Zabanu - what is this word?

A ban is unpleasant consequences that await anyone who behaves inappropriately when playing, communicates on a forum, and so on. But many people do not even think about what a message from the administrator with the text "I will ban you" can mean to them. What it is? How to react to this?

What is a ban?

I’ll ban it

Many people get lost when they receive the message "I will ban you" from the administration. What does it mean? How to act in such a situation? In fact, it’s definitely not worth panicking - it’s better to immediately deal with everything in order.

To begin with, you should find out what the term "ban" means, as well as who and how can "ban".

A ban is a blocking of your account that does not allow you to perform any actions on it for a certain time. You can earn a ban in a variety of ways: from swearing and insults to violations of the rules of the game or the platform on which you communicate or do anything else. Therefore, the best way to escape from the ban is to read carefully the rules at registration and always follow them. And then you are unlikely to receive a message like "I will ban you." What this means, you now know. It's time to move on to more special cases.

Ban in computer games

how to ban a player in cop

Most likely, the most common ban is in computer games. Naturally, this concept affects only multi-user projects in which many people participate immediately. The fact is that if you play in single player mode, then you do not exert any influence on anyone, you do not interfere with anyone, you do not insult anyone. You are your own administrator, so no one can ban you. But if you play with other gamers, then a warning like "I will ban you" may well come to you. What is it and what can be connected with?

In the case of computer games, the blocking can be different, depending on the type and severity of the violation. The latter can affect either the gameplay itself (for example, the use of cheats) or the near-game component (communication in the game chat). You can be given both a short-term ban and a long-term block - and for particularly serious violations in general, they can permanently block your account.

If you are an administrator on the server, then you definitely need to know how to ban a player. In "KS" and other team shooters, cheats are very common, so you need to keep order so that users are comfortable on your server.

What to do with a ban?

what does it mean to ban

So, you know what β€œban” means, but theory is one thing. But what if you are actually banned? How to behave?

First of all, you need to pull yourself together and in no case immediately write offensive letters to the administration, make demands or dictate terms. Always remember that you are just one of the users, and the administration decides absolutely everything on the server. You need to get acquainted with the reasons why you were banned - most often you receive a message or letter indicating the reasons. If this does not happen, contact the administration for clarification. And then, based on the reasons, you can decide whether this ban is justified or not, and if you don’t think so, you can write a letter in which you politely explain your position, provide evidence of innocence and try to understand the current situation in a cultural and civilized manner. Well, if you understand that you actually violated the rules, you better wait until the ban expires - especially if it is not too big. Or you can ask the administration to have mercy on you - but you can do this only once, and if you have not been warned before, but immediately banned.

banned VKontakte

Other bans

Naturally, blocking exists not only in computer games. There are many people who have been banned from VKontakte or other social networks, on forums and so on. Moreover, they can ban, for example, your web page in search engines for inappropriate content - then your site will not appear in the search results.

In general, there are a huge number of areas in which blocking can be applied, as well as no fewer reasons for the ban. But now you know why they might give you a ban, as well as how to behave if this happened.


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