Fizminutka with movements for children. Musical physics minutes for children with movements

Children are an inexhaustible source of energy, which leads to "catastrophes", if not used, not sent into a peaceful direction. The child can not sit still, becomes inattentive and irritable. To prevent this from happening, you need a physical moment with movements for children.

What it is?

physical activity with movements for children
The word "physical" means physical exercise for several minutes. During this period of time, children are active, but at the same time have a rest and receive an excellent dose of good mood. The exercises may be accompanied by music, fun rhymes or songs.

Physical minutes have been held for more than a decade in schools, kindergartens, camps, etc. They perfectly develop child's speech, plastic, and help healthy development.

What is the physical minute for?

Exercise and physical activity are essential for every child. This is due to the rapid growth of his skeleton. Without proper load, children often develop spinal curvature, which can sometimes only be managed surgically.

Fizminutka for children with movements and music, "seasoned" with rhymes, works in several directions at once:

  1. Eliminates fatigue. This problem is especially relevant in the lower grades of the school, when the lesson has already been going on for 45 minutes, and this time must be sat at the desk. The inability to run and the need to remain silent are unusual for children. Gradually, the child is overcome by drowsiness, and active movements will help him throw off this nap and again carefully perceive the information.
  2. Provides the release of excess energy. Many children become overly active when tired. In this case, too, there is no question of any attentiveness. The child only thinks about how to quickly finish the lesson and run around the school. Physical activity with movements for children will help them become more assiduous.
  3. The development of rhythm, imagination. The child will learn to move to music and play movements, according to the words to draw analogies between lines from poems and possible movements, set the rhythm independently.
  4. Supports the health of the child. In children of primary grades there is a sharp jump in growth, muscles do not have time to develop just as quickly in the absence of the required amount of physical activity. As a result, the muscle corset is not able to hold the spine in the correct position, it curvatures. Physical minutes help maintain and develop muscles.
  5. Warms up. In winter, schools may be too cold for children. Warm up is a kind of disease prevention.

physical education for children with movements spring

In addition, a physical minute for children with movements in English will help to quickly learn a language in an interesting way, poems with a score contribute to the study of mathematics. This approach is relevant in any subject.

How does the physical education help?

Physical activity with movements for children can have several goals:

- relax your eyes;

- relieve tension from the hands;

- relieve general stress;

- Correct posture and speech;

- normalize breathing.

Speech Therapy

physical education for children with movements and music

How are athletic minutes spent? Most imagine a group of children jumping after their teacher. But in fact, this time can be used in many ways. For example, to promote learning to read, to correct speech disorders.

With the help of simple exercises, the child learns to correctly pronounce letters, complex sounds, such as "w-sh", "b-p", "w-s", "v-f", etc. Articulatory motility develops, the child overcomes constraint in the manifestation of their creative abilities, the ability to combine movements with words develops. When diagnosed with a delay in speech development, physical minutes are needed for young children with movement. At the same time, recitatives say rhetoric and rhymes aimed at the development of speech.

Classes develop rhythmic breathing, pace, facial muscles. All this is called in one word - "logic rhythm."

Examples of speech therapy physical education:

  1. Where do you ride, gray goat? Mom screamed. Come running to me soon - crying at the pier. A jump and a gallop jumped a kid. Jumped through the pit. Will never lose her mom again.
  2. WF - buzzing bumblebee buzzing. He knew how to buzz from the cradle. Shhh - a snake hisses. Oh and scary she! B-b-b-e - screaming kid. Mom is calling a calf. Ko-ko-ko - calls for chickens. The farm lives fun.

In addition to pronouncing words, building rhythms, the child remembers many interesting facts about animals, nature, etc.

Fizminutka for eyes

In a literature lesson, primary school students receive a load unusual for the organs of vision. They need a physical minute for children with eye movements. This kneads the eye muscles, promotes relaxation of the organs of vision and prevents vision from falling.

The main tasks of the exercises are to make the child change the distance of the objects in question. For instance:

  • Look, there is a fungus (we look under the legs). All wet from the rain (we raise our eyes to the ceiling) . There, behind a mound in the distance (we put our hand to our eyes and peer into the distance, for example, through a window), a cloud hides in the night.

A few seconds are allocated to each distance. This is how the lens warms up, and the eyes are ready for work again.

Another option of gymnastics is a change in direction of view. Looked left, right, down, up. They painted with their eyes the first letter of their name. We closed our eyes, we count to 5. They opened and quickly blinked.

To perform these movements do not even need to get up.

Hand Physics

When you have to write a lot, your hands begin to hurt very badly from a habit. Rescue physical education for children with movements. Grade 1 becomes a test for children. And if you exclude funny breaks, then all the thirst for knowledge will disappear in the first year of study. In addition, writing with a tired hand is difficult even for adults.

It is necessary to do warm-up brushes in the lessons of writing, mathematics. Just one minute of an active break will help the child continue to write diligently.

