The Witcher 3: Cases of State Importance. Walkthrough

The story of Andrzej Sapkowski excitedly fans. Those who read books could calmly accept all the difficulties of the game plot. But those who were too lazy to get acquainted with the work of the writer, had to face shocking events. The article will help you figure out the quest for The Witcher 3: Cases of State Importance. Be careful, there are a lot of spoilers ahead.


It makes no sense to tell the whole third part of the cult series. We just recall what happened in the previous mission, "Now or Never." The story begins with a meeting with Triss. She asks Geralt for help, and he finds her in the house where she rents a room. The witcher appears at the time of the conflict between the girl and the owners of the house. They demand payment from her, although Triss paid the rent a month in advance. Her words do not satisfy them. The main goal of the dispute is the necklace of the girl that Geralt gave her. The fate of this conflict does not affect the plot, but you can save a gift in the way that Geralt always uses - a threat.

the witcher 3 cases of national importance

Triss talks about the reason for her call for help. The city has a real revolt against sorcerers. She gathered everyone she knew and wanted to take them away on a ship to save their life. A couple need to overcome a number of difficulties. But they successfully cope with this. In the port they are waiting for Dijkstra, who has already checked the ship.

Think carefully

Many people know that everything that happens in the story affects the ending of the game “The Witcher 3”. Cases of national importance will wait, but we must find out what virtual destiny has prepared for us.

Before the ship leaves, there are hunters in the port who need to be distracted. Geralt helps Dijkstra. They fight to save the sorcerers. After you need to say goodbye to Merigold. Here you need to think carefully. If you like this girl character, you need to ask her to stay. Although such persuasion will not be effective. The only thing that keeps Triss is the cherished "I love you."

In addition, you must understand that later you will have to refuse Jennifer. And in the epilogue of the game, you can safely wait for Triss at the threshold of your home. By the way, if you decide to confess everyone’s love, at the end Geralt will have to spend his life alone.

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If you are in love with some other girl, then ceremony with Triss is not necessary. Just say goodbye to her. She will thank the witcher and sail away.


If you chose Triss, then later you will have to leave her for a while in the name of saving Tsiri. The red-haired girl will leave earlier, and you have to go through the quest of the game "The Witcher 3": "Cases of national importance." Its passage is connected with the end of the mission "Now or never."

The Witcher notices that he is being guarded by Dijkstra. He has a business for you, and quite delicate. He wants to kill Radovid, whom you met in a previous mission. Geralt may refuse, but Dijkstra insistently asks. Therefore, you can always return to the assignment. You now have access to the mission "Deadly Conspiracy."

What is the point?

The following information, which comes to Geralt, will be decisive for him. The fact is that the mission in the game “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” “Cases of State Importance” is very important. Its outcome will decide the storyline finale. Various events will open before you: participation in the conspiracy, deception of the king, a fight with the royal guard, important political decisions.

the witcher 3 cases of national importance walkthrough

By the way, Dijkstra decided to ask you for help in killing the king after he talked with you in the quest “Darkest Under the Lantern”. It was then that the plan for the murder of this old spy was born.


We set off in search of Dijkstra. A meeting of conspirators is about to happen somewhere, and Geralt needs to be there. On the way, you will have to solve the small task “Damned warehouse”. Just next door is the door where the old villain is hiding. Perhaps this is the perfect place to draw up an insidious plan, distribute roles and conclude an agreement.

You will be waited on the second floor of this building. There, apart from Dijkstra, are Taller and Rocher. They gathered at the call of revenge. But the three of them somehow cannot solve their problems, so they want to drag Geralt into the cause. So begins the plot in the quest of the game “The Witcher 3”: “Cases of State Importance”. We will learn the consequences of it a little later.

Unexpected meeting

So, when everything is assembled, the discussion begins. Dijkstra proposes to trap the evil ruler. Going to ambush a bridge to a temple island. They want to go there under the pretext that Philip is hiding there. The robbers only need to block all possible exits to escape Radovid.

the witcher 3 quest affairs of national importance

Then Geralt notices an owl and begins to guess that someone overheard their plan. But his guesses are immediately confirmed. This is none other than Philip. It turns out that the girl herself is burning with desire to take revenge on the cruel king. She is ready to help the robbers as she can. They take her to their gang.

