Delivery and customs clearance of goods from China: procedure

China today is considered one of the most economically developed countries. His goods arrive in many countries of the world. Russia is no exception. Recently, China and the Russian Federation have been cooperating very actively. A huge amount of goods comes to Russia: from inexpensive everyday things to high-precision expensive equipment. At the same time, products are ordered by both large industrial enterprises and ordinary citizens.

customs clearance of goods from china

When placing orders, it is necessary to solve a number of important issues. You need to find the goods, choose a reliable supplier, conclude the contract correctly. Particular attention should be paid to issues related to the delivery and customs clearance of goods from China. If the goods do not cross the border for some reason, the customer will waste time. In addition, he will need to solve a number of problems. So, if a non-cleared cargo is discovered, the carrier may be detained by the customs service. Let us further consider the features, procedures and procedure for customs clearance of goods from China.

General information

Currently, there are two options for customs clearance of goods from China. The first is a simplified procedure. It is used by persons ordering products for personal use. For entrepreneurs, full customs clearance of goods from China is provided. Goods are cleared for both receipt and dispatch. In addition, today it is possible to apply for clearance of goods remotely. This means that the entity can execute all documents so that the customs clearance of cargo from China is made without his participation. After passing the necessary procedures, he will be sent to the recipient.


Some people send small quantities of goods in order to use the simplified clearance procedure. However, in this case, the risk of not receiving the goods is high. Moreover, such actions are considered illegal and amount to fraud. And for him, domestic legislation establishes criminal punishment.

How to customs cleared cargo from China?

In order for the goods to be sent and received by the addressee, first of all, a customs declaration is drawn up. You can file it yourself. However, experts recommend seeking help from specialized firms that provide customs clearance services from China.

delivery and customs clearance of goods from china

I must say that the design of goods moved across the border is a rather complicated matter. It is necessary to know and understand the intricacies of the procedures, correctly draw up documents. Attracting an experienced qualified specialist is the best way out. Of course, you will have to bear certain costs. But at the same time, cooperation with a knowledgeable person will bring many benefits, and most importantly - will save time and effort. He will help to bring the goods from China with customs clearance, will notify of all actions with the goods.

Features of choosing a broker

Today, quite a lot of companies provide assistance in moving goods. However, it is rather difficult to choose from such a variety of firms. No matter where the customs clearance of goods from China is carried out - in Vladivostok or in Moscow - you need to know what to look for when contacting a broker.

First, you need to evaluate your work experience. More trust, of course, for companies operating in the market for a long time. Equally important are the reviews of other customers about the company. It is advisable that these be partners or counterparties. In addition, you need to check the documentation of the company. The broker must have all the necessary work permits.

the contract

If a citizen or legal entity decides to shift the concerns about the transportation and customs clearance of cargo from China to a broker, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with him. The contract prescribes the essential conditions for cooperation, the procedure, and the conditions for paying remuneration to the intermediary.

bring goods from china with customs clearance

The responsibility of the parties in case of violation of the terms of the contract is mandatory. Recently, as statistics show, there are not many cases of termination of contracts with brokers.

With regard to payment, some companies set a percentage of the value of the goods. Other firms prefer to indicate a fixed amount depending on the complexity of delivery and destination of goods.

Where is the design done?

The main point of customs clearance of goods from China is considered today the city of Vladivostok. Another option is Kazakhstan.

Vladivostok is very close to China. Accordingly, the cost of customs clearance is quite low. However, if the customer spends a little money on customs clearance of cargo from China, then shipping it to its final destination can be very expensive. The cost of transportation will depend on the type of transport, the weight and dimensions of the goods, and other circumstances.

Another option is customs clearance of goods from China to Kazakhstan. This country is a member of the Customs Union. Accordingly, certain preferences are provided for Kazakhstan. The cost of processing goods at the border is quite low. In addition, Kazakhstan is very well located: you won’t have to spend a lot of money on delivering goods from there to Russia.

