Treatises are ... St. George's treatise. Philosophical treatise

Treatises are scientific, theological or philosophical expositions, which contain a description of a particular statement or topic, as well as a discussion of the problem and a logical conclusion. For a better understanding, some examples should be given.

Proceedings of Archimedes

Scientific treatises are created by scientists.

treatises are
For example, Archimedes wrote many such works. How did this scientist approach physical problems? He was based on rigorous, albeit uncomplicated, evidence. Thus, we can say that Archimedes is the father of mathematical physics. His works On Floating Bodies, as well as On the Balance of Flat Figures, are devoted to her. The same can be said about the great treatise on optics under the name "Catoptrica", which, unfortunately, has not been preserved. Empirical evidence known from Archimedes' predecessors is included in the work On the Equilibrium of Flat Figures. They relate to solids. The scientist portrayed this information as postulates, in other words, axioms. Archimedes consistently proved the consequences resulting from this, thus forming a theory regarding the center of gravity. The scientist also gave examples. He calculated the center of gravity for all kinds of flat objects.

The treatise "On Floating Bodies"

Experts believe that the scientific treatise "On Floating Bodies" Archimedes wrote at the sunset of his activity, and some are generally sure that this is his last work. This work is presented in two volumes.

philosophical treatise
In the first book, the scientist, believing that the free surface of the water is spherical, sequentially examines the problems relating to the immersion of solid objects in it, and creates his own glorious law, which is still written in school textbooks to this day. Great importance is attached to it. Still, because it is considered the most ancient physical law. The approach to the problem in this treatise remained the same: after making certain observations, the scientist creates a model of water, thanks to which he receives a list of consequences. He then successively proves them. In the second volume, Archimedes, assuming that the surface of the water is flat, demonstrates the principle of action of the hydrometer. What next? Then the scientist discusses the condition of equilibrium of objects in shape resembling a paraboloid segment and located in water. The thoughts of Archimedes today are of great value for shipbuilding.

The famous work of Aristotle

Aristotle was the first in history to create a philosophical treatise on the soul. What was his name? Very simple: "About the soul."

treatise on love
This essay presents not only the thoughts of Aristotle himself. In the beginning there are discussions about the soul, belonging to scientists who lived and worked earlier, and only then the personal views of the author are stated. Thus, this treatise can be considered the first historiographical work in the world, affecting the field of psychology and philosophy. Impressive, isn't it?

Form and Matter

The psychological concept of the scientist strongly echoed with his general philosophical ideas regarding form and matter. You could even say that it flowed from them. In the understanding of the scientist, the development of the world was due to the continuous mixing of the two principles - the active, which Aristotle called form, and the passive, called matter. What is the latter? Yes, perhaps, everything that surrounds people, including themselves. Each concrete material object is formed through a form that has an organizing ability. And it is precisely due to it that a thing acquires qualitative certainty. Form and matter cannot exist only together. These principles are inseparable. The soul is a form. It is available to all living things.

political treatise
Aristotle was convinced of this. The scientist’s work on form and matter and on the soul belonging to all living things has a list of interesting consequences. Special attention must be paid to them when reading a treatise on the soul. In general, you should think about every word.

What is a soul?

Aristotle believed that the soul can not be considered either a state of primary matter, or an independent phenomenon separated from the body. What is she? The soul is a living, active principle, enclosed in a material shell, its form, but it cannot be represented as an independent substance or body.

Kamasutra - another famous treatise

Surely, everyone has heard at least a little about the famous work “Kama Sutra”. However, not everyone is aware that there are very few genuine translations of this treatise. They can be counted on the fingers. By the way, similar treatises are generally a rarity, and this work can be considered unique.

Work for all time

In fact, the Kama Sutra is a monumental work that helps many scholars to study ancient Indian history.

scientific treatise
From this essay one can understand what customs reigned in this country, what manners were characteristic of people, in general, a lot can be learned. It should be noted that at present the Kama Sutra can be considered a very valuable work. Millennia pass, but the problems of love and hate, the relationship between the sexes still occupy the minds of many people. It seems that centuries flew by like a second, and human psychology has not changed at all. People also fall in love, have sex, suffer, kiss, dream about a date, like thousands of years ago.

This treatise on love is written in prose, but the conclusions are presented in poetic form - they are characterized by the classic size of the sloka.

Presentation Features

What can be said about the style of this work? He is very concise, minimalistic, he does not shine with colorful metaphors and lengthy reasoning. This style was peculiar to the sutras, sometimes you can notice that it has some similarities with bhasha (the so-called ancient Indian commentaries), therefore, it cannot be called interesting and original. By the way, novelty and originality are not mandatory conditions for the creation of any work. Treatises are not always something very original. Nominative sentences are traced in the text . In general, this work is a narrative in which you can often notice sentences with the desired mood. What is remarkable for the vocabulary of this treatise? One can only say good things about it: the terms in the text are used very accurately and do not mislead the reader, and if some new concept was once introduced and explained, then it will be used only in the case. At the same time, in the treatise there are many synonyms that give the story a certain beauty.

St. George's treatise

There are also treatises in the field of politics.

treatise on the soul
In fact, this is not uncommon. This includes the St. George Treatise. What is his story?

On July 24, 1783, a document was signed stating that Heraclius II, king of Kakheti and Kartalinsky, recognized the patronage and power of Russia. It happened in the fortress of St. George. According to this agreement, Heraclius II, king of Georgia, recognized the patronage of our country and made a promise that he would not conduct foreign policy on his own. And his troops from this time began to belong to Russia. As for Empress Catherine II, she made a promise that the royal possessions would be preserved intact, and Georgia would be considered autonomous, but at the same time it would be protected. After the signing of the St. George Treatise, inverted countries, namely Turkey and Iran, moderate their appetites. They ceased to glance predatoryly at East Georgia. Such treatises are simply salvation for some countries.

Historical events after the signing of the treatise

After the signing of the contract, a number of serious historical events took place. For example, P.S. Potemkin ordered that the Georgian Military Road be paved with the ward of the country. By the way, she passed along the cross pass. The road, on which 800 troops worked, was ready in 1783, in the fall. Soon the prince followed her to Tiflis. In order to protect the road from Ingush attacks, a fortress called Vladikavkaz was erected in 1784. As for Ossetia, it became part of our country.

St. George's treatise
In 1791, Russia demanded that Turkey cease to claim Georgia. Sooner or later this was to happen. This was presented as a condition for the signing of the Iasi Treaty after the war between Turkey and Russia.

Some rulers of Transcaucasia praised the act of Heraclius II. Moreover, they decided to follow his example. In 1783, the rulers of Armenia asked for patronage from Russia. And soon, Western Georgia did the same. It was in 1801.

This political treatise occupies a special place in the history of Georgia, because it was after its signing that it became related to Russia. It meant a lot to her. She was protected not only in the cultural and political sense, but also in the most direct, physical.


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