Socks on 2 needles without seams: master class, scheme, photo

Beginner knitters can be recommended to make socks on 2 knitting needles without seams. This method is simple because you do not need to hold five needles in your hands at once. In addition, if socks are made on 2 knitting needles without seams, the craftswoman can use a variety of relief patterns. Many of them are not available with circular knitting.

Loop count

Before you start knitting socks on 2 needles without seams, you should make small calculations. To do this, measure the volume of the lower leg. Then, a small piece of the yarn and the pattern that will be used in the work are knitted on the knitting needles selected for work. By measuring the width of the resulting canvas, do the calculations.

  1. The number of loops in the sample is divided by its width in centimeters. The result may not be an integer. It turns out the average number of loops in one centimeter.
  2. The volume of the tibia is multiplied by the result of the division.
  3. The last digit is again divided into two. After all, socks on 2 knitting needles without seams begin to knit from the lower half. In the process of knitting, it is converted to the top of the product. And only then both parts are connected into one product.

2-point seamless socks

So, the calculation is done. Let's say the result is 23.8. It needs to be rounded to the whole and add 2 more edge. It turns out 26 loops.

Here you will find instructions on how to knit socks on 2 needles without a seam for beginners. Therefore, the manufacturing algorithm is proposed without the use of relief patterns.

Step-by-step instructions for starting knitting socks to the heel

  1. We pick up the desired number of loops on the knitting needles.
  2. So that socks on 2 knitting needles without a seam fit the shin well, usually the top is made with elastic. Its height can be arbitrary.
  3. Now you need to smooth the front to perform the back of the half to the heel. If socks on 2 knitting needles without a seam are knitted on children, then it is enough to knit a cloth of 4 or 5 cm. For products on adults, it is larger: from 7 to 9 cm. Usually, the length is selected according to the size of the leg.

2-seam seamless socks

So, the initial stage of knitting socks on 2 knitting needles without seams has been completed.

Master class knitting heels. Method one

This option of knitting the heel is based on the fact that in each row there is an unbound loop. The product is turned to the other side. In the next row, another loop is added to the already left untied loop. She, too, does not knit.

This algorithm is maintained until in the middle (in the working part) there are 12 (for the product for an adult) or 6-8 loops (for children's socks).

2-point seamless socks pattern

Then they begin to grab and knit one loop from the left at the end of each row. This is done until all the loops are back in operation. Thanks to these actions, the heel is obtained.

Beginners can help to understand how to knit socks on 2 knitting needles without a seam, the diagram shown in the picture. It is supplemented with photographs of this process.

Master class knitting heels. Second way

This option is also based on two steps. First comes the reduction of loops in the first half of the work on the heel. Then they are added in the second stage. Only reduce the number of loops, knitting one of two, at the beginning and end of the front rows. Edge make out in the usual way.

socks on 2 needles without seams master class

When 12 loops (6-8 for children's socks) remain in operation, they begin to carry out the addition. To do this, at the end of each row, an additional loop should be knitted from the edge, near which a decrease was made.

Workshop knitting toe after heel

Whatever version of the heel the wizard chooses, the algorithm of work further on is almost always the same.

  1. Knit the front surface of the foot. The length is determined by applying the product or by calculation. This will again require a sample. It must now be measured in height. The number of rows is divided into centimeters. Get a number, not necessarily an integer. This is the arithmetic average of the number of rows contained in one centimeter of knitting. All that remains is to multiply this number by the length of the foot to the middle of the little finger. It turns out the number of rows from the middle of the heel to the beginning of the formation of the toe of the product.
  2. Now again the reduction and addition of loops is performed. The algorithm is very similar to the one used when performing the heel. However, in this case, the decrease and addition are made in each row from both ends of the row. When knitting the heel, this was done only in one edge. As a result, the sock is not so voluminous. It is flatter, and its side cuts are cooler.
  3. When the nose of the product is formed, continue to knit the top of the foot with facial smoothness. In each row, you need to knit the extreme loop together with the hem lower part of the foot. So the details are interconnected seamlessly.
  4. Closer to the heel, the width of the web needs to be slightly increased in order for the rise to form. To do this, it is enough to knit some hem of the lower part of the foot separately, and not together with the last loop of the upper part. It is enough to add 4 loops to the average static foot. For the manufacture of socks with a higher rise, you can add 6.
  5. In the same way, they knit an elastic band - with grasping the edge loops.

Knit front socks

For more experienced craftswomen, you can offer an option using a relief pattern. For example, socks on 2 needles without a seam with a scythe look great. Of course, they can no longer be worn in shoes. But to make houses in such exquisite knitted boots is a pleasure!

2-way seamless socks for beginners

There are, of course, a ton of ways to tie such an extravagant little thing. But the simplest is this option. The wizard executes the model using one of the algorithms described above, before mating the upper half of the front. Here, instead of the usual canvas, with the front surface, he knits out the relief pattern that he likes most.

Here it is worth considering the fact that many drawings narrow the canvas. Therefore, in some cases it will be necessary to add loops so as not to reduce the volume of the sock.


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