Why does a cat drop hair?

Each owner knows how his pet looks when she is completely healthy. The eyes are shiny, the coat is smooth, without tangles and bald spots, the nose is clean, without crusts - these are external signs that the animal feels good. Good appetite, naughty mood, normal urination indicate the excellent condition of your pet. Any deviations can be caused by various diseases. If the cat's hair falls out and the skin turns red, then this is another sign of the disease. In this case, you must immediately consult a specialist.

cat's hair falls out

Causes of occurrence

This phenomenon is very common in pet pets. Consider the main reasons:

  • Improper nutrition. Lack of certain minerals or vitamins in the body can cause destruction of the hair bulb.
  • Skin parasites can cause the cat's hair to fall out. In pets, there are often pukoedy and hair-eaters.
  • Fungi (lichen). If infection occurs with microsporia or trichophytosis, then the wool falls out in some places and to a limited extent.
  • Allergy. If your cat has an incorrect or defective diet, then an allergen can accumulate in the blood. When an animal's immunity weakens, its hair begins to fall out.
  • Molting. As you know, normal molting in cats occurs 2 times a year (in the autumn and spring). With improper care, maintenance, feeding in an animal, it can drag on for six months.
    the cat has hair
  • Hormonal changes can lead to hair loss. This is due to the frequent use of hormonal drugs, malfunctioning of the mating phases.
  • It is possible that the cat's hair falls out due to weakened immunity. This phenomenon is characteristic of those animals that have had a serious illness or underwent surgery. Still at risk are animals obtained by close crossing.

Cat's coat falls out: what to do to help the cat?

If such a phenomenon is observed not during molting, while extensive bald lesions are formed, the hair comes out in shreds, then this is an occasion to consult a qualified doctor. Only he can establish why the cat's hair falls out. As a rule, in such cases, you need to conduct a special study (take a scraping from the affected areas). This means that in absentia the doctor will not be able to determine why the cat has hair loss.

hair loss in cats

Recommendations for furry purl owners

To avoid such problems, the owner must choose the right vitamins, monitor the nutrition of the animal. In addition, it is necessary to treat the cat with antiparasitic drugs on time, and after suffering a serious illness or serious operation, do not forget about the course of immunostimulants. Another important advice - at the first changes in the appearance of the animal or in its behavior, consult a doctor, so you can prevent the development of many diseases. Now you know why hair loss occurs in cats, so take good care of your pet's health!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7296/

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