The best varieties of gooseberries for Moscow region: description, growing characteristics and reviews

Gooseberries are cultivated in Russia in almost all regions. But if you think that this tasty and healthy berry has always grown in our gardens, then you are mistaken. This shrub is a native of Africa, but is found in natural conditions in the forests of Asia, the Caucasus, and America.

This berry was first mentioned several centuries ago. Then in Russia it was considered outlandish, but very tasty. Very quickly, the bush became popular - the most prosperous people wanted to get it in their gardens, and breeders began and continue to work to develop interesting new varieties.

the best varieties of gooseberries for Moscow region

The plant is one of the main berry bushes, due to the high content of sugars, vitamins and acids in its fruits. Many people like fresh gooseberry berries, and also use them for making jam, jams, marmalades and even wine. As you know, the gooseberry (the best varieties for the Moscow region) will become the hero of our article. Caring for them has some features, which we will also talk about. You will learn about the features of planting and caring for this plant, get acquainted with the reviews of experienced gardeners.

Gooseberry for Moscow region: features of varieties

Breeders claim that today more than one and a half thousand varieties of this plant are bred. Gooseberries are cultivated in many temperate countries. Gardeners know that the main and perhaps the only drawback of this culture is thorns on the bushes. They greatly complicate the harvest and care of the bushes.

But in recent years, breeders have made a breakthrough: they were able to get the best varieties of gooseberries for the Moscow region, which completely lack thorns. Very quickly, such forms became in demand in private gardening. However, if you are interested in which gooseberry varieties are best for the Moscow Region, you should consider the purpose of using the crop.

gooseberry varieties are the best varieties for Moscow region

The climate in the suburbs has its own characteristics. Winter is long, and in summer the number of warm and sunny days is often insufficient for ripening berries. Therefore, the best gooseberry varieties for the Moscow Region should be winter-resistant with a developed root system, which adapt well to the rapid change in weather conditions that tolerate gusty and strong winds.

Non-bearing varieties

Since the best varieties of gooseberries without thorns for the Moscow Region are especially in demand among gardeners, we will begin our acquaintance with them.


The variety differs in round berries with a sweet and sour taste, collected in tassels. It is also used as a raw material for winter blanks. The variety is cultivated for winters near Moscow.


The best gooseberry varieties for the Moscow Region often have an unusual appearance. For example, "pear" has a single, almost imperceptible spikes. The berries, collected in a brush in two pieces, have a pear-shaped deep dark purple color, have a pleasant taste and have many seeds. The variety is very rich in pectin.

the best varieties of gooseberries without thorns for the Moscow region

"Northern Captain"

Probably not everyone knows that this berry is used in winemaking. For this, a special gooseberry (variety) is used. The best varieties for the suburbs do not always have a great taste. However, they are ideal for wine production. An example of this is the "northern captain."

The oval berries have an almost black tint and a barely noticeable waxy coating. They gather in brushes in three pieces. The variety is high-yielding, acclimatizes well to the conditions of the Moscow region, is not affected by fungal diseases.

Ural Shipless

Some of the best varieties for the Moscow Region are ideal for fresh consumption. Ural Shipless has a bright dessert sweetish taste with a slight sourness. This variety forms strong and tall bushes with light green rather large fruits. Gooseberries are resistant to many diseases, including powdery mildew.

what varieties of gooseberries are best planted in the suburbs

Large-fruited varieties

Large gooseberry berries attract gardeners not only in appearance. As a rule, they have excellent taste, and in addition, they are convenient when harvesting.

Russian yellow

The best varieties of gooseberries for Moscow region are successfully used in the northern regions of our country. Bushes of medium size in height and density, with thin and small spines. The weight of berries can reach six grams. The fruits are colored in burgundy, have a sweet and tart taste with a slight acidity.

the best varieties of gooseberries for Moscow region reviews

The variety gives a high yield, it is unpretentious. The only thing he requires during the first years after planting is the formation of a bush.

"Belarusian Sugar"

For gardeners with small areas, the size of the bushes is important. They need a special gooseberry (varieties). The best varieties for the suburbs of this type are characterized by squat and compact sizes. “Belarusian sugar” corresponds to just such characteristics.

