Weigar, guide (season 6): description, features and reviews

If you want to successfully play League of Legends, then you will need to choose the character that suits you best. At the same time, one should not look at the popularity of one or another hero - far from always the most popular character is the strongest. Rather, it speaks of the simplicity of its development, that is, every novice player can choose this hero, because you can easily figure it out and quickly learn how to play it. But how many people love a character like Weigar?

The guide you are about to read will show you how strong an underrated hero can be in the right hands. You will learn about the features of his skills, and you will also be able to correctly use the pros and be aware of the minuses that, like all other characters, Weigar has. A guide, of course, will not become a book of revelations, that is, you can’t read it and immediately become a master of this hero, you simply recognize it much better and can ease your extremely complex learning process.

weigar guide


What kind of passive skill does Weigar have? A guide always starts with a review of passivation, since it is necessary to disassemble the least details in it - it does not need to be applied, it is always activated. It’s just that some players may not pay attention to it, but the fact that it does not need to be activated every time does not mean that you should forget about it at all. For example, in Weigar, passivation is focused on improving mana recovery, and this indicator depends on how much mana has been spent. The less character is left with it, the faster it will recover. Accordingly, playing for this hero, you should not worry about the fact that you spend a lot of magical power, since the more you spend it, the faster it will return to you. This also needs to be able to use. Only then can you understand how strong Weigar really is. The guide, of course, will not concentrate solely on the passive skill - there are still too many interesting and important data ahead.

weigar guide season 5

Evil blow

The very first active skill of the character can push away novice gamers. What is Weigar able to do with his help? Guide (season 5 of the game) can describe in detail the process of action so that you can understand it and figure out why you really should not think that the skill is weak. So, by activating this ability, you deal damage to two opponents. The damage is magic, not the highest, so many gamers already at this stage decide to look at another character.

But they do not pay attention to the fact that if with this skill the enemy is killed, then one point will be added to the character’s magical power. Moreover, if a siege minion or an enemy hero is killed, then two points will be added at once. Thus, you can from the very beginning of the game, regardless of raising the level of the hero, begin to increase magical power, bringing it to the end of the game to such heights that other magicians can only dream about. This is the character of Weigar. Guide 6 of the season of the game draws more attention to this, but still, without a real test, the majority of players are not able to understand how this skill can make your character strong.

weigar guide season 6

Dark matter

This skill is incredibly strong, it deals a lot of damage not in the enemy, but in space, therefore, one of the most dangerous heroes with a space attack in LoL is Weigar. Hyde, however, is forced to immediately warn that you need to use this skill wisely. The fact is that his animation is a collection of dark matter in the air, and only after that does it fall to the ground and the subsequent damage done. Thus, there is a second delay when the enemies see which area will be hit, and can leave it before the matter collapses. Accordingly, this skill is recommended to be used only when the enemies are under the camp, slowdown or other form of debuff and control. But this is just a recommendation that the Weigar guide gives you. The 6th season of the game has slightly changed the balance of forces, and you yourself can look for options for using this ability.

lol weigar guide

Event horizon

Speaking about the fact that for the use of dark matter you need some form of control, you can clarify that it is not necessary to wait for help from your partners. The fact is that Weigar himself has an excellent skill that allows stunning several enemies at once. Using it, the character creates a pentagonal square, at the intersection of which any enemy will be stunned. Thus, the ideal is the use in which the opponents immediately find themselves on the border of the zone and will be instantly stunned, but you can always drive them inside this zone and use dark matter in the same space. Anyone who decides to wait the duration of this spell will still be under the influence of a powerful attack from the sky, and who decides to escape will receive a camp and still remain vulnerable.

guide on weigar season 6

Big Bang

As for the ult, it is deservedly considered one of the strongest in the game. He acts, unlike many of the abilities of other characters, is quite simple. You attack with the given ability of the selected enemy, and he receives very large damage, but that is not all. The fact is that in addition to this, the enemy also receives damage equal to 80 percent of his magical power. This means that if you use this spell against magicians and other characters with a large supply of magic points, you can inflict incredible damage, instantly destroying even the most powerful hero.

Character pros and cons

This hero is considered by professionals to be one of the most powerful in the game, if you let him develop well and use it correctly. According to reviews, it can inflict incredible magical damage on one target, and seriously harm a group of goals, and also has no problems with the camp of a group of goals. Moreover, he very quickly builds magic points and has an accelerated recovery of mana points. But gamers are advised to pay attention to the minuses, for example, that at the very beginning of the game this character has a very difficult time. Throughout the game, he remains low survivability, which, combined with the lack of escape, significantly complicates your life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7361/

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