Dune cat, or arab sand cat - description, features and interesting facts

The Arabian sand cat, or sand dune, is a predatory representative of the cat family. For the first time, this animal came into view of man in the mid-nineteenth century. The expeditionary French general, whose name was Margaret, combed the Algerian desert. Among the endless dunes, he saw an unusual animal, previously unknown to science.

The expedition, led by the general, consisted of a naturalist who gave the dune cat (sand cat) the Latin name - Felis margarita. A lot of time has passed since then, but interest in this species has not disappeared. A huge number of enthusiasts to this day watching amazing cats, documenting interesting facts.


arab sand cat

The most popular pets are cats and dogs, which we often perceive as full members of the family. Some breeds appeared as a result of painstaking breeding work, but there are those that have existed for thousands of years, preserving the basic instincts inherent in wild animals. The Arabian sand cat was no exception. Despite the fact that sand dogs have recently made friends with humans, this breed is increasingly seen as a pet. But before you share the living space with exotic feline representatives, you need to learn more about their manners and character in the wild.

The Arabian sand cat lives in the desert regions of North Africa and Central Asia. These amazing creatures feel great in the harsh conditions of the Sahara, as well as in the sands of the Arabian desert. You can find them in such arid countries as Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

External data

The Arabian sand cat has an unusual appearance. She has a rather wide and massive head, which is slightly flattened. The ears are large, but not huge. On the sides are whiskers inherent only to this type of cat. Paws are short, massive. The habitat of these wild cats played a large role in shaping the appearance. Pads on the legs are covered with dense wool, which allows you to move on a hot surface.

arab sand cat Price

As many people know, in the desert nights are very cold, the temperature can drop below zero. In order not to get hypothermia, the Arabian sand cat has a thick and soft fur. The color also corresponds to the area in which the sand cats live. It can be sandy or light gray in color, which makes the predator almost invisible. The tail is powerful, with dark or gray-brown stripes. With the onset of winter, the cat's hair becomes dull.

Interesting Facts

  • The Arabian cat is the smallest among the representatives of the feline living in the wild. The body length does not exceed ninety centimeters, and the maximum weight of the largest males is no more than three and a half kilograms.
  • During the breeding season, these cats make uncharacteristic feline barking sounds that help attract the attention of females.
  • Sand cats are very careful. Before they leave their hole and go hunting, they occupy a waiting position and spend about a quarter of an hour in it. As soon as the animal is confident in its safety, it quickly runs out of its house and goes in search of food. Comes back with caution too. Before climbing into his home, a sand dart cat watches everything that happens around him so as not to become easy prey for larger predators.
  • While hunting at night, Arab cats move in short dashes, during which they strongly press their torso to the sand. Despite such a strange way of moving, they are able to overcome up to ten kilometers in one sortie.
  • The description of the Arabian sand cat will be incomplete, if not to mention their innate acting talent. These small wild animals are able to pretend to be dead. At this moment they can be ironed, picked up, and they will not even budge.
  • Sand cats are masters of disguise. Having noticed the danger, they press against the sand with all their strength and close their eyes so that the glare of light reflected in the pupils does not reveal their location, and the natural color allows you to quickly merge with the surface.
  • Arabian cat easily dispenses with sources of fresh water. This was made possible thanks to her ability to extract life-giving moisture while eating her prey.
  • These cats are considered excellent shrews. It will not be difficult for them to dig a large hole in which you can hide from the scorching sun. With their short and incredibly powerful paws, they quickly dig up prey that hides under the sand, for example lizards, porcupines.
  • To find rodents hiding in the depths, large ears help them , which catch even the quietest sounds. As well as a mustache that responds to vibrations in the air.
  • Not having finished the prey, the sand cat will not leave the carcass lying on the sand. He will carefully bury it and will return as soon as his appetite breaks out.


