Tomato General: what the variety description looks like

The variety of tomatoes General was fond of Russian gardeners for short ripening and high productivity.

Grade Benefits

Being the fruit of the hard work of domestic breeders, these tomatoes have a lot of advantages. They owe their popularity among summer residents to such positive qualities as:

  • Precocity. Fruits ripen in 107-110 days. Already at the end of July, the first tomatoes for salad ripen.
  • High yield. From 1 m 2 in the fall, you can collect 10-13 kg of fragrant tomatoes.
  • Unpretentiousness. This variety can be grown both in greenhouses and hotbeds, and in the open ground.
  • Simple care. General tomato bushes, as a rule, do not grow above 65-70 cm. Therefore, there is no need to pinch the crown to limit growth and faster ripening of fruits.
  • Independence from air temperature. This hybrid plant perfectly forms an ovary both at low readings of the thermometer, and at high.
  • Resistance to various diseases. The plant is not infected with diseases common among tomatoes: verticillosis, fusarium, gray spotting, bronze, yellow twisted leaf virus and others.

tomato general

However, in the description of the tomato variety General, it is noted that the plant needs protection against late blight. Perhaps this is the only drawback of these tomatoes.

A distinctive feature of these tomatoes is the good tolerance of dry, dry weather with high temperatures. Being a determinant variety, the bush has a thick strong trunk, which does not require frequent watering of plants.

The taste of fruit

Tomatoes General are mid-early tomato varieties that begin to ripen in late July or early August. Ripe fruits have a round slightly flattened shape and a bright red color. Smooth peel does not crack, which allows tomatoes to be stored and transported. That is, this variety is suitable for growing not only for your family, but also for sale.

tomato general grade description

The pulp of tomatoes is dense and tasty. The mass of each fruit reaches 200-270 gr. On each brush 8-12 fruits are tied.

Care Features

For growing seedlings, General seeds are sown 60-65 days before planting in a greenhouse or open ground. When stepsons appear, experienced gardeners recommend the formation of two main trunks, the rest removed. Since the variety is characterized by high productivity, it is better to tie the bushes to pegs or stretched threads. Depending on the method of forming rows when planting seedlings, 2, 3 or 4 sprouts are placed in one hole.


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