Logo rhythm for children 5-6 years: exercises. Logo rhythmic exercises and classes for children 4-5, 5-6, 6-7 years old

The task of adults is to help children master the speech. For this, it is necessary to pay attention to speech therapy and logo rhythmic activities. Thanks to them, the child replenishes the vocabulary, learns to pronounce sounds correctly, choose intonation and form sentences.

From the article you will find out what logorhythm is, what exercises it includes, what is its age-related purpose. This technique is becoming popular, as it helps many children to quickly learn speech.

What is logo rhythm?

So that the child does not have problems with speech, teachers use different methods. One of them is logo rhythm. Thanks to her, children replenish their vocabulary, develop both fine and large motor skills, learn the correct pronunciation and much more.

Logo rhythm is a complex of exercises that a child performs with the help of music and poetry. This is corrective pedagogy, thanks to which movements are accompanied by sound.

logo for children 5 6 years old exercises

In fact, this technique is called "speech therapy rhythm." Teachers do it with children to correct their speech with the help of movements and sound. These exercises are very useful for children. They develop breathing, speech, hearing, motor skills, and creative abilities.

Logo rhythm for children of 5-6 years is very necessary. Exercises are designed to help the child cope with speech difficulties faster. At this age, children are prepared for school, therefore they need to speak correctly and clearly, since academic performance also depends on speech skills.

The purpose of logo rhythmic exercises for preschoolers

To overcome the problems of speech development, it is necessary to conduct rhythmic exercises. For each exercise, teachers set a specific goal. Children learn to talk, improve their speech, strengthen the muscular system, form correct posture, develop breathing and much more.

logo for children 6 7 years old exercises

Thanks to rhythmic exercises, the child begins to feel the pace of music, move to the beat, sing, etc. Logo rhythmics are useful for children 5-6 years old. Exercises for them are more complicated, because before school you need to know much more than at the age of 3-4 years.

Logo rhythmic classes are needed not only for the development of speech. Thanks to them, you can reassure an overly active child or cheer up a calm one. With the help of logic rhythmics, children learn to transform and enter the image of a theatrical hero.


To date, this technique is very in demand. Exercises can be performed not only in the team, but also at home. Adults help children develop according to age. Logo rhythmic exercises are very useful for each child. They comprehensively develop children and improve their speech.

Logo rhythm teaches children to thoroughly master motor skills, navigate in space. The older the child, the more he understands the meaning of classes, and can be creative.

Regular logo rhythmic exercises help to improve your health. The cardiovascular system, respiratory, motor, cognitive, etc. work better. Thanks to such exercises, children are in a mood for the whole day.

logo exercises for children

Logo rhythm is popular for children 5-6 years old. Exercises for them are created not only with music and movements, but also with more complex words to consolidate the development of speech. Before school, children should speak well and know a lot of words. Then they will easily learn to read and write.

What does logo rhythm include?

As mentioned earlier, every child needs music and movement exercises. Logo rhythm includes:

  • Walking forward, backward, left or right. Thanks to such exercises, the child learns to navigate in space.
  • Breath, voice, articulation, intonation. It helps children to speak correctly, to choose words, to feel tact.
  • Regulation of muscle tone and attention.
  • Speech exercises with or without musical accompaniment.
  • The development of fine and large motor skills.
  • Musical beat development.

The principle of all logo rhythmic exercises is the use of rhythm and music. Therefore, it is possible to diversify the movement. Accordingly, children are not bored with logo rhythmic exercises, because every child is ready to jump and run at least the whole day.

Sometimes kids are offered challenging tasks. Logo rhythm is especially difficult for children 5-6 years old. They organize exercises with musical accompaniment, movement and words. Not every child will easily learn this.

Classes always begin with walking or marching. Thanks to this, the coordination of the arms and legs is clear. It is from walking that children learn to control their body and become more stable.

The development of attention, memory and musical feeling

Many children do not know how to concentrate on one thing. They are inattentive, forgetful, unstable memory, cannot sing to music, since there is no corresponding hearing. For such kids, logo rhythmic exercises are needed, where attention, memory and hearing are required.

To develop a musical feeling, children are first offered tasks with a slow rhythm. Kids should feel every sound in music.

Pace is speed. In music, it is divided into slow, moderate and fast. So that the child can feel the music, do not rush. First, the children stop at a slow pace. When it is mastered, you can move on to faster music.

Musical instruments - an essential attribute in logo rhythm

As a rule, children love when it is noisy and fun. Therefore, musical instruments are of no small importance in logo rhythmics.

logo for children 5 years old

Thanks to them, children learn to feel the rhythm, they have hearing, attention and memory. Plus, fine motor skills develop, with the help of which speech improves.