Examples of physical notes for hands

  1. Clap-clap-clap your hands (clap your hands). The legs are not tired (we spread our fingers and twist the brushes from side to side). Tired fingers (lower your hands and shake them). As fast as bunnies (we “run” with our fingers on the desk, like spiders).
  2. There’s a hut (we put the handles on the roof), and around it there’s a fence (we spread our fingers apart). The hut is locked on a tight deadbolt (we rub our palms). We knock on the gate (with a fist in the palm of our hand), maybe someone will come (we walk our fingers on the table). And a glass of water (we put our palms in a glass) will bring a drink.

Physical development for speech development

physical education for young children with a recitative movement

Young children still do not know how to express their feelings, thoughts, desires. It is often difficult for them to give a complete answer. Physical activity with movements for children will easily fix this. For this you can drive round dances. Standing in the center selects the responder, throws the ball, thus passing the baton, etc. Subjects can also be selected the most diverse.

So, in a natural science lesson, you can study animals, what sounds they make, where they live. In mathematics, solve easy examples like “2 + 2”. Very useful physical education for children with movements. Spring gives you the opportunity to breathe fresh air and learn the names of trees. Telling poems and asking questions, you can have a great time ten minutes outside.

The only prerequisite in such classes is a complete answer to the question. If it sounds like this: “How does a cow say?”, Then the answer should be like this: “A cow says“ moo ”.”

Physical education for the prevention of posture disorders

musical physical lessons for children with movements

In the period of a sharp jump in growth, a physical minute is necessary for children with movements. Grade 3 is considered one of the adverse periods for the spine. At this age, students do not sit at their desks, stoop. And the weak muscles can not independently maintain the spine in the correct position.

The physical minute should include charging elements, which the kids do not like to do so themselves. The company is more fun and the charging format is very attractive. Musical physical minutes for children with movements will relieve fatigue, and also help to avoid excessive muscle tension in the shoulders and neck.

Example of physical education for the third class:

  1. We stretch our arms to the ceiling, while we rise to the socks.
  2. Tilt your neck left and right, back and forth.
  3. Hands on the waist, perform torso left-right, back and forth.
  4. We put our hands on the lower back with our fists and try hard to bend.

Imagine some exercises in English:

  • Up and down, up and down

    Clap your hands and turn around.

  • Look at the ceiling,

    Look at the door,

    Look at the window,

    Look at the floor.

    Point to the window,

    Point to the door,

    Point to the window,

    Point to the floor.

  • This is a nest for Mr. Bluebird

    (cupped hands, depicting a nest)

    This is a hive for Mrs. Bee

    (put the cams together, depicting a hive)

    This is a hole for funny rabbit

    (connect the fingertips of two hands, depicting the entrance to the rabbit hole)

    And this is a house for me

    (fold your arms with a "house" over your head).

Performing such simple exercises for fun children's songs, it is easy to get rid of fatigue and negativity not only for students, but also for the teacher.

Do I need physicals at home?

It’s not necessary to wait until the physical education musical lessons for children with movements begin to be held at the educational institution. Each parent can have fun activities at home. This option is ideal for children who do not like to do exercises.

physical education for children with movements

You can also independently develop the child’s speech. Physical exercises with movements for children are not able to do any harm, so there is no reason to be afraid to arrange it yourself. And the extra time spent together will bring mother and child closer.

Sports minutes do not necessarily provide relaxation only during class. If a child cleans or simply helps mom in household chores, he also needs a break. Cheerful exercises help to improve the mood of the child, and he will with great pleasure begin to carry out his duties.

At home, the physical minute becomes even more fun. Parents can turn a child’s room into a real jungle in just a couple of minutes: build wigwas from ordinary chairs and bedspreads, and scatter pillows on the floor and get to the goal only through them, as if water splashes around. Crocodiles, snakes and sharks lying on the floor will become real monsters with whom you can fight or look for a way to get around them. And no vines are needed - the imagination of the child will do the trick. You can play a fun little train and ride your child around the house or just jump around the room, like little kangaroos, looking for candy. Unleash your imagination and amuse the baby.

The effectiveness of sports minutes

physical education for children with movements in English

Physical education for children with movements and music is a fun and useful pastime. Such a pause has a beneficial effect on the child’s ability to be attentive, which is proved by many years of experience in schools.

More recently, this practice has been applied by child psychologists, speech therapists, etc. The results were not long in coming. Children with speech retardation and speech impairments achieved high rates. In addition, they become less excitable, tantrums stop, memory develops.

Musical physical minutes for children with movements contributes to the development of many necessary skills in life and learning. Therefore, such pauses are arranged both in kindergartens and in schools. It is worth noting that the warm-up has a positive effect not only on primary children. It can also be used for older children who are tired of the educational process.

And any mother should know that the main thing for a child is attention and warmth. Of course, it is not always possible to devote yourself to the baby. But a couple of minutes of outdoor activities will give the necessary attention and contribute to the development of crumbs.


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