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As already mentioned, this species of wild cats lives in a desert, arid area. That is why representatives of the breed are forced to hide during the day from the scorching sun. Dune cats sleep in the old burrows of other small animals, such as foxes, porcupines. They live in pairs. The male and female control the territory, the area of ​​which can be sixteen square kilometers. With the onset of night, when the temperature drops seriously, Arab cats go hunting. Their main prey is small rodents, such as lizards, jerboas. Also, cats will not miss the opportunity to hunt Tolai hare or steal bird eggs from the nest. A real delicacy for a sand cat is a horned viper. Despite the enormous concentration of deadly poison, it becomes easy prey for a furry animal. Cats often come very close to human settlements, but they do not show interest in pets and never attack them.


As with most animals, the reproduction of sand cats directly depends on a number of conditions. Individuals kept in nurseries or zoos can produce offspring more than once a year. If sand cats live in natural conditions, then the mating season is seasonal.

Arab cats living, for example, in the Sahara, mate once a year and only between January and April. And for individuals who have chosen the territory of Pakistan, the wedding season is much shorter and falls on September-October. Cats in Pakistan usually walk in April.

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Before giving birth, the female is in search of a spacious hole. If one could not be found, she will dig it out herself. Pregnancy takes about two months, after which the cat can give birth to five, and in some cases up to eight kittens. The weight of the newborn kitten does not exceed 31 g. After the first two weeks of life, small sand cats begin to open their eyes, and after five weeks they are already directly involved in the hunt. After eight months of training, which are held under the sensitive maternal care, the kittens become independent, able to take care of themselves. And after another six months, they reach puberty. The mortality rate of young animals is quite high - in the region of 40-42%.

Unbelievable, but it is a fact!

sand cat or arab sand cat

Incredibly, Arabian captive cats can live for three decades! About what the average age of individuals living in the wild is still unknown. This is explained by the fact that they lead a very secretive lifestyle, easily masking themselves on the ground. For the same reason, the total number of these animals remains unknown. According to rough estimates, there are about fifty thousand wild Arab cats.


As a rule, these cats are caught by poachers who get pretty good money for an individual sold on the black market. The price of an Arabian sand cat in some European countries reaches six thousand dollars. For hunters, sand dunes are not of any interest, because of which the population does not have a sharp decrease in numbers. However, many scientists are concerned about the fact that the habitat of these animals is constantly decreasing due to the negative impact of humans on the environment.


sand cat at home

People living in the modern world strive in every way to demonstrate their status. The most sophisticated method is keeping exotic animals at home. A sand cat is a very attractive species for domestication. Small size and ease of care attracts potential buyers. The price in Russia for an Arabian sand cat varies between 220-260 thousand rubles.

Dune cats feel great even in captivity. They quickly become attached to their owners and know in the face of each family member. They are as playful as domestic breeds of cats, they can be trained, for example, they get used to cope with the natural need for a cat tray.

So that a sand cat does not spoil furniture at home, it is necessary to purchase special toys that do not contain harmful substances. They are extremely important for the animal, because during the game all muscle groups develop and strengthen. Also, make sure that the cat has its own cozy place where he can relax and gain strength.


Particular attention should be paid to the health of a wild cat, which is susceptible to various viral infections. It is recommended to adhere to the vaccination regimen, which is no different from the vaccination calendar for ordinary breeds. With proper care, a sand cat can live in an apartment for up to fifteen years.


The diet should be balanced and consist exclusively of raw lean meat (preferably with small bones) and fish. Regularly give your pet the opportunity to show its predatory instincts. Let the cat get food for itself, for example, catch the mouse released in the room. It is better to completely abandon the dry feed that most people feed their pets.

Movement is life

arab sand cat description

To strengthen immunity, a sand dart should move a lot. That is why many experts advise keeping such animals in a country or private house, where they will have enough space for walking and hunting. Buying an Arabian sand cat in Moscow is very problematic. This is due not only to the fact that the species is exotic, but also to the fact that the coat of this animal does not cause an allergic reaction. And this is very relevant today.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7313/

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