Water supply from the well. Autonomous water supply of a country house from a well

Having a country house, I want it to be present, if not all, then at least the main benefits of civilization - plumbing and sewage. To spend water is a very costly, troublesome, and sometimes even impossible business due to natural conditions. In such cases, you can provide the house with water from the well - this is an excellent alternative to the general water supply.

well water supply

Sources of water supply of a country house

There are several ways to ensure water supply to a country house:

1. You can apply life-giving moisture from a central water supply. However, this method can cause problems due to the relatively high cost of work and the small pressure of water from a remote pipeline. It also happens that the central water supply system is simply absent.

2. Water intake from the nearest natural sources - rivers or lakes. If they are absent, then, accordingly, this solution to the problem is also not suitable.

3. The device of the well. With deep passage of artesian waters or certain types of soil, its arrangement will be impossible.

4. The construction of the well. A very acceptable way of autonomous water supply for a country house.

So, for starters, we need to consider all sources of water supply. And only after that choose the one that is most suitable for home ownership. We make the selection based on our budget and environmental conditions.

well water supply

Benefits of watering a house from a well

The well water supply - in comparison with other options for supplying the house with fresh water - has several advantages. Below are some of them:

- Profitability of work. Making your own water supply from the well with your own hands is much cheaper than drilling a well or pulling pipes from a central water supply.

- There is no need to attract special equipment and specialists.

- A well-made well will provide water for many years.

- The supply of water from the well does not require special costs, except for the cost of electricity for the pumps.

- You can equip a well without official papers.

water supply from the well

Choosing a place for a well

First of all, you need to check whether the water is suitable for drinking. For this, it is necessary to take a sample from various nearby wells and take it to the SES. If the quality is confirmed there, then you can determine the place and begin the construction of the well. We bring to your attention several ways to select a site:

1. Focusing on folk signs. For example, where groundwater passes close, the grass is greener and thicker.

2. The old grandfather method using a rod or two aluminum rods.

3. Invite professionals with special equipment.

Before equipping water from a well, it is necessary to take into account the location of cesspools and compost pits, toilets. They should be no closer than 50 m from the water supply. It is also undesirable that the well is located next to the house or cellar, as this can lead to leaching of the soil and a shift in the foundation.

well pumping station

Materials for the well

Well digging is best done in the warm season, from May to September. It is possible to dig a pit manually, removing the earth with the help of a bucket, and mechanically.

In order for the water supply from the well to be of high quality, it is necessary to strengthen the walls of the structure. To do this, you can use concrete rings, wood, brick. The first are considered the most convenient. They prevent the soil from crumbling and best prevent the penetration of water flows from the surface into the tank. The use of large diameter rings subsequently greatly simplifies the cleaning of the well and its maintenance, as well as the installation of pumps. A typical structure consists of 6-7 concrete rings.

At the bottom of the well, it is necessary to make a filter of gravel, which will prevent clouding of the water and the appearance of silt. So that debris from the street does not get inside, and the water remains clean, you need to make a lid. It is recommended to clean the well several times a year.

well water system

Materials and equipment for a water supply system from a well

So, the well is ready. It remains to launch it in operation. And for this it is necessary to understand what constitutes a water supply scheme from a well. Just note that expensive equipment and other components of the entire system are not required. As an economical option, you can use an external pump. However, it should be borne in mind that its effectiveness depends on the distance: the closer the system is from home, the more productive the pumping equipment will function. Materials for arrangement:

1. Installation for lifting water in the form of separate equipment, a pumping station for a well is more common.

2. The storage tank, in other words - the accumulator.

3. Water shutoff valve.

4. Filter system.

5. Pipelines with the necessary shut-off, mixing and distribution fittings.

In order for the water supply system from the well to work efficiently and uninterruptedly, it is necessary to choose the appropriate pipes, preferably made of metal-plastic. Steel or metal elements begin to rust and oxidize over time, in addition, they give water not only an unaesthetic appearance, but also an unpleasant taste.

do-it-yourself water supply

Pump or pumping station

When choosing a pump or pump station for a well, it is important to pay attention to the power of the equipment. If the well is very deep, and the water must be raised to a decent height, then this parameter is very important. For such cases, it is recommended to purchase a centrifugal, self-priming pump. Otherwise, you can do with simpler models. For example, an external pump: it costs less and at the same time provides water from a well up to 10 m away. The mechanism is mounted on a metal-plastic pipe laid in an insulated trench (to prevent freezing in winter). With a close location of the water level in the well, it is recommended to use pumping stations. Diaphragm and submersible do not require the installation of additional water valves, however, this is not always reliable.

Filters, reservoir, valve

The water tank should be made of stainless materials or polymer. Its size depends on which scheme of water supply from the well is selected, and on the needs of the family.

A water shutoff valve is installed to prevent water loss, and also to prevent air from entering the pipeline or pump station, which could damage the system. When choosing, make sure that the filters can be easily replaced.

water supply from the well

The scheme of the water supply from the well

The water supply scheme differs depending on the storage tanks that are used for the uninterrupted flow of water. Water supply from the well includes: a pump, a water tank, a source of water intake, a control unit, pipe routing and control valves. The system tank with a storage tank is installed at the highest point in the house, for example, in the attic. It is carefully insulated to prevent freezing in winter. Water is pumped into the tank and then piped for all domestic needs. The replenishment of the storage tank can be manual and automated.

water sources

Water supply from a well with a water tank is a system with a built-in sealed tank into which water is pumped from below. As the liquid rises in the tank, the air in it is compressed. When the pump shuts off, compressed air provides the necessary pressure, which allows you to maintain a constant pressure in the system, and this is a very important factor for the operation of some household appliances. The homeowner will have to install an automatic water supply. This is achieved by installing special equipment that connects to the pump and regulates its on and off.

With proper arrangement, water supply in the winter period does not require special precautions. In the well, as well as in the soil, the temperature is always above zero. The main thing to do is to correctly calculate the depth of the pipe outlet and its laying in the trench. If necessary, it will be possible to insulate the part of the well above the ground, as well as the pipes themselves. A properly designed and installed water supply system from a well will last for a long time, providing the right amount of water for everyone living in the house.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7378/

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