Grapes Manicure Finger: variety description, characteristics, cultivation features

Breeders engaged in the cultivation of new grape varieties know how to surprise gardeners. A new selection development of the Japanese has become a hybrid variety of grape varieties Manicure Finger. This table variety, characterized by external attractiveness and interesting taste, in harmony with appearance, quickly won the hearts of lovers of grapes.

Main characteristics of the considered grape variety

Due to the growing season of about 140 days, this grape belongs to the group of medium-late varieties starting to bring the crop closer to mid-September. Vine bushes are vigorous.

Breeders are constantly engaged in the cultivation of new grape varieties, and this is a real joy for amateur gardeners. This time, experts in the selection industry created a completely new, extraordinarily beautiful variety of Manicure Finger grapes. Thanks to its unique taste and unusual appearance, this table variety immediately won the hearts of winegrowers. Of course, not every gardener can afford to buy seedlings, since this is not a cheap pleasure.

When to plant grapes in spring or autumn

Characteristics and features of the variety

To get acquainted with the peculiarity of growing these sweet berries, you need to carefully study the characteristics of the grapes Manicure Finger. What is a Finger Manicure? This is a finger-type table variety, which is quite difficult to attribute to both white and red grape varieties. In its affiliation, it occupies a middle position due to its particularity - the taste and color of berries.

The Japanese breeders brought the Finger manicure, so the climatic conditions inherent in our region are not very suitable for him. But still, the overseas guest was able to gradually adapt to such changes, albeit with certain difficulties.

The growing season of grapes is about five months. This means that it belongs to medium-late varieties and begins to bear fruit in late September. Finger Manicure grapevine is growing quite fast, which means that it is easy to shape into a fan shape.

Outwardly, grape berries are different from other varieties, so it is simply impossible to confuse them. Ripening, thin skin turns pale yellow, turning into red. It looks very interesting, and according to the description, Finger Manicure grapes are similar to manicured fingers. The berries are juicy and sweet.

Grape Finger Manicure Description

Planting and care of Finger grapes

To plant this grape you need to use cuttings with three buds each - this is the most suitable option. It is also necessary to inspect the seedlings and make sure that they are fresh, there is no mold on the bark, and the wood is greenish.

Novice gardeners often do not know when to plant grapes - in the spring or in the fall, and miss the most successful period for planting. Experts recommend high-quality seedlings to root in early spring. This will allow the next year to get the desired crop.

Shrub formation is also of great importance. It is important not to overload it and trim on the eighth kidney. How grapes will react to lower temperature indicators is not yet clear, since its frost resistance has not been fully studied. Therefore, it is better to cover the grapes during a cold snap.

Growing Features

The table grape variety Finger Manicure is very finicky. Gardeners who cultivate it in their garden must know all the features of its cultivation in order to get a good harvest.

It is important to remember that a strong and rapid growth of the vine overloads the bush, and a strong pruning will not hurt him, it is better to leave eight buds.

Despite the thin skin of berries, grapes are perfectly transported.

Grape variety manicure finger

Diseases and pests of grapes

Despite the positive in terms of cultivation and fruiting reviews of grapes Manicure Finger, he is very poorly resistant to diseases. Most often it is susceptible to anthracnose. This disease affects the ground parts and gradually spreads throughout the site. Various insects, rains, wind and morning dew contribute to the spread of anthracnose.

If brown spots began to appear on the leaves of the grapes, this indicates that it is time to treat the plant with the appropriate compounds.

For prevention, grapes will not hurt to process against mildew and oidium.

As for insects, this particular grape variety does not suffer from them. Perhaps this is due to its recent appearance in our latitudes.

Manicure finger grapes reviews

How to protect grapes from diseases

Recognizing a disease that harms Finger Manicure grapes is half the battle, the main thing is to treat it with the right medication on time and correctly and prevent death.

In the rainy season and hot weather, grapes are often affected by gray rot. When such a nuisance occurs during the ripening period, it can negatively affect the taste. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to treat the bushes with a solution of soda or potassium iodide.

Direct sunlight will save us from white rot, and we need to make sure that the plant does not overgrow. If the disease has managed to infect branches and leaves, they must be immediately cut and burned.


Pruning grapes Manicure Finger is simply necessary to remove excess, old and weak shoots, thereby strengthening the remaining vine. When the vine grows over one hundred and eighty centimeters, and the leaves are densely blossomed, the berries are practically not lit. In addition, this negatively affects the harvest. This indicates the need for trimming.

Another option that allows you to maintain the livelihoods and yields of grapes is pinching. Pasynkovany called pruning of lateral, barren shoots. Weak and small stepchildren should be cut off completely. But the stronger ones are only partially, so that next year they begin to bear fruit.

Characteristic grape manicure finger

Propagation of grapes

When to plant grapes - in spring or autumn, depends on the method of propagation of the plant. This can be done in three ways: cuttings, layering and grafting.

The easiest way is the first, cuttings. Annual vines are harvested in the fall and kept in a cool place all winter.

Reproduction by layering is not always obtained. The result depends on whether the old vine can start new cuttings, thereby rejuvenating the bush.

Characteristic grape manicure finger

Despite the fact that grape seedlings Finger Manicure are quite expensive and very picky in care, its popularity is only growing. Since all the disadvantages are compensated by excellent appearance, good taste and high portability. Table grape variety Finger Manicure is a real mystery and an amazing experiment that even experienced wine growers cannot solve.


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