Funny sayings and funny aphorisms

Since ancient times, people have used the wise sayings of prominent representatives of humanity to express their opinion and give it great weight. And it does not matter whether the name of the author is known or the aphorism belongs to folk wisdom. Funny sayings are particularly popular . After all, they help not only to express their attitude to something, but also to shine with a sense of humor.

Men about women

With the advent of social networks on the Internet, a real battle of the sexes has begun. Women are looking for interesting statuses to show their attitude to the universe and men in particular. And the stronger sex uses funny sayings as a weapon to counter this.

Funny sayings

  • If the statement that men and women are from different planets is true, then the first contact with aliens has already taken place.
  • Men love women with the past because they hope the story repeats itself.
  • If the offended wife pauses for a long time, be prepared for a long monologue. If the husband holds a pause for a long time, it means that he is simply not allowed to say. (The laws of family drama).
  • I taste too bad for your beauty.
  • Engage in searching for yourself, then the husband will be found.
  • A man who does not know the value of his time shamelessly spends someone else's.
  • Do you want the last word left in the dispute? Tell your opponent that you agree with his opinion.
  • One way or another, we all pay for sex, but only corrupt women honestly call the price.
  • Missed your happiness? Do not be discouraged, there is a lot of nobody around.
  • Marriage is an eternal struggle of harassment and malaise.
  • An intelligent woman is often a threat to her husband’s reputation. The stupid only endangers herself.
    Funny aphorisms and sayings

Female funny sayings

The best half of humanity also perfectly manipulates aphorisms. Women can use them to both laugh at themselves and point out to men their mistakes.

  • Real men do not shy - they doubt it.
  • When the eagles are silent, parrots are chatting.
  • It is easy to say, “I will die for your sake” when there is no need for such a sacrifice.
  • Women never lie! They just have a girl’s memory first, and then sclerosis.
  • With a good wife, a man can become a man.
  • Funny statements about blondes are composed in lonely evenings by scary brunettes.
  • If fate hit the forehead, then the kick in the ass didn’t work.
  • Better to be a young grandmother than an old girl.
  • The truth should be presented carefully, as a dish of the author’s cuisine, and not dumped, like fresh fish on Privoz.
  • Female friendship is only a suspension of hostilities.
  • It’s nothing, that the wind is in my head, but the ideas are always fresh.
  • Some men resemble clouds when they leave to become brighter.
  • My preferences are simple - satisfied with the best.
  • The only medicine that brings a woman more good than harm is a new dress.

Ridiculous, funny saying

Funny aphorisms and sayings on common topics

  • Do not argue with a fool. After all, a dispute is an exchange of thoughts, and stupidity is contagious.
  • Every company has a dumb friend. If yours is not, then it is you.
  • The deeper the crisis in the country, the more television shows about the supernatural.
  • There is no fair wind in the head.
  • Education should not be obtained for the crust, but for the cerebral cortex.
  • Spit back means you go ahead.
  • A person sometimes must be able to laugh at himself, otherwise he will go crazy. But unfortunately, few people know about it, so there are so many crazy people in the world.
  • The worm of doubt usually eats all the fruits of thought.
  • If a negative result is also a result, then we have a very productive country.
  • Corruptionists always do everything for the good of their homeland. The only question is for whose.
  • The trouble with the world is that fools are self-confident and intellectuals are full of doubts.
  • In politics, stupidity is not an obstacle.
    Ridiculous utterances

Pearls of the powerful

It so happens that an absurd, ridiculous statement, once torn from the lips of a politician, is remembered more than all his activities.

  • We have enough people who, as they say, are not friends with their heads.
  • As they say, to feel with your own eyes and see for yourself.
  • I approached people from your Cabinet and asked who they were by profession. It turned out that somewhere a gynecologist works, somewhere a plumber. (V. Yanukovych).
  • Condoleezza Rice is as simple a Texas girl as I am.
  • As a child, I dreamed of becoming an astronaut, but I had to study a lot, so I became president.
  • Only we, the great American people, could send a lunar rover to Mars! (George W. Bush).


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