Mounted gas boiler: diagram, device, installation, connection, reviews

A mounted gas boiler is quite common today. However, before purchasing it, it is important to familiarize yourself with the device, consider the circuit and learn more about the technology for installing such equipment.

Equipment device

mounted gas boiler

On sale you can find wall-mounted boilers, which are compact enough devices for heating. In the case there are heating elements, and among other components you can distinguish a gas burner, heat exchanger, pump, expansion tank, as well as automation. The hinged gas boiler operates by means of a burner, which pumps gas into the combustion chamber. Using nozzles, gas is distributed in the chamber to increase the temperature of the coolant. Modern models have simulated burners that allow you to adjust the flame intensity and maintain a certain temperature. The heat exchanger is often made of stainless steel, which is sometimes replaced by copper. The latter variety is characterized by more impressive thermal conductivity, among other things, such options demonstrate a more impressive efficiency. As for the steel elements of the type described, they are resistant to corrosion processes and are quite durable.

The presence of additional elements

Condensing boilers may have one or two heat exchangers. Mounted gas boiler, depending on the power, can have up to two circulation pumps. The automation of the boiler may or may not depend on energy. The latter option responds to variations in coolant pressure as a result of cooling or overheating. Turbocharged models have fans. The correct operation of the equipment is ensured by pressure gauges, gas valves, thermometers, as well as air vents. In the event of a power outage, a security system is activated. It stops the functioning of the boiler in the absence of power and closes the valve with gas supply. After the power supply is restored, the equipment must be restarted manually.

What else do you need to know about the device?

mounted gas boiler device

If you choose a hinged gas boiler, you may prefer a model that has a system for protection against possible freezing. When the equipment operates in energy-saving mode for a long time, the temperature of the coolant is controlled by sensors. If the indicator drops to 6 degrees, the boiler is turned on and the temperature of the coolant rises. After that, the equipment goes into sleep mode again. If there is a desire to purchase a design that will serve for a sufficiently long time, then it is worth choosing variations that are equipped with a self-diagnosis system. It allows you to identify up to 90 percent of all kinds of faults. An electronic scoreboard displays information about the nature of the breakdown.

Some installation rules

connection of a mounted gas boiler

After you know the device mounted gas boiler, you can think about its purchase and installation rules. The heating system must necessarily be pressurized, while it is necessary to provide 1.8 atmospheres. It is also important to dehydrate the heating system. All compounds must be tested for leaks. It is necessary to mount a voltage stabilizer for equipment and an uninterruptible power supply. The last requirement is optional. In no case should you add antifreeze to the warming water. This can damage the gasket and cause a leak in the heating system.

Room requirements

scheme of a mounted gas boiler

Before you install a mounted gas boiler, you must have prepared a room. If we are talking about a private single-family house, the boiler room can be equipped on any floor. It can be, for example, a basement, a basement, a roof or an attic. The restriction applies to residential premises, a bathroom, as well as a bathroom, in which it is strictly forbidden to have a boiler.

In order to determine the volume of the boiler room, it is necessary to take into account the thermal power of the equipment, the same applies to capacitive as well as flow heaters. An exception should be taken into account, which is the use of a boiler with a closed combustion chamber. At the same time, the volume of the boiler room is not standardized in any way. As for the window, its presence is optional. A hinged gas boiler, reviews of which are often quite positive, should be installed using technology. Thus, for the removal and supply of air, it is necessary to ensure the inflow of a certain volume.

About power

If you have to install a boiler with a capacity of 23.3 kilowatts, then 2.5 cubic meters of gas should be burned for an hour. For complete combustion of this volume, 30 cubic meters of air per hour is needed. Provided that not quite enough air will come in, the gas will not completely burn out. In the end, harmful substances are formed that negatively affect human health. Air masses must come not only from outside, but also from other rooms of the house. This is ensured by the clearance method, which is located between the floor and the door. Replace this gap with a hole with a grill, which is located in the doors.

