Weimaraner hunting dog: breed description, character, reviews, photos

The Weimaraner dog (Weimar Pointing Dog or Marriage) has rightfully earned its unusual nickname - “Silver Ghost”. Its elegant appearance and beautiful color will not leave you indifferent. Weimaraner (description of the breed is presented in the article) is of two subspecies - smooth-haired and long-haired.

The first version of the breed

It is believed that the first mention of dogs with unusual silver coat appeared in the XIII century. According to old documents, at the court of the French king Louis IX of Saint there were animals such as the Weimaraner. Description of the breed is contained in the manuscript of Count Gaston de Foix, entitled "The Book of the Hunt." It is thanks to her that this breed of dog has gained so much popularity in European countries.

It is worth noting that there are many other versions of the emergence of Weimaraners, according to one of which their ancestors were European marriages, crossed with Ulm blue Great Dane. The name of the breed appeared relatively recently - in the XIX century. He is associated with the German city of Weimar, where these animals were allegedly bred. Over time, dogs became participants in specialized exhibitions, which were presented as a cross, and since 1896 already as an independent and officially registered breed.

Initially, these animals were used for hunting wild boars, deer and bears. However, a little later they began to gradually accustom to the production of birds. Interestingly, at all times, the weimaraner (photo below) was considered an elite dog that accompanied its high-ranking master everywhere. Perhaps it was precisely this fact that left an indelible imprint on the character of their contemporary representatives.

Weimaraner photo

The second version of the emergence of weimaraners

In fact, it is not known for certain how and when these dogs appeared, but there is no doubt that such animals were present at the German court of Karl Augustus, Duke of Weimar in the 19th century. They say that the nobleman himself dreamed of creating a new universal hunting breed, which would be distinguished by endurance, courage, lightning-fast reaction and selfless devotion to his master.

Seeing the almost cat-like grace of a dog, suddenly turning into a swift throw towards its victim, German hunters called it the “Silver Ghost”. Subsequently, in Weimar for a long time these amazing animals were named that way.

Weimaraner breed description

Registration of a new breed

It is known that these dogs got their name back in the 1850s. The official birthday of the Weimaraner is considered to be the 1890th, when the first studbook appeared. Weimar hunters immediately engaged in their selection, who, as usual, prepared dogs for work on the beast.

The long-haired Weimaraner, who was born from smooth-haired parents, until 1935 was considered a tribal culling and was excluded from breeding. This went on until the famous Austrian writer Ludwig von Merey liked the dog. Soon after, long-haired individuals were nevertheless included in the standard, and several enthusiasts engaged in their breeding.

Longhaired weimaraner

Weimaraner: breed description

As already mentioned, the fur in these animals can be long or short. In long-haired individuals, the hair is very soft, slightly wavy or straight. On the legs, ears and tail, the hair is always of different lengths. In smooth-haired dogs, the hair is quite stiff and tight to the body. Interestingly, the undercoat may not be present in either one or the other subspecies. The color of representatives of this breed can vary from thick to silver, while the hair on the head and ears is often lighter than on the rest of the body, and there are white spots on the fingers and chest.

Weimaraner puppies are born with sky blue eyes, however, as they grow older, the color changes to dark or light amber shades. The ears are wide and long with rounded bottom. The head of these dogs is proportional to the body, and between the eyes there is a pronounced groove. The muzzle is angular and elongated. There is a hump on the nose, and the lobe itself is gray-black.

The neck of the Weimaraner is graceful and long, smoothly turning into a distinct withers. The chest is deep and wide. The back is quite strong and long. The stomach is a little tightened. Paws are strong with well-developed ligaments. They should be parallel, since bulldog set-up is not allowed. The tail is long and set low.

As for the parameters, these dogs can be either large or medium-sized, with the height at the withers almost equal to the length of her body. According to generally accepted standards, male growth should be between 59-70, bitches - 57-65 cm, and weight respectively 30-40 and 25-35 kg.

Weimaraner dog


It is difficult to find a more sociable and active dog than a weimaraner. The description of the breed would be incomplete, if not to say that it gets along well not only with young children, but also with other animals. However, do not forget that some individuals are sometimes too persistent and stubborn. Such animals will require from their master a certain experience of keeping and special attention to their upbringing.

Given the fact that the Weimaraners have been living with people for quite some time, we are not talking about any aggression in this case. Judging by numerous reviews, despite its friendliness, this dog does not trust outsiders and, if necessary, will be able to protect its owner.

Weimaraner price


Weimaraner refers to those animals that love space and can hardly tolerate the cramped small apartments. For him, the ideal option is a private house, in the courtyard or garden of which he would be able to frolic as much as possible, and in bad weather and stay at home for the night. It is known that representatives of the shorthair breed species often freeze in the winter, so it is best for them to stay next to their beloved owner.

Having decided to get such a dog for yourself, you need to know that it just needs regular and increased physical activity in the form of hunting, all kinds of games, etc. Such training has a good effect on both the pet’s health and its emotional state. In addition, the more often the dog communicates with the owner, the more it becomes kinder and more affectionate.

The long-haired weimaraner (photo above) needs daily combing, as well as water procedures, which are usually carried out no more than once every two to three months. For the care of short-haired dogs, there are special rubber brushes or gloves with which they remove dirt after the next walk, as well as dead skin particles. In addition, like other breeds, weimaraners need to wash their eyes from time to time, brush their ears and teeth, and sometimes cut their claws.

Weimaraner puppies


Representatives of this breed live on average about 11 years. Weimaraners are generally distinguished by good health and can never get sick in their entire lives. But alas, there are exceptions to the rules.

Dogs can be susceptible to diseases such as mastocytoma, inversion of the intestines or eyelids, fibrosarcoma, demodicosis, distichiasis, melanoma, cryptorchidism, corneal dystrophy, interdigital dermatitis, hip dysplasia, degenerative myelopathy.

But do not despair, as the risk of disease can be significantly reduced if you love your pet and take care of it correctly, as well as do all the necessary vaccinations on time and regularly visit a veterinary clinic.


The cost of dogs of this breed can range from 5-75 thousand rubles, depending on the status of the seller. A purebred Weimaraner, the price of which is 40 thousand or more, can be purchased in a good nursery. If the future owner plans to make an exhibition champion out of his favorite, then the animal will cost him no less than 60 thousand rubles.

In the case when you just need a cheerful and friendly companion for the family, it can be purchased at half price. There is also a budget option - to buy Weimaraner puppies from hand. Sellers usually ask for them from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. These are the prices of animals of this breed throughout Russia, but as for the capital, here they are much higher.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7384/

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