Attachments for Neva motor-block: overview, description, purpose

Refining and caring for a land plot is a tedious and tedious thing. But is it good if it is 5 acres, and if it is 20, 30 or more? Then the work turns into a real hard labor, where you have to disappear for almost a day. And this is during the spring, summer and fall.

In this case, special agricultural equipment acts as a panacea, namely walk-behind tractors and canopies. They greatly facilitate the life of both rural residents and urban summer residents who decided to acquire a solid site and want to eat only their own from the garden.

Today's agricultural machinery market offers many options for both walk-behind tractors and carports, for almost all occasions. Getting lost in all this diversity is quite easy, especially for the inexperienced consumer. Experts in this area and seasoned farmers recommend taking a closer look at the Neva motoblock and attachments for it. For a good half of beginner summer residents and farmers of the average hand, this will be the best option both technically and financially.

So, we present to your attention the most popular attachments for the Neva walk-behind tractor. Consider the main characteristics of the canopies, their purpose, as well as the appropriateness of the acquisition in a particular case. The Neva MB-2 walk-behind tractor will act as the “experimental”. This is one of the most common and sought after options in the domestic market.

Types of equipment

All sets of attachments can be divided into applications. Such a classification will narrow the range of choice and more accurately determine the future purchase.

Types of canopies:

  • Tillage (milling cutters, plow, hiller, lugs).
  • Landing (planters).
  • Harvesting (all kinds of diggers).
  • Bevel (mowers - knife, disk).
  • Cleaning (brushes, snow blowers).
  • Transportation (carts, couplings).

Let's consider each category in more detail.

Milling cutters

The delivery set with the Neva MB-2 motor-block includes 8 milling cutters with a diameter of 36 cm. They allow loosening the soil up to 120 cm wide and 20 cm deep. They have shown themselves to be excellent in practice, but only in the treated areas.

Neva MB 2

If the land rested for more than a year, and the soil was not refined in any way, then this attachment for the Neva motoblock will be useless. In this case, more cardinal actions are necessary, as well as other canopies - a plow and a hiller.


The plow is an important and widely sought-after attachment for the Neva motor-block. Its main task is plowing and marking furrows. The design of the plow allows you to open the soil layers and cut entire layers. The operational characteristics of this canopy depend primarily on the quality of the steel from which it is made, as well as on the exterior of the structure.

Attachment Kit

To install the plow you will need an original coupling for the Neva motor-block. The latter helps to adjust the position of the canopy on three axles. On sale you can find plows with or without a hitch. The most common canopy model is the “P 1 20/3”. This plow leaves strips up to 220 mm and reveals soil up to 215 mm deep. The model is quite light and weighs only 8 kg.

With the Neva, reversible plows are often used. In this case, we have two main elements instead of one. This allows you to cultivate the land without passes. A good part of such equipment weighs a lot, therefore, special weighting materials or adapters for attachments for the Neva motor-block are used for balancing.


If more depth is needed, then lugs can be used. In their appearance, they resemble the wheels of a tractor, only in miniature. Such a canopy virtually eliminates slipping and helps to eradicate soil, weed, plow and dig up various root crops.

Grouser on the Neva

The lug form factor prevents the walk-behind tractor from tipping over at decent power, and the canopy itself moves easily and simply, especially on loose soil. The weight of the equipment is very decent - 10-15 kg each wheel.

Experienced farmers recommend using KUM metal sheds (700 mm / 15 kg) for the Neva as a universal option, or for hilling - K-T models (680 mm / 10 kg each).


Okuchnik for the Neva motor-block has a frame made of metal, which is supported by supporting wheels. Rotary harrows are attached to the latter. This canopy is designed to organize grooves for landing.

Okuchnik for the Neva motor-block

In addition, okuchnik is very often used in weed control, for loosening the soil and adding soil to the roots of crops. Such canopies sometimes act as an alternative to mills or even plows. Therefore, the hiller can be called universal equipment.

On sale you can find models on one row - OH2 / 2 and on two rows - STV. The latter can also be with a hitch - OND and enter the ground up to 220 mm. Other models - up to 200 mm. Hookers can be adjusted and set the required row spacing - from 400 to 700 mm.

It is also worth noting that this is a rather heavy equipment. Two-row canopies can weigh 18 kilograms or more, while a single-row canopy only 4-6 kg.


A digger for a walk-behind tractor is most often used for potato crops and, along with a plow, is enviable popular with domestic farmers. As a rule, it is called potato digger. Such equipment greatly increases the efficiency of harvesting. Some farmers try to use a plow instead of a digger, but at the same time a considerable part of the crops deteriorates.

Digger for walk-behind tractor

This canopy with due accuracy and care reveals the soil and raises root crops to the surface without any serious damage. In addition to potatoes, the digger copes with the collection of beets, garlic and onions.

