Do-it-yourself steam generator for a bath. Steam generator for Turkish bath

A steam generator for a bath is a device that turns water into steam. Previously, such steam generators were used exclusively in industrial conditions, but today they have successfully entered everyday life and help to simplify the use of the bath or to remake the traditional shower in a full steam room. As an advantage and a distinctive feature of the steam generator, we can distinguish that it takes up a small amount of space, this allows you to place the device in any room. Such a replacement of the heater is lightweight and has a simple installation, which is why any person will be able to carry out installation work without involving specialists for this. A steam generator for a bath is cheaper than a stove, for the construction of the latter of which there is a need to establish a foundation. Whereas the described equipment will only need to be hung in the selected place.

Design Features

steam generator for a bath

The described device can be purchased in stores related products. However, it is worth considering that such equipment is quite expensive. If you decide to make it yourself, then you need to familiarize yourself with the design features. Among other components, it is possible to distinguish a water heating unit, an evaporation department, a nozzle, as well as electric heating elements.

Capacity selection

steam generator for turkish bath

For the manufacture of an oven for a bath with a steam generator, a pressure cooker will be needed, it is it that meets all the requirements for the implementation of the described undertaking. Such a container has a sealed lid, its walls are strong enough to withstand impressive pressure. Among other things, the existing valve will not allow the explosion of the steam generator due to high pressure.

When you choose a suitable container, you need to decide on the method of heating the water in the device for generating steam. There are two ways to consider this. The first involves heating the liquid in the generator on an electric or gas stove. However, even an oversized electric stove is unlikely to be placed in the steam room . The safety of this method leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it is recommended to opt for installation inside electrical heating elements. Today on the market you can find a huge amount of these parts, which have different capacities, sizes and shapes. If you decide to make a steam generator for the bath, but do not want to purchase new heating elements, you can always disassemble the old electric kettle from which you can remove the necessary part. If the plans are for a housing of impressive dimensions, it is recommended to use two or more heating elements.

Features of work with heating TENami

do-it-yourself steam generator

Before carrying out work, it is imperative to determine in which place the heating elements will be located. To do this, step back 1 cm from the bottom of the cooker and mark the height. Then a hole is made, the diameter of which must be suitable for the heating structure. The hole should be 2 for each heater. In order to fix the element, it is necessary to install a washer, stud or bolt in each drilled hole. Next, the washer is installed again and clamped with a nut. In order to prevent water leakage in those places where the heaters are installed, it is necessary to lay silicone heat-resistant gaskets outside and inside. They can be purchased or completed independently.

Technology of work

steam generator in the bath

If you decide to make a steam generator for a bath, it is important to ensure the flow of water into the body. To do this, a hole is made in the bottom of the pressure cooker where the copper tube should be installed. Water will constantly pour out of it. The tube should pass under the heating element, and not above it. Otherwise, there is a risk of disrupting the steam conversion process. The main condition for productive work is constantly supplied water. If you ignore this rule, it will not be possible to exclude breakdowns and even fire. The steam generator for the Turkish bath should be made in such a way that a container is installed next to the casing. Two tanks should have the same height. A float valve should be attached to the bottom of the tank. After the required water level is reduced, it will add a certain amount of liquid. Next, the educator is connected to a device for supplying water through a hose.

Final work

steam generator for saunas and baths

When a steam generator for a Turkish bath is manufactured, the next step is to assemble the structure. In the metal cover of the pressure cooker, make an opening in which the adapter for installing the hose is installed. The latter can be borrowed, for example, from a used vacuum cleaner.

Steam Generator Testing

steam ovens with steam generator

Initially, you need to make sure that in two containers there is no leak at the places where the connection was made. Now you can analyze whether the same amount of water in these communicating vessels. After that, the master can connect to the mains. If you made a steam generator for a bath with your own hands, then in the process of testing you can see that the amount of steam corresponds to the required.

This indicates that the work was carried out correctly.

DIY silicone gaskets

If you decide not to spend money on the purchase of gaskets, then you can easily make it yourself. To do this, lay a sheet of paper onto which a sealant is poured onto a metal or glass surface. It should be well leveled. If a steam generator for a bath is made with your own hands, then this approach will become the most optimal. Place one more sheet of paper and glass on top of the sealant. After the entire mass has dried, it will be possible to cut the gasket of the required diameter. However, it is recommended to do the marking before that, only in this way will it be possible to create a workpiece that will ideally fit in size.


After the steam generator in the bath is ready, it can be started immediately to be used. As another additional plus, we can highlight the mobility of such a device. After all, you can transfer this equipment from one room to another. If necessary, it will be possible to operate the structure not only in the bathhouse, but also in a private house, as well as in the apartment. A steam generator for saunas and baths is an excellent way to prevent colds.


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