Many customers prefer customs clearance in Kazakhstan. It is especially convenient to arrange clearance for those who will subsequently forward the goods to the central strip of Russia. If, after arriving in the Russian Federation, the goods are sent to a city in the Far East or the Far North, it is more profitable to carry out customs clearance in Vladivostok.

customs clearance services from china

Required documents

All papers that are required for customs clearance should be prepared in advance. If any document is missing, the customs authority may refuse to issue the goods. Consider the main papers that may be required:

  1. Invoice They call them a special certificate, which contains all the information about the cargo: its composition, cost, features. In addition, the invoice contains information about the seller and the buyer. This certificate is transmitted by the cargo owner after placing the order.
  2. A document in which there is data about which product is in which packaging.
  3. Cargo certificate (if necessary).
  4. Accompanying documents. They indicate information about the destination of the goods, delivery point, recipient.

The information provided by the declarant must be reliable. The customs authority without fail carries out verification of documents. If inaccuracies or false data are detected, the cargo may be delayed. Similar consequences are possible if the absence of any necessary document is detected. The main paper is a declaration.

customs clearance of cargo from china in vladivostok

Registration cost

It depends on various factors. First of all, the cargo parameters matter: weight, volume, dimensions, quantity. Equally important is the cost and type of product. For example, knitwear is easier to customs clearer than high-tech industrial equipment.

The cost of registration also depends on the route and the urgency of delivery. If the goods need to be transported in a short time, then, accordingly, the price of customs clearance will increase.

The cost is affected by the purpose and specificity of the cargo. For example, for the design of medical devices additional documents are needed, and their transportation is carried out according to special rules (it is necessary to ensure the safety of people, take measures to preserve the integrity of packages, etc.).

It is very difficult to name the exact amount of the customs clearance beforehand. The fact is that in each case, certain factors (or their combination) can act. However, there are specialized sites on which you can calculate the approximate cost. In addition, this can be done before concluding an agreement with a customs broker.

Recommendations of specialists

In order to successfully clear the goods and deliver them to their destination in a short time, you need to follow a few simple rules. First of all, you should not contact customs brokers offering their services at low prices. The search for cheap intermediaries can end very poorly, since there is a high risk of contacting scammers. Often the client has to pay twice in such situations.

how to customs cleared cargo from china

Even if the broker complied with the terms of the contract and requested a small fee for this, it is highly likely that customs clearance was not carried out in a completely legal way. It should be said that in case of violations of customs legislation, the customer is responsible.

additional information

Any entity wishing to purchase goods from China must remember that VAT must be paid upon delivery to Russia. In addition, customs legislation provides for duties and duties on the import of products from abroad. The size of payments depends on the category of goods. It is indicated by a special ten-digit code.


They are introduced to protect the domestic manufacturer. Restrictions can be tariff and non-tariff. In the first case, we are talking about increased duties on the import of certain categories of goods. For example, tariff restrictions can be set on foreign cars. It is unprofitable for foreign manufacturers to supply their products, since they will have to pay quite large amounts for this. Another example is vegetables, meat products. High import duties impede foreign shipments. Due to this, the domestic manufacturer is expanding production.

Non-tariff restrictions apply if the volume of imported goods established by the norms is exceeded. Also, for some categories of goods provides additional certification.

customs clearance of goods from china


In general, the procedure for customs clearance of goods imported from China is not accompanied by special difficulties. This country is a long-standing economic partner of Russia, therefore, both sides seek to simplify all customs operations as much as possible. However, certain rules do exist. Evasion of compliance entails liability, firstly, according to the norms of the Customs Union, and secondly, in accordance with the provisions of domestic law.

In order to avoid problems with controlling structures, those engaged in foreign trade activities should contact professional market participants - customs brokers. This is especially true for those business entities that carry out customs clearance for the first time. The main plus of contacting a customs broker is the absence of problems in the preparation of documentation. Specialists know exactly the rules for filling out papers, the requirements for the information contained in them.


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