Where is Ulyanovsk: coordinates, features

Not all Russians know where the city of Ulyanovsk is and how great its historical heritage is. We will analyze some features of accommodation, as well as facts about the history and modernity of the city.

where is Ulyanovsk


Do not know where Ulyanovsk is located? This is the administrative center of the Ulyanovsk region. It is located on the banks of the Volga and Sviyaga, on the site of the convergence of the channels of these two large Russian rivers. Let's try to find out where Ulyanovsk is from Moscow. This large center is located approximately 893 kilometers from the capital of the Russian Federation.

Currently, its population exceeds 600 thousand people.

Interesting Facts

We have already found out where Ulyanovsk is located, now we will take a closer look at its historical roots. It was founded in 1648 as a fortress Simbirsk. The city retained this name until the end of the eighteenth century. That is what he was called at the time when the leader of the world proletariat Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) was born and spent his childhood here. In 1924, the city was renamed Ulyanovsk. In his honor, of course.

Currently, it is considered a large industrial center, which has a full-fledged automotive industry, machine-building plants, a railway station, light industry enterprises,

Given where Ulyanovsk is located, it can be argued that he has every chance for full development. In addition to industrial enterprises, the city has concert halls, theaters, museums, and secondary and higher educational institutions.

The area of ​​the city is 622.46 km sq.

where is the city of Ulyanovsk

Pages of history

Given where Ulyanovsk is located, it can be assumed that this city should have an interesting and rich history. He appeared by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in order to become a fortress. Simbirsk was supposed to protect the eastern borders of the Russian state from the constant raids of nomadic tribes. Thanks to the administrative reform carried out in 1780 by Catherine II, he became the main city of the whole Simbirsk province (governorate). By decree of Paul I of 1796, the status of the Simbirsk province was confirmed. By the way, at one time Simbirsk - in the 19th century - was considered a very attractive place for the Russian intelligentsia.

There are many interesting versions about the origin of the toponym Simbir. For example, this word was associated with the Chuvash phrase “syn biren” - “white mountain”, as well as with the Turkic “son of ber” - “lonely tomb”.

In the second half of the last century, all these versions were refuted, since they did not find full confirmation.

There is an assumption that in the era of the Golden Horde, the Mongols were located on the high bank of the Volga, tried to pronounce the name of the village in their own way.

Where is Mr. Ulyanovsk

Administrative Features

There are four districts in the city: Zavolzhsky, Leninsky, Zheleznodorozhny, Zavolzhsky. The city is located on a hilly area, approximately at an altitude of 80-160 meters above sea level. Within the city, the height differences are about 60 meters. Ulyanovsk is a large transport center located between the Urals and central Russia. Approximately 3-5 hours drive from it are other regional centers. Inside the city there is an underground river Simbirka, which flows into Sviyaga.

Climate features

Ulyanovsk has a temperate continental climate, which is slightly drier than in the center of the country. There is a tendency to some milder winters, an increase in average daily temperature to +5 ° C. It is dominated by moderate and weak winds, having a westerly direction. November is the most cloudy month here, and July and April are considered the sunniest months.

Spring begins in Ulyanovsk in mid-March, and the first snow and frost are characteristic of late November - early December.

where is Ulyanovsk from Moscow


Ulyanovsk is located relatively close to the capital of Russia. It is with this city that the life and work of many revolutionaries, writers and poets, and scientists are connected. During the Great Patriotic War, the Moscow Patriarchate was sent to Ulyanovsk to evacuate. In this difficult time, the city functioned many industrial enterprises, for example, the automobile plant named after I.V. Stalin. In 1942, Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, the creator of the hydrogen bomb, winner of the international Nobel Prize, worked at the cartridge factory, which during the war supplied products to the front.

Citizens are proud of the historical heritage of their ancestors, trying to instill love for their children to their hometown with all their strength. At the end of the twentieth century, a modern railway bridge across the Volga appeared here, which has become an important transport hub of the Ulyanovsk region.

Convenient geographical position, developed transport network, proximity to a large river, amazing history - all this made Ulyanovsk attractive not only for thousands of residents, but also for hundreds of thousands of tourists. They come here year-round to see with their own eyes those places where the "leader of the peaceful proletariat" was born.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E733/

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