"Biotank" (septic tank): principle of operation, instructions, reviews

If you have just purchased or have already had a country house for a long time, then you should be aware of its main advantages, however, they are relevant only when the site is landscaped. Sometimes in the conditions of suburban villages there simply is no central sewage system, so the owners of such houses try to equip them with autonomous systems.

Profitable Solution

biotank septic tank

If you also decided to choose one of these models, then you should take into account not only technical specifications, but also the principle of work, as well as customer reviews. One of these solutions is Biotank (septic tank), which is a system that provides a high degree of purification. Such installations are known to the Russian consumer; they are manufactured by Triton Plastic.

Principle of operation

biotank reviews

The described model is a rectangular plastic container whose body has stiffeners. This provides high strength and ability to withstand mechanical loads that turn out to be soil. “Biotank” is a volatile septic tank, for the operation of which a compressor is required. If we compare it with analogues that work on the principle of aerobic sewage treatment, then we can note that Biotank (septic tank) is not so sensitive to power outages. If you turn it off for less than 24 hours, then the quality of wastewater treatment will not suffer at all. If you turn off the system for a longer period, it will be able to continue working offline, however, the liquid that will be discharged will not be suitable for discharge into the soil without additional cleaning.

If you purchase Biotank, the principle of operation of this device should interest you. During the operation of the equipment, sedimentation and a biological aerobic cleaning method are used. When sewage comes from the house, they penetrate the receiver, where they settle, and heavy fractions fall to the bottom of the chamber. As soon as the water is drained, it enters the next compartment, and aerobic treatment is carried out in it. The chamber has an aerator for pumping oxygen. The biofilm is also involved in the process. Next, the water enters the next tank, where it undergoes sedimentation. This sediment from the secondary tank is sent to the primary screening, while the liquid enters the next chamber, where the biofilter enters. When the septic tank "Tank" is working, then at the outlet it forms technically pure water, the level of pollution extraction from which is 98%. If necessary, this fluid can be used for technical needs, some consumers use it to water the site.

Positive reviews

septic tank

“Biotank” (septic tank) has many positive characteristics, consumer reviews confirm this. From them you can find out that this system is universal and compact. The first quality is confirmed by the fact that the treatment plant can be located in areas with any geological conditions. If we are talking about a traditional septic tank, then it is impossible to use it on clay soils or soils where underground waters are high.

As buyers emphasize, “Biotank” (septic tank) has a very compact size, it does not require too much space for its installation, so this option can be called the most suitable for small suburban areas. Consumers claim that the area is also saved due to the fact that the owner of the site does not need to install an infiltrator. It should be noted also the simplicity of the design. A septic tank almost never fails, and if this happens, it is much less often compared to those models that have a more complex device.

Negative reviews

biotank 4

If you still have not decided whether to purchase the described variety of septic tanks, then you should also weigh the minuses. Users do not like the volatility, the need for pumping landing and periodic replacement of the compressor. To ensure the operation of the equipment requires a stable supply of electricity. However, as buyers emphasize, the septic tank of this brand is not so sensitive to deviations. Unlike other aerobic plants, the Biotank septic tank will need to be cleaned from time to time with the help of a cesspool machine. The technique will allow you to get rid of the sediment that accumulates in the receiver.

The compressor is an important part of the installation, and for its normal functioning this part needs to be changed every three years, however this period can be reduced to two years, it will depend on the intensity of operation.

Installation instructions

biotank working principle

Septic Biotank, reviews of which you could read above, can be set by the consumer independently. As an alternative solution, you can entrust such work to professionals. They provide for compliance with the technology, the first point of which is the choice of location, then you need to mark and prepare the pit. It houses the design or the entire treatment system. The next step will be the laying of the pipeline and ventilation. The master will need to lay the power cable, and then sprinkle the septic tank around the perimeter with a sand- cement mixture or sand.

“Biotank”, reviews of which are often quite positive, is established with a mandatory check of the system’s performance. As soon as you are convinced of the correctness of the installation, you can fill the septic tank with soil.


biotank 3

If you also decide to purchase the system described in the article, then you must deal with its varieties. For example, Biotank-3 will cost 39,500 rubles, and along with installation, the price increases to 56,700 rubles. The volume of capacity is 1000 liters, and the capacity is 600 liters per day. The design weighs 105 kg, and its dimensions are 1200x800x1850 mm. On sale you can also find Biotank-4, which will cost 45,500 rubles. Together with the installation, the price is 69,400 rubles. In this septic tank, the capacity volume increases to 1500 liters, and the capacity is 800 liters per day. The equipment weighs 128 kg, and its dimensions are 1200x200x1850 mm.


As practice shows, the Biotank brand sewage treatment system is an unpretentious sewage system, the operation of which is not accompanied by the emission of extraneous odors. Septic tank is different in that for its functioning there is no need to equip the filtration fields. There is no sophisticated electronics, there will be no operational problems, and the device will enter the operating mode quickly enough. The equipment is not afraid of a temporary blackout, and at the exit you will get clean process water that can be used to irrigate the site.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7305/

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