Legislative system

The system of legislation is interconnected legal acts that have legal force, as well as internal unity and coherence. Their adoption proceeds from the need to solve various state tasks.

The legislative system classifies and systematizes legal material in order to ensure access to it, as well as for ease of use by entities. Streamlining regulatory documents allows you to bring them into an agreed single system.

Legislative documents include the totality of legal acts. The legislative system classifies them by the sector of regulation of relations in society and by the degree of legal force. The first subgroup includes acts under civil, family and labor law. Legal acts varying in legal force include documents signed by the head of state, as well as other decrees, decrees, etc.

The system of legislation at the federal level contains the Constitution of Russia, legal acts issued by federal bodies, and treaties of the international level, of which the Russian Federation is one of the participants.

The subjects of the country have their own constitutions, charters and other legal and regulatory documents. They form their own order. The totality of normative acts of the federal level and entities is a system of legislation of the Russian Federation.

An ordered system of legal documents is objective in nature. The content of the entire legislative system is determined by the social and material level of social life. The state through the publication of legal documents solves certain problems that arise at each specific stage of its historical development. The aggregate system of legislative acts is not only their streamlining. She is quite organic. One of the priority areas expressing the peculiarity of the legislation of Russia is the creation of regulatory documents. The basis for them is the previously adopted concepts, which are a reflection of the country's position in the world community, as well as its international experience.

The foundation of the legislative system are normative legal acts. These documents draw up decisions of a body authorized by the state. The legal degree of an act is determined by its external form. On this basis, a hierarchy of documents is built, the basis of which is the country's constitution.

The consistency of legislative acts indicates the effectiveness of regulation of relations in the public sphere, and is also an indicator of the quality of legal work. The ordering of documents is in constant dynamics, which is due to both objective and subjective factors. The state follows the trends in the development of society and makes them mandatory, while adhering to its interests.

In the sphere of production relations, the system of labor legislation plays the leading role . It is a combination of those legal acts that are aimed at regulating relations between the employer and employees. Legislative documents on labor are:

- constitutions, as well as federal and local laws;

- international legal acts relating to those labor relations that have been ratified by the state;

- decrees issued by the President of the Russian Federation, designed to further protect the right to work;

- various decisions concerning labor issues signed by the Government of the Russian Federation;

- acts of the federal level;

- legal regulatory documents published by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

- acts at the local government level;

- agreements governing social and labor relations;

- Collective agreements, as well as various local regulatory legal acts of business entities.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7385/

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