How to play on T10 in World of Tanks: the choice of crew, equipment and best positions

The T10 is located at the ninth level of the Soviet branch of the development of tanks. The unit has a quick-firing gun, high mobility and weak armor. Tanking the damage of opponents on it is difficult. Therefore, gamers are interested in how to play on T10. For successful battles you need to use special equipment and equipment.

general information

Screenshot of the T10 tank in battle

In order for a person to understand how to play T10 in World of Tanks, you need to study the pros and cons of the car. This tank is universal. It can act on both the heavy and middle class equipment. Its advantages include:

  • Awesome review.

  • Good tower reservation.

  • Low silhouette of the unit.

  • The maximum speed of 50 km / h and good dynamics.

  • One-time damage of 440 health points.

  • Penetration of 258 mm on armor-piercing shells.

This machine also has disadvantages. These include a low stock of helppoints of 1800 units. Along with this, the tank has poor armor and forehead reservations. The accuracy of the guns is low. Due to poor horizontal alignment angles on some cards, it is difficult for the user to do damage. Therefore, many gamers are interested in how to play on T10.

Machine equipment

How to play on t10

The player must be responsible in choosing the modules. To install them correctly, a person must understand the advantages and disadvantages of the unit. If the user has just started playing on the machine, then he needs to put the “Gun rammer” module as the first module. With it, damage per minute will increase. Thanks to this, the firepower of the tank will increase.

The second module is the Stabilizer. With it, a person will increase accuracy in motion. In addition, the reduction time will be reduced. The third equipment that is worth installing is Enlightened Optics. The module will increase the viewing range. In place of the optics, you can put a “Fan." It will enhance all tank performance by 5%.

What to teach the crew

The people who drive the car influence the effectiveness of the battles. With the help of perks, the tanker will simplify the gameplay. The T10 crew consists of four people. The commander needs to pump "Sixth Sense", "Repair" and "Battle Brotherhood." The last perk is Radio Interception. The gunner needs to upgrade “Repair”, “Tower Turn”, “Battle Brotherhood” and “Disguise”. The driver should open “Smooth running”. After him pumped "Repair", "Battle Brotherhood" and "Disguise." To the Charger - “Contactless Bq”. In addition, “Repair”, “Brotherhood” and “Disguise”.

How to play on T10

T-10 game screenshot

This tank can be used in almost any situation, as it has a good gun and speed. The player needs to be able to adapt to various styles of gameplay. By car, a person can go to the position of heavy tanks. Thanks to the mobility of the tank, the user will be the first to take an advantageous place. You can only tank a tower, so the hull should be hidden.

If a person does not know how to play T10, then he needs to try to get a minimum of damage. In some cases, you can tank onboard. This tactic is suitable for beginners. More experienced players can use the T10 as a medium tank. To do this, go to their position. Against medium tanks you need to act aggressively. You can use the weight of T10 and ram opponents.

In an open area, the car does not show itself well. It is better not to go to the positions of heavy tanks, since tank destroyers will often break through the unit. The player should play the role of supporting allies.

City maps are perfect for the T10. Behind the terrain, a tanker can hide a vulnerable vehicle body. For example, in the "Gut" on Himmelsdorf. On city maps, a person needs to go to the positions of heavy tanks and play with them. Experienced gamers recommend carrying 10 gold shells. They will increase the chance of breaking through high-level opponents.


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