Musical instruments develop imagination and creativity. When the teacher or music director begins to play the piano, children should repeat at least the pace. The first time it rarely turns out. However, if a child seeks improvement, sooner or later he will succeed.

Logo rhythm for children 4-5 years old

Many teachers pay attention to rhythmic education. Logo rhythm for children of 4-5 years is very interesting. Exercises are held for a maximum of 30 minutes. It can be finger or outdoor games. Thanks to them, the speech of the child develops.

logo for children 5 7 years old classes and exercises

Finger play

Educator: children, look at your fingers. How many are there on the right hand? And on the left? Right, 5 fingers. Let's play with them.

We shared the mandarin (the left fist holds the right hand ).
Many animals, but he is alone.
This slice is for kittens ( unbend the first thumb ),
This slice is for ducklings ( unbend the index finger ),
This slice is for piglets (we extend the middle finger ),
This - the chickens will eat ( unbend the ring finger ),
The remaining slices are for young children (we extend the little finger ).

Outdoor game

We ran, we ran until the legs were tired.
Now we have a little rest, and again we will start to run.
Oh! Children, look out the window, the rain has started.
It’s time for everyone to quickly run home.
We’ll put beautiful rubber boots on the legs,
Let's go again, we walk, cute rain to catch up.

These exercises for children 4-5 years old develop attention. Such games must be held regularly. Preferably with music.

Logo rhythm for children 5-6 years old

At this age, exercises are more complex. Children need to master not only movements, but also rhythm, words, music.

Motor exercise

Amanita mushroom grew under the hillock,
The children saw him and decided to dig.
They began to shoot him down with a shovel.
Digging one day
They cut the second day,
The third - sawed.
Hurrah! Mushroom piled on the ground!

In this exercise, children must figure out for themselves what movements to do. However, adults can help for the first time. When children learn a poem, they can retell it on their own.

One more exercise

The breeze is blowing, the leaves are spinning
Slowly but surely they fell to the ground.
A strong wind blew, snowflakes flew in,
The blizzards will probably begin soon.
Again, a breeze suddenly blew, a snowball lay on the ground.
Snow is everywhere, and on a tree, in a hollow,
On the ground and on the pavement
After all, winter has come, imagine!

The logic for children of 5 years is very entertaining. The guys will be happy to come up with movements and show them.

Logo rhythm for children 6-7 years old

Exercises for this age can no longer be 30, but 40 minutes each. Children need to allocate more time for classes, as their complexity increases.

Motor exercise

Let's go to the forest with the guys (marching in a circle ),
And we will pick mushrooms
In the meantime, we'll sing a song.
I will come with friends in the forest ( walking ),
And gather mushrooms ( leaning forward ).
It’s raining like a drip,
And the mushrooms didn’t go around,
Now they have grown,
We collect them.

To do this, let the children come up with movements on their own. After all, they develop not only memory, but also imagination. Funny and exciting logo rhythmic for children 6-7 years old. Exercises are most often offered with musical accompaniment. Just what every child needs.


To overcome a speech disorder in a child, it is not necessary to engage with a speech therapist. It is possible to carry out speech therapy exercises at home . Many children speak too fast. This negatively affects speech. Thanks to the rhythmic exercises, you will teach your child to speak clearly.

logo for children 4 to 5 years of exercise

With peers, kids are easier and more fun to do. However, it is not always possible to take your baby to the team. Therefore, conduct classes at home. It is not as difficult as it seems.

There is a unique logo for children 5-7 years old. Classes and exercises are based only on fairy tales or songs. It is fun, interesting and entertaining for every child. Many children ask parents to read another story. You can take advantage of the situation. When telling a fairy tale, accompany it with movements, intonation, facial expressions. Children always copy adults, so after the first reading the child will show you and tell another story. In the same way, sing songs with your child.


Log rhythmic exercises for children can be varied - both the easiest and the most difficult. In the younger group, poems by Agnia Barto will do. For older children or preparatory groups, you can tell long tales of Korney Chukovsky or Sergei Mikhalkov.

When a piece of music is turned on, children must not only sing, but also dance. Try not to scold the kids if they fail. Remember that children are still small, and many movements are difficult for them.

logo for children 4 to 5 years

So that children like to perform exercises, turn on the backing tracks as often as possible. Even charging needs to be done with music. Then the children are happy to do the exercises.

Dance movements help to relax, feel the rhythm, pause, silence or the end of a piece of music. Add your imagination, love for kids, and you can transform classes into rich effective games, and children will be happy to wait for them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7290/

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