How to act?

Geralt will have to come to Radovid and entrap him into a trap. But Philip is sure that the Witcher just can't handle it. If he appears with such a statement before the king, then he may not believe him and tear his head down. Therefore, the girl gives Geralt the ring of Wazimir, the father of Radovid. It should be the most important and weighty proof of the veracity of the words of the witcher.

Union help

On the ship Geralt is waiting for Radovid. At first he does not want to believe his words. But Philippa's plan works. The ruler equips the guards, and together they go hunting for the sorceress. Later it turns out that the king decides to go to the bridge on his own, taking security. Geralt will have to die, because, according to Radovid, he knows too much. But on this in the game "The Witcher 3" quest "Cases of national importance does not end there.

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An ambush detachment led by Roche comes to the rescue. Now the main task of the witcher and his conspirators is to fight off the guards and get to the king. In this matter, the main thing is to remember that without Roche and his support, Geralt should not go to the soldiers. Alone, he can lose a lot of health.

The player needs to pay attention to the sign of Igni. It is better to forget about Axius, as there are too many opponents. And remember, you need to be quick and attentive. From everywhere, arrows of crossbowmen fly at us: more often tumbling and dodging.

Inglourious Finale

We are almost close to the finale of the mission The Witcher 3: Cases of State Importance. Here before us is the king, alone against all his enemies. He tries to escape through the doors, but there he is met by a sorceress. Philip blinds the tyrant and kills him. Then it transforms into an owl and disappears instantly.

The witcher with all goes to the place of their gathering. Now they need to celebrate their victory. There Geralt learns from Taller about the alliance between Temeria and Emgyr. Now the state can become independent and peaceful.


You have to find out one more nuance of the quest for the game “The Witcher 3”: “Cases of State Importance”. How to get a positive ending? After all the talk, it turns out that Dijkstra is quite belligerent. He voices his plans, backing them up with a theatrical performance. At the same time, he looks threatening enough for everyone around him, as he boasts of his armed associates.

the witcher 3 matters of state importance consequences

After this monologue, it turns out that the cunning old spy is going to destroy Roche and his soldiers. But Geralt decides not to touch, because he owes the witcher a lot. That is, you can count on the nobility of a spy. Now we need to make a choice on which the future of the state depends.

Difficult choice

So, the ending in the quest for The Witcher 3: Cases of State Importance has three options. In the first, Geralt stands up for Roche. He fights with the fighters and Dijkstra himself. For this, Temeria gains independence, only a small part of the state will go over to the reign of King Nilfgaard.

You can do harder: just leave. Before the player there is a scene where Dijkstra kills Rocher, Taller and Bianca. The result of this decision will be the dependence of Temeria on Nilfgaard. In this case, the old spy will gather under his leadership people and unite the northern kingdoms. He even succeeds in successfully fighting Emgyr, after which the emperor will die at the hands of the opposition.

The third option is to completely forget about the quest “Cases of State Importance” (“The Witcher 3”). Where to get it, you know, but if suddenly the player decided to delve completely into the main plot, then this mission can not be completed. Then Radovid will remain alive.

the witcher 3 wild hunt matters of national importance

Game problems

Unfortunately, after the release of the third part of the game about the witcher, gamers found many bugs. They met in the mission “Cases of State Importance” (“The Witcher 3”). The bug lies in the fact that the quest task after its completion is marked as “passed”, but at the beginning of the next mission it is said that “failed”. There is a problem, but does not affect the game. There is no need to solve it, the ending itself will put everything in its place.

There was another problem when it was impossible to kill Radovid. Some players solved this in some crazy ways, later it seemed to fix the situation, although some gamers still had problems. The main solution to this bug: do not rush to Roche. Better to follow the sorcerers than to run before them.

By the way, some fans of the third part of the game “The Witcher” have found another way to avoid the not very pleasant omissions of the developers. In the quest “Darker than Everything Under the Lantern,” they simply break Dijkstra’s leg. Thus, nothing affects the storyline.


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