Flower of rare beauty - Versilia rose

Today, breeders from different parts of the world have created many different varieties of roses, each of which is unusual and interesting in its own way. Hybrid Tea Rose Versilia has a rather rare, delicate peach color of the petals.

Variety of rose Versilia
Soft pinks and warm orange shades that flow seamlessly into each other add extra charm to these exquisite and elegant colors.

Appearance story

The Hybrid Tea Rose Versilia was bred in the south of France by NIRP International in 1996. It received its name in honor of the city of Versailles, where in the old days the royal residence of the French monarchs was located. Today it is one of the suburbs of Paris.

Rosa Versilia: Description

With a well-chosen planting location and proper care, this flower throughout the season will delight you with its abundant flowering. Timely removal of faded roses will stimulate the appearance of new buds. Quite compact rose bushes of the Versilia variety - upright, strong and branched - can grow up to 120 cm in height and grow up to 70 cm wide. The shiny and glossy leaves of this plant are painted in a deep dark green color, and there are a small number of thorns on the shoots . In spring, it is recommended to cut the shoots by one third. Breeders said that up to -15 Β° C Versilia can winter without shelter, but in our conditions it is better to cover it, like rose bushes of other varieties.

Rosa Versilia Description
It is quite resistant to such "chronic" diseases as powdery mildew and black spotting. Additional measures to prevent plant damage to these diseases should be taken with prolonged exposure to adverse weather factors.

Flower features

Rosa Versilia is perfect for decorating the garden, as well as for cutting. On the strong and stable shoots of this plant, large goblet buds of a classical form are formed, which have a rather strong and pleasant aroma. As a rule, one bud is formed on each stem, but sometimes it grows to five. These flowers of medium terry have a flat center surrounded by 30–40 petals. The inner petals are painted in delicate pink-peach, and the outer ones are cream-milk colors. The diameter of the buds reaches 12 cm.

Rosa Versilia
When grown in open ground, the timing of the onset of flowering depends on weather conditions, but usually it starts from mid-June and lasts until the first autumn cold. The flowers are quite resistant to wind and moisture and do not lose their attractiveness even after rain.

When and where to plant?

Rosa Versilia, like any other tea hybrid, prefers to grow in sunny, protected from strong winds, but nevertheless ventilated, places. The root system of the queen of flowers is sensitive to waterlogging, so if possible it should be planted where the groundwater is deep. In the southern regions, experts recommend planting rose seedlings in the fall, but in the conditions of our middle strip it is best to place them in open ground at the end of spring, after the soil has warmed up.

Preparation for landing

By the time of planting of young plants in open ground, the soil should be warm enough so that the root system can adapt and actively develop. When choosing a place where you plan to plant a pink seedling, it is important to remember that there should be at least half a meter from any stationary object: a fence, walls of houses or outbuildings. This is important, since non-observance of such a distance can lead to overheating and overdrying of the root system. It is better to plant the Versilia rose variety from other plants, maintaining a distance of 30-60 cm.

Preparing the landing pit:

  1. Dig a hole about 60 cm deep.
  2. To plant one seedling, we mix half a bucket of pre-cooked rotted compost or cow manure with garden soil and half-fill the prepared landing pit with it.
  3. Well spill water.

Planted in the ground

Before planting in open ground, the seedling can be immersed in water for several hours so that the root system is saturated with water. Then, having examined the plant, very long or damaged roots should be removed. We straighten the roots and lower the plant into the hole, deepening the place of inoculation by a couple of centimeters. We fill the hole with a pre-prepared mixture of manure or humus with garden soil and compactly compact the soil so that there are no air layers at the roots. Around the seedling we form a roller from the ground, so that during further irrigation, the water remains in the root zone. The planted plant should be abundantly poured under the root with warm water and covered with a film or a cut plastic bottle.

Rose bushes
A warm and humid environment under such a shelter contributes to better rooting, and in the event of a cold snap or return frost with a rose, nothing will happen.

Watering and feeding

Hybrid tea roses, including Versilia varieties, need to be watered infrequently, about once a week, but abundantly. In conditions of abnormal heat, you can do this more often, making sure that the soil dries to a depth of 7-8 cm. In autumn, the frequency of watering is reduced by spilling rose bushes once every two weeks.

You need to fertilize the queen of flowers quite often - 4–5 times per season. You can use special mineral complexes for roses or universal fertilizers for flowering plants. The plant responds very well to the application of organic fertilizers, namely rotted manure. Experts recommend making it as part of the mixture. To do this, pour one part of the mullein with three parts of water, add 1/2 tablespoon (15 g) of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. The resulting mixture is allowed to stand for about two weeks, after which 1 part of it is diluted in 10 water and watered with a solution of rose bushes. To do this, they dig out special circular furrows at a distance of 30–35 cm from the plant, first they spill abundantly with water, and then the prepared liquid fertilizer is poured.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7396/

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