This variety is frost-resistant and begins to bear fruit early. Shoots with oblong and sharp spikes. The berries are large (9 g), painted green, with a rich sweet taste. This variety is undemanding in care and resistant to disease.

what varieties of gooseberries are best planted in the suburbs


The new development of the English breeders, which was obtained after crossing the varieties "Vinhams Industry", "Kipsake" and "resistant." The bush is sprawling, vigorous, forms numerous shoots covered with spikes.

The leaves are small, having a light green color. Fruits are medium, sometimes even small. Interestingly, berries of different sizes appear on one brush. This variety is in many respects similar to “Russian yellow”, however, after ripening the berries, the skin becomes yellowish-green. The fruits ripen in mid-July.

"Gingerbread Man"

If you are interested in which varieties of gooseberries are best planted in the suburbs, we recommend that you pay attention to the "bun." It forms fairly tall and fast-growing bushes. Shoots with small and thin spikes. The berries are round, their weight reaches eight grams. They are painted in dark cherry color.

The pulp tastes good, the skin has a slightly tart aftertaste. The main advantages of this variety are resistance to fungal diseases and high productivity. Bushes need regular pruning, which increases productivity.

gooseberries the best varieties for Moscow region care


The best varieties for the suburbs often have an unusual bush shape. For example, "hinomaki" - a bush of rounded shape, medium height. Numerous shoots are arcuate, thin, covered with spikes. Berries ripen in early July. They are rounded, have a rich red color, small size. The surface is slightly downy.

The pulp has a sweet and sour taste. Ripened gooseberries are stored on the bush for a long time. This variety is winter-hardy, and therefore suitable for the suburbs. It is resistant to powdery mildew.

the best varieties of gooseberries for Moscow region


This variety of Ukrainian selection is characterized by an early ripening period. The bush is slightly sprawling, vigorous with straight shoots. The berries are round-oval, large. Peel of medium thickness, strong, slightly pubescent. The pulp has a dessert flavor.

According to gardeners, this is one of the best varieties for the Moscow region. It is characterized by high winter hardiness, productivity, and resistance to Septoria. The ripened fruits are retained on the bushes for a long time, do not crumble and do not fade, and do not lose their taste.


And this is the result of the work of German breeders. The bush is medium sized with thin and long shoots. The fruits are medium (about 5 g), slightly elongated, dense, oval in shape, dark red in color, undescended, matte. The berries are very fragrant with a sweet and sour taste. Productivity is high and stable.

Gooseberry Planting

Experts recommend planting gooseberries in the fall - in this case, the bushes will have time to grow and strengthen the root system before persistent colds, and in the spring they will quickly grow. But if you do not have time to plant the purchased seedlings before the frost, then you can do this in the spring. The plant will winter well in a cool room, in wet paper or in a pot.

What varieties of gooseberries are better for Moscow region

For planting, choose a sunny place where groundwater does not pass too close to the surface. The composition of the soil gooseberries are not too picky. Suitable for him:

  • clayey;
  • sandy;
  • sandy loam;
  • loamy soils.

When planting, it is important that the root neck is deepened and covered with soil by a few centimeters, otherwise you may lose the plant already in the first winter. The roots must be well spread, they should not be creases and bends. After planting, mulch the seedlings with a thick layer of peat or fallen leaves, then cut the shoots in half.

gooseberry varieties are the best varieties for Moscow region

Plant care

Gooseberries must be taken care of from the first spring. Before the snow melts, spray the bushes with boiling water using a spray gun. You will not harm the plant, but pests will not bother you for almost the entire season.

With the onset of spring heat, make a little dung infusion under each bush, after loosening the soil beforehand. Refresh the mulch layer, which will retain moisture in the summer and reduce the amount of fertilizing. The fact is that drought can completely deprive you of the crop, so do not allow the soil to dry out.

Gardeners do not recommend using a hose for watering, the plant should be watered under each bush with warm water. In the autumn, you need to carry out another feeding. For this, an infusion of mullein is suitable. After this procedure, next year the bushes will delight you with active flowering and a large harvest of your favorite berries.


Gooseberries need autumn pruning. Old shoots should be cut completely, making room for green new twigs. If this is not done, in a few years gooseberries will become a neglected plant with a small number of small and tasteless berries.

The best varieties of gooseberries for Moscow region: reviews of gardeners

Most lovers of these delicious and fragrant berries from the suburbs note that they do not lack varieties suitable for cultivation in this region. The main difference between the above varieties is frost resistance and high productivity. In addition, caring for them will not be difficult even for beginner gardeners.


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