How to give a dog a scar? Beef tripe: recipes

Proper feeding of the dog is the key to its health and longevity. Be sure to have enough meat in the diet of the predator. This is one of the main conditions for the normal functioning of the digestive system. But here the question arises: what is meant by the meat component of the diet? The bones that are sold on the market are almost always bare. Meat trimmings are a lot of fat, which is harmful for a dog in the same way as it is for us. It’s very expensive to buy a tenderloin for a large dog. An alternative is scar. It is inexpensive, nutritious and healthy. Today we’ll talk about how to give a dog a scar.

beef tripe for dogs

What it is

This product, which is popularly called tripe, is actually part of the animal’s stomach. Therefore, you need to look for it in the market, in the ranks where they sell beef, pork or lamb. His cost is usually very affordable. This department is needed for the primary processing of grass and hay by the digestive enzymes. In fact, it is a fermentation tank, a muscular bag that can hold up to 50 kg of feed. His walls are thick, but at the same time elastic.

Inside, it is lined with villi that secrete the enzymes necessary for digesting food. The color of the entrails can range from greenish yellow to black, and when boiling it exudes a not-so-pleasant smell. But all these are trifles, if we talk about the benefits for your pet. Therefore, today we will consider in detail how to give a dog a scar and what it gives its body.

What is the scar

As already mentioned, this is part of the stomach. Therefore, it happens only of two types, namely, purified and uncleaned. Most often in the market for dogs they sell the second type. But sometimes the installation for processing the scar is directly at the meat processing plant. This is the simplest device that, after washing, removes villi and leaves the entrails almost white, devoid of an unpleasant odor. Since it is usually recommended to boil a dog in a boiled form, such pre-treatment makes the cooking process much easier. And in the freezer, it’s much more convenient to store a cleaned scar.

scar for a dog how to cook

Reason for popularity

For most dog breeders, price is not the main criterion when choosing feed for your pet. Therefore, speaking about how to give a dog a scar, one should focus not on convenience, but on the benefit for the animal’s body. Let's try to consider the issue from this position.

The introduction of scar into the diet can significantly reduce the amount of vitamin supplements in the diet of your pet. The fact is that the scar has a complete set of vitamins and minerals that the dog needs so much. This is the entire group of vitamins B, potassium and sodium, magnesium and iron, phosphorus and calcium, as well as a whole group of useful substances. Beef tripe for dogs is a priori healthy treat. It is very important to introduce it into the diet of puppies in order to provide them with everything necessary for growth and development.

Many dog ​​breeders prefer to give raw meat to tripe. This is justified, since in this form it retains the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals. But do not forget about security. Such food can cause helminth infections. Otherwise, beef scar for dogs is a great basis for the diet.

how much to cook a scar for a dog

How often to give it

The frequency of feeding depends on the size of the animal and on the breed. But it can not be called a daily consumption product. This is an offal that contains many trace elements, but still can not be considered a complete diet. Therefore, it is not recommended for puppies and adult animals every day. It is enough to give it 2-3 times a week.

Below we will analyze in detail how the scar is useful for dogs. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most recommended dietary supplements for pet dogs. But let's pay attention to the age at which to introduce it into the diet. Before 6 months, this is not worth doing: the digestive system should get stronger, otherwise indigestion and diarrhea are possible (and these are harmless symptoms only at first glance). Up to six months, puppies need to be minced, you can enter the liver in small pieces into the diet. And the scar will wait a bit.

Single serving and nutritional features

If your pet is breastfed, there will be no problems with the inclusion of this product in the diet. The main thing is to do it carefully. The first time you need to give a small piece in the morning and watch the reaction. If the gastrointestinal tract is working properly, there is no nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, then you can cook and feed the scar regularly.

It is strongly not recommended to combine this product with dry food. The enzymes that are needed to break down drying and scar are completely different. So you can achieve digestive upsets. Even if an instant reaction does not follow, such a combination of products leads to an increased load on the digestive organs. In the end, it doesn't end with anything good. Slowing growth, loss of activity, dull hair - this is just a small list of what digestive problems lead to.

