Death Prophet: history, photos, cues. How to play as Death Prophet?

Dota 2 is a popular computer game of the MOBA genre, which has grown from a separate amateur modification to the world tournament cyber discipline. It is famous for its fascinating gameplay and interesting diverse characters. We will analyze one of the characters named Death Prophet in detail. But for starters, a little of his story.

Death Prophet: A Story

death prophet

The richest and noblest people from all over the world came to the prophet of death to find out their fate in the afterlife. For centuries, only she could open the veil of the mystery of death for the living. But with each new prediction, when she looked into the future of mortals, she was increasingly overcome by an interest in her own rock. Increasingly, she called for death with a single question: β€œWhat awaits me at the end of my life's journey?”, But the answer was a dull silence.

Desperate, Krobelus decided to part with life. But this was not enough, the angel of death did not accept the gift. Then Krobelus with even greater zeal rushed towards death, dying time after time and resurrected again. Black envy consumed the heart of the prophet. Hating all living things, she challenged the heroes on her way, trying to find the long-awaited peace in the battle. β€œWhy can you, a miserable helpless creature, die and find out all the secrets of otherworldly life? And I, the great forecaster, must eternally elude my existence in the boring and despondent world of the living? - these were the sentences of Death Prophet, addressed to each new victim. The prophetess firmly believed that, dying, she leaves a piece of the soul in the mortal world and at one fine moment she will still be able to find the long-awaited peace and learn the hidden secrets of the other world. To this day, her mortal and tormented body wanders in search of the one who will forever rid the prophetess of torment and torment of her callous, stony soul. But the story of Death Prophet does not end there, and she still has much to do to earn her place in the world of the dead.

A bit about the character

how to play death prophet

The gloomy, angry, seeking death is just such a character of Death Prophet. A photo of him shows these features in a Banshee. She is one of the most interesting and convenient characters of Dota 2. Playing for her, you get only pleasure, creating serious problems for the enemies. Well suited for both a professional player and a beginner who is not particularly familiar with the world of Dota. Also, this character is easy to manage and master spells. Its main characteristic is intelligence, in fact, like any other mage in the game. He feels great in the role of a ranged mage, in exceptional cases, can play the role of an assistant.


death prophet story

In arsenal, Death Prophet has a fairly powerful first skill that hits several enemies at once. Well suited for the massive defeat of creeps and enemies fleeing from you. It has a very fast reload, so it causes a lot of trouble in battles with the enemy team.

The second skill is also very useful, it hangs "dumb" on the enemy, thereby preventing him from using spells. It has a pretty good range, and at the last level of pumping it is active for as long as six seconds, which makes it possible to bring down all combat power to rivals. The spell can be used several times in battle, due to the short cooldown.

The third ability of a Banshee is passive, but extremely useful - it reduces the cooldown of skills and mana costs, it also greatly enhances our ultimate and gives an increase in the general speed indicator, which is very important when you need to catch up or run away from the enemy.

Death Prophet has one of the most powerful ultimates in the game - after its activation, the character summons evil spirits to his aid, which damage the enemy, as well as creeps and towers for thirty seconds. At the end of the action, the spirits return to the other world and restore the hero’s health (a quarter of the damage done to enemies). In the final upgrade, the spell can inflict up to 1000 points of damage. Great for pushing towers, whose average maximum health does not exceed one and a half thousand.

Skill upgrade

death prophet photo

The hero’s skill leveling options are not very many. To begin with, it will be useful to study the first skill, it will help us in killing creeps and cause inconvenience to our opponent. At the second level, we swing the mute, in case someone suddenly decides to make a hero. We take a passive skill at the fifth level, the ultimate without a conversation, like every hero, is taken immediately as soon as it is available.


At the initial stage of the game, you can buy Death Prophet with the following items: Gloves of Haste the glove will give us +15 attack speed, Gloves of Haste the diadem will increase the characteristics, Tango will allow you to restore health within 16 seconds, contains 3 charges, Iron Branch will give an increase to the characteristics take three pieces.

Gradually we collect Bracer, which will further increase our parameters. We buy Magic Stick, which will allow us to steal mana from enemy players. Then we take the boots and upgrade to Phase boots. This will add a lot of speed and damage to us, as well as the ability to pass through units.

By the middle of the game we buy Bloodstone, this will give us an increase of 500 health, 400 mana, + 9 to regeneration and + 200% to mana recovery. It would be nice to add Boots of travel at + 100 to speed and teleport to any allied building or creature.

In the end, we get the Heart of Tarasque, or Heart of Tarrasque, + 300 to health, + 40 to strength and, as a bonus, a passive skill in the form of health regeneration.

With this set you become a very strong player.

How to play Death Prophet

phrases death prophet

The hero feels great in the mid. In no case should you lean out at the initial stage of the game, since one of the minuses of the character is his health, or rather, his almost complete absence. Sometimes you can throw the first skill at your opponent, and preferably next to him, since the ability will also cause damage to creeps. Do not forget to monitor the mana level. Your main task until the sixth level is to kill as many creeps as possible.

As soon as the ultimate is studied, we stop cowardly and begin to crawl out from under the guarded tower. It is very successful if you promptly make one of the neighboring lines, kill the hero and destroy the tower with an ult. It is advisable not to wander in a solo, because Death Prophet is still not very survivable. After the active phase of the battle, try to keep up with your teammates.

By the middle of the match, we begin to become impudent and play aggressively. Frequent gangs are very important, since the speed allows us, also do not forget to control the lines, because in your hands is one of the best pushers in the game. If possible, take part in all skirmishes, which will bring invaluable help to your team.

By the end of the match, with the condition that the previous stages of the game went well, we should just become a killing machine. Suppress the lines, fly to the base to the enemy and spread everything that falls into the radius of spells.


replica death prophet

In a word, this a very interesting and necessary character. It is very mobile and versatile. Perfect for both beginners and experienced players in Dota 2. And the replicas of Death Prophet, as befits a character of such a plan, are filled with a grim reverence for death. But alas, they have not yet been translated into Russian in the game.


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