How to make drainage around the house: the easiest and most reliable option

It would seem that after the construction of the house, you can proudly survey your possessions, being fully satisfied with the work done. But you should not rush: until you think about how to properly drain around the house, you do not need to relax. Unfortunately, for some reason, not all owners even remember about it at the construction stage. If you forget about its arrangement, the consequences may not be the most pleasant.

how to make drainage around the house
As you know, the condition of any building depends on the state of its foundation. And atmospheric moisture in the form of rain and snow can affect the foundation, which is easily able to undermine even a quality flooded base in just a few months. And after this, even the appearance of cracks and distortions of the walls is far from the worst of what can happen! That is why a properly designed drainage system for draining water from the walls is so important. And therefore the question of how to properly drain around the house is extremely topical. We will consider the implementation of the "hard" of its variety, made from ordinary and cheap materials.

Firstly, it is necessary to determine what width the ditch for the drainage of water will have . Note that the minimum value is at least half a meter, and preferably 1 meter. However, there is one rule: in any case, the drainage system should extend beyond the roof slope by at least 0.3 m.

how to make drainage around the house
Before making drainage, we dig a trench of the selected width, digging to a depth of at least 0.3 m. We carefully treat the ditch with herbicides, since weed roots have an unpleasant tendency to destroy such structures. We properly cover the bottom with high-quality geotextiles. The stock of material on the side walls of the ditch does not need to be left. Pour a layer of well-washed fine gravel on it.

The layer thickness should be at least 20 cm. After that, we take washed large river sand (or very fine pebbles) and generously pour over the gravel. We carefully ram everything. After doing this work from the walls of the house, we will make an embankment with an angle of inclination of several degrees for a better outflow of water.

If you don’t know how to properly drain around the house, it will not hurt to visit neighbors who have such a system and take a closer look.

Keep in mind that the ditches themselves should have a bias towards the drain, at the end of which it is desirable to place some buried water tank (which can be used for irrigation). If there is such an opportunity, it is possible to withdraw the stock outside the site. Well, since there is a ravine behind your house - it's wonderful!

how to do drainage

After that, you can do the preparation of cement mortar. Mix one part of sand and cement in three parts of water. The resulting mixture is very carefully distributed over the sand, on top of it we put ceramic tile. Do not forget to leave at the edges of the cracks for water drainage. Tapping the tile with an average mallet, we achieve its optimal position and tight adhesion to the surface. At a time, no more than 5-6 tiles should be laid. Since it is very simple to make drainage around the house in this way, you do not need to have special skills in laying tiles.

After this, leave the construction for exactly seven days to dry. After a week, we again prepare the solution (but more liquid), with it we grease the remaining seams between the tiles.

If you were thinking about how to properly drain around the house, then you have found the answer! As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this.


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