The maximum depth, as well as the rate of excavation in sensible awnings, can be adjusted before starting work. A striking example of a high-quality digger for the Neva motor-block is KNM. It goes to a depth of 220 mm and distributes breadth of up to 250 mm. The equipment weighs not so much, when compared with the canopies described above - only 5 kg.


A good half of the canopies require a special hitch for normal operation. It can be either complete with equipment, or purchased separately. Each walk-behind tractor has its own original clutch mechanism, including our Neva’s, so anyway it’s not suitable here.

Hitch for the Neva motor-block

For example, the hitch to the Neva for the hiller and canopies of a similar design - STV or OND, for the plow and analogues - PNS-SN. For other equipment there are more universal options - CB1 / 1 and "Base". CB1 / 1 is larger and weighs almost 4 kg, and the second is compact at 2.5 pounds. It is naturally impossible to use the Baza for heavy awnings. She just will not pull them.


Almost every farmer bought or at least thought about buying a special trolley for a walk-behind tractor. They are tipper or conventional and are designed to transport a wide variety of goods with different dimensions.

The cart for "Neva"

For the Neva you can find the following carts:

  • TPM (proprietary);
  • TPM-M;
  • dumping (one axis);
  • normal on the chassis (two axles).

Modification TPM copes with loads up to 250 kg and has a body 1330 x 1110 x 300 mm. TPM-M is a little more modest - 1140 x 825 x 300 and with a loading capacity of up to 150 kg. The tipper truck carries up to 250 kg and has several modifications (sizes). Two axles withstand 500 kg and also differ from each other in their dimensions.


Attachments to the Neva walk-behind tractor of this kind can be used both for mowing ordinary lawns and for haying livestock. It all depends on the modification of the canopy. Cutting height can be adjusted manually or automatically. In the latter case, uses an expensive electric drive.

"Neva" walk-behind tractor mower

Experienced farmers recommend using the time-tested spit-canopy KR-05. In one pass, the model mows a strip of half a meter width with a cutting height of up to 4 cm. The speed of movement on grass of medium density is approximately 0.3 m / s. The model weighs just over 30 kilograms.

If you need a more serious option, then you can take a closer look at the Zarya rotary mower. It is noticeably more efficient than KR-05 and in one pass processes a strip 80 cm wide. In one hour, the mower processes about 0.15 hectares of medium-dense grass. True, here you need to take into account one nuance. Rotary models, although more effective than others, are less maneuverable than knife ones, so mowing between trees or bushes can turn into a problem, especially if the distance there is very small.


The motoblock is useful not only in the summer months, but also in the winter. On sale you can find attachments for snow removal. This will eliminate the tedious work of a shovel. And if in the southern regions of the Russian Federation such equipment is deprived of practicality, then in the northern regions, where snow blockages occur almost every day, it is absolutely necessary.

One of the most prominent representatives of this segment is the rotor brush, designed specifically for the Neva - ShchRM. The canopy has an almost meter-long grip (880 mm) and sweeps the area at a speed of 1 meter per second, which is very good. In addition, the model showed itself very well in the autumn period, when the site is full of fallen leaves and other garbage.

Attached snow removal equipment

If you need a more powerful solution for a serious snow removal campaign, then you can look in the direction of specialized SMB equipment. He perfectly copes with icy areas and grinds even glacial ice. In this case, the canopy is additionally equipped with a bend, which casts snow 5 meters.

Features of the Neva MB-2 motor-block

As mentioned above, there are plenty of awnings for this walk-behind tractor. But even if no specific equipment was found on sale, it can be remade with your own hands just for the Neva. Fortunately, regular places here are more or less universal, and serious problems with awnings from other manufacturers should not arise.

In addition, almost every second car service, including a garage, sins with such alterations. And to find a good master is not difficult.

Some craftsmen got the hang of designing attachments literally from improvised materials. The latter, as a rule, is in abundance for any household farmer: pipe cuts, metal sheets, rods and other, so to speak, rubbish.

To realize the undertakings, a canopy layout with dimensions is required, as well as minimal welding knowledge. Well, actually, the welding machine itself.

For example, a mower for a walk-behind tractor will have to be bought in any case if frequent mowing is necessary. But here to clean the grass by hand, especially on a large area - this is an unpleasant and tedious task. It is much more practical to do this with a rake attached to a walk-behind tractor.

DIY attachments

All that is needed in this case is a metal pipe or channel and rods. The latter must be bent in a half-ring and welded to the pipe. In the middle, fasten by welding the lock for the hitch, and the rake for quick mowing is ready. In the same way, you can make a potato digger, hiller and other simple canopies. This will save the lion's share of the budget.

If you are too lazy to do all this yourself, then again, there are masters, including garage workers. The total cost of the equipment will still be lower than buying a branded canopy in the store.


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