Features of preparation before installation

how to install a hinged gas boiler

A hinged gas boiler can only be connected after all the preparatory work has been completed, as consumers say in their reviews. This step is necessary to ensure that the room meets all the requirements. Among them, you can highlight the area of ​​the boiler room, which should not be less than 4 square meters. Ceilings should not be lower than 2.5 meters. It is important to install a door whose width is equivalent to 80 cm. The equipment should be lighted in a natural way, which is ensured by a window opening. For 10 centimeters square premises should be 0.3 m 2 of the window opening. Installation of a mounted gas boiler is carried out only in a well-ventilated room. The area of ​​the hole for air flow should be 8 cm 2 per 1 kilowatt of equipment power.

Gas pipes are made exclusively of metal. Flexible sleeves can only be used to connect consumers. The cross section of the chimney should correspond to the power indicators of the structure. If this parameter is 30 kilowatts, then the diameter of the chimney should be 130 millimeters. With a power of 100 kilowatts, the diameter increases to 170 millimeters. We must not allow the moment at which the cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney is less than the corresponding indicator of the hole for connecting the chimney, warn the reviews.

Wall-mounted boiler installation

best mounted gas boilers

After you have decided which hinged gas boiler is better, it is worthwhile to carry out further work on the preparation of the room. Only then can you carry out the installation. Equipment is installed on the wall if the power requirements are not very high, as the home craftsmen emphasize in their reviews. This approach is also relevant for a small area. Most often, such equipment is used for heating water and heating multi-storey buildings. Boilers are not so demanding on free space, which is why they can be installed over appliances that are on the floor. If necessary, the boilers can be mounted in cascade. This is convenient if there is a need for significant power. It is necessary to install the boiler by stepping 20 cm away from other gas appliances. Among other things, the same distance must be maintained to flammable materials. Depending on the model and power, the distance between the boiler and the wall can vary from 30 to 50 cm. It is not advisable to plan the installation of the boiler in the opening between the walls. Do not install near the window. The power source should be as close as possible.

Features of the work

hinged gas boiler reviews

As customers say in the reviews, even if you use the best mounted gas boilers, you still have to take into account all the rules of installation work. Before installation, flush the pipes of the equipment and system with water. This will eliminate foreign elements that could get inside the unit at the factory. The brackets for fastening must be nailed 0.8-1.6 meters from the floor. It is important to check the wall for strength and evenness. It must be able to support the weight of the boiler and related equipment. If the surface is made of combustible material, then a gasket is fixed to it, which does not ignite and does not burn. Its thickness should be 3 millimeters or more. In this case, the boiler is strengthened with a retreat of 4.5 cm from the wall.

Equipment connection

Scheme mounted gas boiler allows you to get acquainted with the device equipment. Before connecting the design to the water pipes, remove the plugs that are installed on the nozzles. In order to prevent clogging of the heat exchanger, a strainer should be installed at the water inlet. Ball valves are installed on both sides, which facilitates not only repair but also maintenance. The next step is to verify the installation is even. Skewing can cause unpleasant consequences. Connection is made exclusively by a metal pipe. In this case, you should use a rigid connection or special overhang. The use of a paronite gasket is mandatory.

It should be noted that the connection of the described equipment is carried out exclusively by authorized persons. Such manipulations are carried out after checking all the norms and requirements.

Chimney device

Chimney materials are selected depending on the type of equipment and combustible fuel. As for the gas boiler, the pipes for it must have a cylindrical shape. They should be based on metal, preferably stainless steel. Such designs are the most reliable, safe and durable. The chimney should be led above the ridge. Be sure to equip the hatch designed to clean the chimney. When installing the pipe, it should be noted that the design should not have more than 3 turns and elbows. The pipe that will connect the equipment and the chimney should be as short as possible. Its length should not exceed 25 cm.


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