A single serving is quite simple to calculate. For every 10 kg of weight, 100 g of product is necessary. Do not exceed the dosage. But if the dog refuses to eat a scar, there is no need to insist either. Replace it with another meat component, and after a while try again.

what is good for dogs

Nutritional value

Considering the benefits and harms of the scar for a dog, the composition of this product should be noted first. Leading dog breeders choose the untreated scar. The fact is that the thin inner layer contains a huge amount of digestive enzymes, vitamins and beneficial microorganisms. Symbiotic microflora is a thing for a predator so necessary that when they eat a freshly killed hoofed animal, they first eat the stomach, along with all its contents. So, enriching the diet with this product, you only compensate the dog for the lack of hunting in vivo.

The product value is as follows. Per 100 g of product is 97 kcal, 14 g of protein and only 4 g of fat. How to prepare a scar for a dog to maintain the maximum amount of nutrients? It is best to subject it to minimal heat treatment. The vitamins PP, E, B1, B5, B6, B12 that are part of the composition are destroyed especially quickly. A scar contains little protein and calories. It is useful for adult animals with a low activity lifestyle. But puppies need more muscle meat, which has a higher energy potential.

Cooking beef scar

The recipe is usually given simple. It needs to be boiled, chopped and fed to the animal. However, experienced breeders say that the right scar is unpeeled and raw. An alternative would be a partially processed product. That is, frozen, then processed with boiling water. This is necessary in order for the helminths to die. But each owner decides for himself how he will feed this product to his pet. Therefore, today we will consider all the options.

scar for the dog benefit and harm

Raw scar

You need to get an uncleaned raw stomach. Try to choose one that contains a minimum of fat.

  • Rinse it thoroughly and cut into pieces sufficient for one feeding. You can immediately cut each serving into smaller pieces, but this can be done later.
  • Pieces should be packed in bags and put in the freezer for three days. Just at this time, pathogenic bacteria and helminths die.
  • Before feeding, one serving is taken out of the freezer and boiled over with boiling water.

This method is convenient because it does not take time. You can prepare several dozen servings at once in the freezer and gradually feed them to the dog.

Boiled Tripe

There is another recipe for cooking. In this case, beef tripe is recommended to be boiled beforehand. Of course, in the process some of the nutrients are lost. But such a product is safer, as it has passed heat treatment. It is best to consult your veterinarian. Depending on the state of health of the dog and the characteristics of its gastrointestinal tract, he will recommend which way to choose.

But still, how much to cook a scar for a dog? It is usually recommended to take it out after boiling water. That is, the scar is washed, cut into portioned pieces and laid in water. Now you need to wait until it boils, remove and cool. If you have boiled several servings at once, then the rest can be laid out in bags and put into the freezer. After removing the scar, you need to defrost and pour over boiling water.

When cooking, the smell is far from the most pleasant. In addition, the pan is then very difficult to wash.

It is important to remember that the scar cannot be the main product in the dog's diet. And regardless of whether you gave it raw or boiled it, you need to regularly conduct deworming.

tripe beef cooking recipe

Stomach with vegetables

Not all dogs are happy to eat carrots, cabbage and other garden gifts. But they must be in the dog’s diet. Try to file them in a duet with a scar. The instinct in predators is that the scar along with the contents must be eaten necessarily. And the contents are always grass, grain or vegetables. Therefore, boldly extinguish the scar along with cabbage, pepper, zucchini. For a puppy or an elderly dog, you can grind it all into a smoothie. But the dog does not need to buy a mutton scar. Not every dog ​​likes a peculiar smell, therefore feeding problems can arise.

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Dog Treats

In addition to the classic use cases, there are several recipes for preparing tripe. One of the most interesting is the dried scar. This is a long-lasting treat for your pet. This requires only the stomach itself and a little salt. How to make such a scar for a dog? The first step is to rinse it. Now boil for 5 minutes to make it easier to cut into strips. After that, dry the strips in the oven for 2-3 hours, until they harden. These strips will be both a toy and a treat. Puppies especially like them when their teeth grow. It will save your things.

Thus, we can say that the scar should be in the refrigerator of each dog breeder. This is a useful product, which, though not every day, but must be included in the pet’s diet.


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