If the cat goes to the toilet liquid and with blood, the owner should be wary. Treatment consists of giving the animal immune stimulants and controlling the symptoms. The veterinarian develops an individual diet for the fluffy patient. It is currently impossible to completely cure coronavirus.

Intestinal inflammation

Ailment can occur for many reasons. Veterinary experts call intestinal inflammation enteritis. The main symptom of the disease - the cat goes to the toilet with blood. The disease can be both non-infectious and freely transmitted between cats. Causes of intestinal inflammation:

  • viral infection, for example panleukopenia;
  • overfeeding;
  • giving the animal spoiled foods;
  • eating cat poisonous substances;
  • intestinal inversion;
  • fatal tumors.

If the cat goes to the toilet with blood, then it is advisable to transfer it to high-quality dry food. In this disease, the diet of the animal is selected only with a veterinarian. If the owners do not want to establish a diet for the cat, then the therapeutic effect will be reduced. The animal is prescribed antibiotics and antiviral drugs. It is necessary to introduce vitamins and probiotics into the cat's diet.


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